[account deactivated]
You fat fucking cis bastard.
I can understand why some in the Asian-americans feel that Charlie Chan is a harmful stereotype. But for many in the asexual community, he is one of the few positive portrayals of us in mainstream media. It's pretty selfish that there are people who want to take away one of the few non-cis characters out there.
a little hard labor would do you some both some good. get home tired every day, kneel together bedside and pray to God as the cells in your body beg for the replenishment that rest will bring, leaving no time this grief.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

The girl i'm seeing

she has a name, iwc.


Being white is pretty chill, I guess

edit: misread the thread title

tpaine posted:


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

The girl i'm seeing wrote this and i believe it's about me

Is it fair to characterize me as an emblem of white hegemony when i certainly don't buy into the imperial fetishism here? I'm trying to understand how she views the world and i it's hard, is ANYBODY here not white and can shed some light onto how being a minority effects your day to day existence?

Additionaly: is there affection or connection (or perhaps even love?) that can transcend class and racial boundaries? Is it possible to have one that isn't some way exploitative?

i am not white. i feel that in a lot of ways certain body parts and characteristics of mine are fetishized by women, mostly white women. but i don't really mind it

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