my posting is icebrewed to FUCK U UP
[account deactivated]
ice beer is a great way to squeeze that extra .5% out of your cheap beer. its for the discriminating alcoholic who doesnt want to just drink malt liquor like some hobo
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Staek n' Shak
i prefer to drink delirium tremens, which is 8.5% alcohol. its also coincidentally named after the state i wake up in every morning
ive been making it platinum night after night, 6% alc with the calories of a light beer.. almost anyway. abnd, it gives you a good drunkenness, not the vodka kind of drunk where your head feels heavy and your limbs feel sluggish and u just feel like going to sleep but the lightheaded giddy feeling u get from something like a nice champagne weith a plastic top instead of a cork? #makeitplatinum
thats some rich dude shit mainne wtf...
[account deactivated]
maybe try different but similar substances, like ether or keyboard cleaner. variety is the spice of life
[account deactivated]
i got paid the other day and bought a bottle of jameson and felt like a fancy rich man
i also got this 2l bottle of single malt scotch i got in an airport in montenegro. good shit
alcohol is a neurotoxin don't drink it kids.
[account deactivated]
hhmmm yes instead ill be boring and make plans to be an accountant and not have sex and murder my dear old grandmother. good advice.
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i drink cause im in law school and its basically a necessity. its only gonna get worse when im a public defender, and i will still have to drink cheap shit
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

TG posted:

i drink cause im in law school and its basically a necessity. its only gonna get worse when im a public defender, and i will still have to drink cheap shit

i'm a pubic defender

that explains the drinking and generally cynical outlook on life


tpaine posted:

how about instead of drinking, all of us 'zzone alkies get together and support eachother and work to address the things in our lives that make us dr hahaa



EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

hhmmm yes instead ill be boring and make plans to be an accountant and not have sex and murder my dear old grandmother. good advice.

[account deactivated]
if i was going to kill my grandmother id def have to get drunk first... cycloneboy you're pretty fucked up dude

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

hhmmm yes instead ill be boring and make plans to be an accountant and not have sex and murder my dear old grandmother. good advice.

Wow, mocking accountants, the backbone of any functional modern economic system? what a surprise that such juvenile short-sightedness comes from a rhizzone poster. durr i hate math so let's destroy civilization!

seriously guys my grandmother died and you're making a joke about me murdering her. that's not really funny.
[account deactivated]
i really wanted to be an accountant but then i became a huge supporter of ron paul in 1999.
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well technically i became a ron paul fan in 2001 or so i guess, libertarian in 1999
everyone please stop accusing cycloneteen o murdering his grandmother until you get some evidence
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sometimes i see people with certain political opinions and i'm like "that already happened"... like... dude... get the memo... mittens was so 2007
I'm trying to avoid solitary drinking but tonight I'm going to an RNC party.
don't ever avoid solitary drinking
some of my best drinking occurs in solitude. in fact, once, while drinking alone, i met jesus himself.
hurr let me consume a bunch of poison to fuck up my perception of reality. but instead of something like MDMA, which brings good feelings and does little-to-no permanent damage, it'll be a depressant that makes you stupid and destroys your liver.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

why is social drinking acceptable but alone drinking not

allow me to introduce you to a little something i call the 'social-drinkriarchy'