discipline posted:I lost a lot of weight while sitting around, smoking pot and eating ice cream. secret is to stop drinking alcohol and soda.
yeah, that's true because beer is a really shitty drug
txn i think.
discipline posted:deadken posted:khamsek hasn't left Willesden Best Grill in three weeks
it's ok I had a burger once and they seem nice. btw it's been five weeks since I left Willesden Best Grill
ive never been there once lol
discipline posted:no my diet consists of tesco meal deals including monster munch, one coke a day, lots of tea a nd then some sort of microwave dinner
lol you buy coca cola products, why don't you just take a flight to South America and shoot labor leaders there yourself? you know, cut out the middle man.
discipline posted:please don't poor shame me for easy calories + caffeine to help ignore the hunger
"poor shame" is something invented by twitter slacktivists to allow them to consume whatever they please with the thin justification that "they're poor." hmm, i could buy some pepsi... but it's so expensive! instead i will just drink baby blood. don't shame me!
discipline posted:reminder that if you have seconds it is like having two dinners
who the fuck needs a reminder for that