aerdil posted:
Nice Clan Jade Falcon 'tar there
Meursault posted:JCaesar had sex w Classy Lassie in the back of a jeep and then stalked her or something
I think he drunk texted her then came over to her place and she fell asleep and woke up to him calling her pretty girl and running his hands through her hair or something, it's the "I'm gonna barf Jarin" thing
also he had on a fedora and a flame shirt? p sure her version did not include any s-e-x
getfiscal posted:
aerdil posted:
i take back anything bad i ever said about mccain this owns so much
The_Schliski posted:aerdil posted:
Nice Clan Jade Falcon 'tar there
Meursault posted:JCaesar had sex w Classy Lassie in the back of a jeep and then stalked her or something
I think he drunk texted her then came over to her place and she fell asleep and woke up to him calling her pretty girl and running his hands through her hair or something, it's the "I'm gonna barf Jarin" thing
also he had on a fedora and a flame shirt? p sure her version did not include any s-e-x
that was another goon. the jeep story and the creep guy who drew her while she was sleeping are two distinct stories
AmericanNazbro posted:that was another goon. the jeep story and the creep guy who drew her while she was sleeping are two distinct stories
oh ok
well, it's better than the iranian movie.
Edited by Transient_Grace ()
discipline posted:I wonder if he was trying to fight or something or if he died of a heart attack coz it's pretty weird that he's the only casualty when they burned down the whole freaking consulate in benghazi
yeah this is bizarre, any bets he was trying to stupid something stupidheroic?
Transient_Grace posted:discipline posted:I wonder if he was trying to fight or something or if he died of a heart attack coz it's pretty weird that he's the only casualty when they burned down the whole freaking consulate in benghazi
yeah this is bizarre, any bets he was trying to stupid something
sleeping under his desk after a marathon all night session of camgirls, froyo and spaceship games
In my short year playing, the one thing I had learned was that the Goonswarm Federation were invariably always labled the "bad guys." However I leapt on the chance to join TNT so that I could feel that excitement of living amongst a large alliance in the depths of null space. My only worry was the CFC, the so-called bad guys, and what that might do to my reputation in New Eden. But today I witnessed something that not only deeply effected those who knew him personally, but effected our entire coalition as a result.
I did not know Vile personally. I wish I had. People tell me stories of his enjoyment of shooting blues and such. Tonight as a member of the inner circle, the Waffe itself, snidely shot his mouth off about the death of a comrade, I came to understand something that most outsiders of the CFC would never be able to experience unless they were there. As Octavious Delance's ratting carrier was doused in the purging fire of his own hubris, I came to realize that these individuals I fly nightly with, they are not the bad guys. They are my brothers. That even in death, these men and women would stand by my spectral being and stand forward in my name.
Vile Rat, I never knew you. I never had the pleasure. But while in this life you stood and lost your life in the face of adversity, you will be remembered by all. It is the next life that awaits you now. I hope it is a life filled with drake blobs, Das Uber Boots, and grids upon grids of blues, blues to target and destroy with your never-ending cargo hold of ammunition. Shoot Blues Erryday for eternity my friend.
To your wife and children, know that the love of thousands of video game nerds, the world over, fall to your shoulders. While I know the loss of those loved, nothing will bring his love back to you, and it hurts beyond anything mankind can experience. But you have us, and as we demonstrated tonight to Mr. Delance, we fight forever in Vile's name.
To my CFC brothers, I love you all. You have shown me that living in New Eden is not as harsh as I once thought. Thank you for breathing new life into EVE for me tonight. You are not the "bad guys", but rather brother-in-arms. Brothers, who in the face of adversity, stand united. To our unity, to Vile and his family, to all those others lost in the "cliff" of EVE........I love you all. Until you jump on grid with me and are neutral. After all rules are rules and NBSI is a pretty important rule. Goodnight New Eden, and may your prayers to Vile's family never fade.
And last, but not least, for you Mittens...let his fire forever burn in your soul. My condolences brother, and know that we are all here with you. Anything you need brother, anything you need.
i love Rowan.
the beauty of the nature of orthodox and hassidic judaism is its near infinite hierarchy of appeals to authority, basically when the first two talmudic volumes were canonized in the 5-6th centuries ad the generation of rabbis already had a polemic culture based on ancestral veneration. moreover, reminder that the talmud is about as accesible to the average jew as the latin vulgate was to the average european savant, even if they could read the mishmash of ancient aramaic, hebrew, yidish and arabic found in the various halachatic tomes over the years they would still face a daunting task of trying to come up with definitive answers out of tens of thousands of pages written by rabbis who constantly reinterpreted previous generations mostly through the telling of asinine parables. So it's harder to say definitive things about talmudic judaism as it is about islam.
Meimoneidis actually says that a rapist should wed his rape victim if he wishes to rape her again, it doesn't really confer any agency to the victim. Deutronomy however claims that if a jewish maiden is raped by a jewish men he must wed her and compensate her parents. Meimoneidis also thinks that gentile women who are over 3 years of age who fornicate with jewish men are temptresses who had best be killed.
gyrofry posted:it's anti-semitic to point out the existence of the talmud
aerdil posted:eh, i think i'm going to stop making aisha jokes, goatstein and cycloneboy kinda ruined them for me
there's nothing funny about child molestation, hth.
08:54am September 12 2012
The world has gone to shit. All it takes for the religious fanatics to start bloodshed is a cartoon/film.
RIP fellow EVE player.
TacticalNuclearPenguin says:
10:43am September 12 2012
That's what you get when you delay the inevitable nuke ( or the whole bunch of them ).