I thought people were fat because of capitalism
I think you look just fine Don.
mcrib is literally back
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my weight always fluctuates quite radically. my diet is very similar to khamsek's. though i'd always eat big meals i'm just very likely to skip a meal or two a day and then just eat microwaved popcorn and go to bed.


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fat people should be shot in the back of the head, mulched in a giant industrial grinder, and used to feed livestock and fertilise the fields in drought-stricken countries
khamsek hasn't left Willesden Best Grill in three weeks

discipline posted:

I lost a lot of weight while sitting around, smoking pot and eating ice cream. secret is to stop drinking alcohol and soda.

yeah, that's true because beer is a really shitty drug

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who was that lf poster who looks like a hairy orange who just underwent chemotherapy? alternatively fuzzy redheaded egg.

txn i think.

discipline posted:

deadken posted:

khamsek hasn't left Willesden Best Grill in three weeks

it's ok I had a burger once and they seem nice. btw it's been five weeks since I left Willesden Best Grill

ive never been there once lol

there used to be a cool restaurant called shish where that foxton's is now where they did fancy kebabs and 'silk road cuisine'. no longer. rip
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2 quid for a burger? someones clearly never had a rustlers from costcutter
when do you go back 2 america
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discipline posted:

no my diet consists of tesco meal deals including monster munch, one coke a day, lots of tea a nd then some sort of microwave dinner

lol you buy coca cola products, why don't you just take a flight to South America and shoot labor leaders there yourself? you know, cut out the middle man.

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discipline posted:

please don't poor shame me for easy calories + caffeine to help ignore the hunger

"poor shame" is something invented by twitter slacktivists to allow them to consume whatever they please with the thin justification that "they're poor." hmm, i could buy some pepsi... but it's so expensive! instead i will just drink baby blood. don't shame me!

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technically, a person isn't poor when they have wealthy parents who will give them money at the drop of a phone call if they get in dire straits. it's more aptly called asceticism, imo
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i don't "read" anything

discipline posted:

reminder that if you have seconds it is like having two dinners

who the fuck needs a reminder for that

also khamsek why dont u just live on dal and rice. take bus to Southall with suitcase in tow, bulk buy enormous bags thereof. it will last you roughly six months. if spices are too expensive my mum can mail you a big bag of masala
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