we are starting a Babe Drive. heres the deal (typed out 'here's the skinny' but realized that would be anaphobic):
currently the rhizzone only has two female posters. this is extremely unfair and inequitable. so, by the power of the profit motive, i, king goatstein, will Confuciusally restore balance. any female recruited or any previous female poster reactivated will get you
-.10 bitcoins
-an ifapped superabound
-one (1) post by me about the dangers of patriarchy
Q: I believe deeply that I am a woman but lack all physical and social characteristics thereof. Am I eligible?
A: Of course!! Why even ask
Q: How do I prove I am a woman? By being bad at math lol
A: First of all, most certainly NOT "lol". A picture is a fine, no boobs necessary, or the testimonial of a known womanposter.
Q: The rhizzone doesnt seem like a very safe space.
A: Not a question!! But anyway, if we hit out pledge goal of at least four total Womanposters, a new thread will be created specifically for them, with full mod protection.
Note that there is no limit. Let's end this sausagefest. Love, your lord and master, the goat
currently the rhizzone only has two female posters. this is extremely unfair and inequitable. so, by the power of the profit motive, i, king goatstein, will Confuciusally restore balance. any female recruited or any previous female poster reactivated will get you
-.10 bitcoins
-an ifapped superabound
-one (1) post by me about the dangers of patriarchy
Q: I believe deeply that I am a woman but lack all physical and social characteristics thereof. Am I eligible?
A: Of course!! Why even ask
Q: How do I prove I am a woman? By being bad at math lol
A: First of all, most certainly NOT "lol". A picture is a fine, no boobs necessary, or the testimonial of a known womanposter.
Q: The rhizzone doesnt seem like a very safe space.
A: Not a question!! But anyway, if we hit out pledge goal of at least four total Womanposters, a new thread will be created specifically for them, with full mod protection.
Note that there is no limit. Let's end this sausagefest. Love, your lord and master, the goat
Edited by Goethestein ()
FORE! haha, just joking around
-an ifapped superabound
not at all concerned. i doubt anyone here hates me enough to risk alienating the one girl they know (that theyre *this* close to finally sleeping with, i swear). and if they do, then lol
im a girl
errbody worried im gonna steal they iGirls
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so you're saying if i get one girl to post you can send supperbun to a place that is lorded over by a hungry crow. Ok
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I feel that gender segregated posting spaces are for the best, as it allows members of both gender to create and discuss content freely without the distraction of sexual attractions or politics. For this reason, I will fine anyone who brings a girl poster to the rhizzone 10 bitcoins, free super around bound, and edit one post by groatstien about patriarchy to a picture of a sleeping cat.
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i got money burning a hole where my pants should be

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i miss that fucky fucker
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discipline posted:hir and zie
hir zie, hir zie,
i would strangle baby jesus in his crib right now if i thought it might bring fedallah back
arkadaşım eşşek...
arkadaşım eşşek...
all new female posters seend me 50s-style boudoir pics to my gaol cell to make my unjust incarceration more tolerable during the long loney nights. tadria (thanks and dearest regards in advance)
discipline posted:what if I get girlrobot or miss march to start posting again, does that count?
GoldenLionTamarin posted:im a girl
Mother of gusta, a reverse trap?!
check out the choreography on her
your average woman has to be bribed to post@the rhizzone. Color me shocked
women! am i right
not very often
fuckoff goatstein
in my bid to overcome female masochism i've ceased posting amongst cretins
[account deactivated]
if i convert my gender to female does that count
maybe rhizzone needs more modest goals like getting up to 15 active users at one time or more than two posts per hour
why doesn't your wife post here goat?