discipline posted:they speak yiddish dru
you would know
babyfinland posted:Transient_Grace posted:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/04/orly-weinerman-saif-gaddaf_n_1854430.html
owlmeme taintz-weinerdude
ilmdge posted:CHARLOTTE, NC (AP) - President Barack Obama personally intervened to order Democrats to change language in their party platform to add a mention of God and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel ...
tpaine posted:why is that infuriating, obama is zionist garbage
it's not that i expected the democrats to stop being zionists, but rather that they're not even trying to hide their contempt for democracy
guidoanselmi posted:yeah that'd never happen in the rnc. truth.
what does rnc have to do with democracy? it doesnt even say it in the name
Are we angry about people pissing all over the UN partition plan's designation of jersualem as an international city?
Transient_Grace posted:so what's so terrible about moving the american embassy to west jerusalem really? through my rising fury i never noticed anyone saying that jerusalem as 'unified', 'israeli-only' or is somehow prevented from also becoming the palestinian capital in the future.
Are we angry about people pissing all over the UN partition plan's designation of jersualem as an international city?
bibi said all that and more in his speech to aipac
If anything this looks like a move by Obama to appease Bibi and AIPAC after he bitchslapped Bibi so thoroughly concerning Iran.
That fierce debate inevitably revolves around the political and legal doctrine of the self-determination of peoples. There is also the companion doctrine of aboriginal rights, because the Jewish people is a small indigenous minority in the Arab Middle East, which in turn is an important part of the greater Muslim world that also includes key countries like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and Indonesia. To speak of aboriginal rights suggests that there is significant moral and legal weight to the circumstance that the Jews -- periodically persecuted and perennial victims of discrimination -- nonetheless for more than twenty-five centuries kept some demographic and cultural ties to their aboriginal homeland. And is there not added moral and legal weight where that particular people's aboriginal rights have already been explicitly recognized in the relevant treaties, which are the highest source of international law?
The concept of aboriginal rights has been well understood by other peoples -- e.g., by the Greeks in the early 19th century, when they fought for independence from the Ottoman Empire. Now speaking articulately about their aboriginal and treaty rights, the Indian tribes of Canada astutely perceive that law is akin to an ongoing discussion about rights, in which it is essential to offer meaningful arguments. And that discussion is one where a people gets to tell its own story, which can also become a compelling narrative that engages the conscience of others who are more powerful.
Goethestein posted:israelis have started (?) calling moving settlers out of stolen land "ethnic cleansing"
theres a second time for everything
tpaine posted:discipline posted:if the united states moves its embassy to west jerusalem it is pretty clearly condoning the illegal occupation of and continued ethnic cleansing in east jerusalem
aren't we like, always doing this? i mean help me
yeah we're paying for it, arming them, making apologies for it in diplomatic statements, cheerleading it in congress and other domestic political forums and covering for it in the UN with our security council veto, if anyone looks at this and is suddenly surprised to learn that the US supports the palestinian genocide they probably have some kind of developmental disorder. Moving an embassy would be symbolic but short of actually sending in the Troops and shooting arab kids ourselves and building gas chambers in gaza there is really not much the US could do to materially support the occupation
isn't a lot of construction labor in jerusalem done by palestinian day-laborers? if the US builds a new embassy it would cost hundreds of millions, it may well end up indirectly being the largest aid handout the american government has ever given the palestinian people
Goethestein posted:israelis have started (?) calling moving settlers out of stolen land "ethnic cleansing"
sounds good to me