There is something clearly romantic about the idea of sharing your life with one other. But there is something insincere about romance with a white man. Whether he knows his position too well and I am subject to the whims of imperial fetishism. Befall to the lusts forthright appeal of exoticism. Though what is not foreign to the man who marks all by being unmarked, while the rests wander around with targets on our backs and bars around our ankles, restricting our movements. And if it weren't not already bad enough, the vice that wrap metal around temples, contort the skull to restrain the thoughts.
What is the romance of sharing a life with one, if not at all comparable to the freedom and liberation of not having a romance with a white man. For there's a guilt that saunters and jumps, like parasitic fleas, from the hairs on their forearms to the open sore of which you pulled the splinter from. The splinter of when you caught yourself on the wooden veins of the fence, when you decided to sit left, or sit right, to sway in the direction or in resistance to the wild wind.
Ending in the bed of the devil, the fence had failed to keep one party safe from the other and fell like a tremendous flameless fire. The bolts spring loose and your blouse buttons open and all revealed is the sexuality that beacons to be extinguished and stomped out. It is a borrowed sexuality, that has woven in the spine and driven it's way into the solar plexus and spiraled down towards the womb.
So what left is there in this vomit and bile, where the romance is so sickening to your very existence. Against all biology and science that suggests, the innocuous intermingling of oppression and totalitarianism. So where the herds of women sit, in gowns of gold and red, kneeling in fields that are overgrown, grown over and through the weeds of the human skeleton and pulled to the civility and grace of a man in a crown.
Is it fair to characterize me as an emblem of white hegemony when i certainly don't buy into the imperial fetishism here? I'm trying to understand how she views the world and i it's hard, is ANYBODY here not white and can shed some light onto how being a minority effects your day to day existence?
Additionaly: is there affection or connection (or perhaps even love?) that can transcend class and racial boundaries? Is it possible to have one that isn't some way exploitative?
Ironicwarcriminal posted:The girl i'm seeing wrote this and i believe it's about me
typical white cis self importance...
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
The girl i'm seeing wrote this and i believe it's about me
typical white cis self importance...
well yeah
it seem a little unfair that i serve as a cipher for all the ills of white oppression but is that fair?
Goatstein also has an azn partner but i imagine she is more of the meek, submissive, child-birthing type. This girl was begging her doctor to be allowed to be steriziled at 23
Crow posted:Sever
nope, she calls me on my bullshit and as you know from my posting i'm full of bullshit
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:she's probably been with mad white dudes and that's where most of it comes from its just the last part about vomit and bile is clearly about you
ha maybe. But her last bf of 6 years was a POC too and he didn't go down on her once, can you believe that shit?
Ironicwarcriminal posted:Crow posted:Sever
nope, she calls me on my bullshit and as you know from my posting i'm full of bullshit
haha thats a pretty fucked up thing for a girl youre seeing to write about, you should bring it up with her. No respect these days
I was like heh heh heh better not bust out the THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE hoody this year!
Crow posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Crow posted:
nope, she calls me on my bullshit and as you know from my posting i'm full of bullshit
haha thats a pretty fucked up thing for a girl youre seeing to write about, you should bring it up with her. No respect these days
i'm talking through this shit with her constantly, don't worry Mr Crow. Just wanted a bit more perspective. We're not ships passing in the night
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:my girlfriend was telling me the other day about how she hates 'feminist bitches'
I was like heh heh heh better not bust out the THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE hoody this year!
My first serious girlfriend was like a mad privileged white feminist and now this one is more of a racialist who despises first world feminists for their whiteness and it constantly obsessed with race and not gender.
Also, each subsequent gf i have is father down the socioeconomic scale for some reason
Ironicwarcriminal posted:EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
My first serious girlfriend was like a mad privileged white feminist and now this one is more of a racialist who despises first world feminists for their whiteness and it constantly obsessed with race and not gender.
congrats for dating khamsekDru.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:My first serious girlfriend was like a mad privileged white feminist and now this one is more of a racialist who despises first world feminists for their whiteness and it constantly obsessed with race and not gender.
I didn't know you thought our relationship was 'serious.'
Transient_Grace posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
My first serious girlfriend was like a mad privileged white feminist and now this one is more of a racialist who despises first world feminists for their whiteness and it constantly obsessed with race and not gender.
congrats for dating khamsek.
khammy is david duke next to this girl
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
My first serious girlfriend was like a mad privileged white feminist and now this one is more of a racialist who despises first world feminists for their whiteness and it constantly obsessed with race and not gender.
I didn't know you thought our relationship was 'serious.'
um i said i'm dating a POC not some alex-jones listening Austinite
Ironicwarcriminal posted:MY GIRLFRIEND
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:MY GIRLFRIEND
that's three posts in a row with emoticons
discipline posted:I'm literally both those women
what do you think about this? As far as i can tell you are white but you're pretty well read on this. Does she have good reason to view me with suspicion or tar me with a broad brush because of my whiteness?
i know i'm a jerk on here but it's not like i've been making viet cong me-so-horny jokes irl with her
discipline posted:it's more her problem than it is yours, obviously there's little you can do about your race bro
a teabag and a new found interest in independent kashmiri cinema will work wonders
discipline posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
khammy is david duke next to this girl
haha I doubt that
you would be surprised. Try being a poor vietnamese girl growing up in a rough Sydney suburb, then get a scholarship to it's most prestigious university full of rich white kids who need the concept of privilege explained to them every ten minutes
Crow posted:Sever
discipline posted:it's more her problem than it is yours, obviously there's little you can do about your race bro
what did you do?
Ironicwarcriminal posted:discipline posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
khammy is david duke next to this girl
haha I doubt thatyou would be surprised. Try being a poor vietnamese girl growing up in a rough Sydney suburb, then get a scholarship to it's most prestigious university full of rich white kids who need the concept of privilege explained to them every ten minutes
alright *boots up poor vietnamese girl simulator 2012*
discipline posted:it's more her problem than it is yours, obviously there's little you can do about your race bro
of course, i don't think it's a dealbreaker necessarily. It's just that i've come to understand privilege and politics (as best i can) on an intellectual or academic level whereas she experiences it on a visceral level which is something i can seemingly never do
Tsargon posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
discipline posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
khammy is david duke next to this girl
haha I doubt that
you would be surprised. Try being a poor vietnamese girl growing up in a rough Sydney suburb, then get a scholarship to it's most prestigious university full of rich white kids who need the concept of privilege explained to them every ten minutes
alright *boots up poor vietnamese girl simulator 2012*
yeah that's real
discipline posted:yah man like, what crow said is a bit harsh but
Ironicwarcriminal posted:Tsargon posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
discipline posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
khammy is david duke next to this girl
haha I doubt that
you would be surprised. Try being a poor vietnamese girl growing up in a rough Sydney suburb, then get a scholarship to it's most prestigious university full of rich white kids who need the concept of privilege explained to them every ten minutes
alright *boots up poor vietnamese girl simulator 2012*
yeah that's real
great cesar's ghost, a racism psa in the year 2012. whats whatever country youre from coming to
Tsargon posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:Tsargon posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
discipline posted:
Ironicwarcriminal posted:
khammy is david duke next to this girl
haha I doubt that
you would be surprised. Try being a poor vietnamese girl growing up in a rough Sydney suburb, then get a scholarship to it's most prestigious university full of rich white kids who need the concept of privilege explained to them every ten minutes
alright *boots up poor vietnamese girl simulator 2012*
yeah that's realgreat cesar's ghost, a racism psa in the year 2012. whats whatever country youre from coming to
i think he means that people hopping up behind you and doing slanty eyes is real.