"Genderplayful is a new clothing marketplace that celebrates diversity in gender presentation and body types."
found this cool persyn on their tumblr tho
discipline posted:All pieces are handmade with love (& revolution) in my Seattle home.
looking straight up at the ceiling throwing up hoping to drown
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
hahaha gender binary hahaha troons hahaha queerfuckers hahaha epic cissery
here's a good song
MadMedico posted:
KilledInADuel posted:Screw Hank Hill.
Oh hell no
KilledInADuel posted:Screw Hank Hill. How many times do we need to be on the WRONG side of history before people like you learn? Wearing dresses, being gay, being transgender, is NOT A CHOICE. You don't just wake up one day and say "wow, its a nice day out.. maybe for shits and giggles I should try wearing a dress."
that <persyn of indefinite gender> aint right
KilledInADuel posted:You don't just wake up one day and say "wow, its a nice day out.. maybe for shits and giggles I should try wearing a dress."
i have literally done this so umm (literally)
Cycloneboy posted:i don't understand the desperation that so many queer people have to be all I WAS JUST BORN THIS WAY FUCK YOU. if you're not looking for a cure, why are you looking for a cause? do i not want sex/romance because i was born this way, my undiagnosed SPD, or some weird consequence of my miserliness? who cares? not i.
One can imagine the snickering in, say, an American women’s studies, you know, gender studies academic department, at Lady Gaga’s hit “Born This Way.” Yes, you know, being “born this way” is a sort of essentialism, we aren’t really born anyway, we develop our sexuality over time, and we have a right to recreate it in whatever way we choose, all very radical. What if it were precisely the opposite? That, in choosing our sexuality, we were actually retroactively “born this way?” Here I remain thoroughly Hegelian: It is our choices today that shape what we come to know as our past. To suggest otherwise is a crime against history.
- Slavoj Zizek in “We choose to be born this way”, Lacanian Ink
it is well known due to malcolm gladwell’s book “the tipping point” that sesame street’s references were often targeted to adults rather than children. what is less known is that the puppet characters were deliberately chosen to disturb children, which was believed to put them in a concerned and critical state that might prepare them for learning. most of the puppet characters are straightforward archetypes of things children might fear: large birds, homeless vagrants, vampires and so on.