Cycloneboy posted:He's Right. believing that abortion should be banned except in cases of rape makes you a piece of human garbage deserving to be taken behind the chemical shed and shot.
literally everyone deserves to be shot especially you. who cares
deadken posted:Cycloneboy posted:He's Right. believing that abortion should be banned except in cases of rape makes you a piece of human garbage deserving to be taken behind the chemical shed and shot.
literally everyone deserves to be shot especially you. who cares
whoa i'm sensing a little hostility.
deadken posted:dude you murdered your grandmother thats just not cool
you know, it's generally the real murderer who constantly points fingers at others... i'm calling the police, you killed my grandmother and made a post about it on the internet.
Meursault posted:How's your investment money doing Cycloneboy. Are you seeing some big returns on your investments
it's doing all-right. it's up by one or two thousand. i switched to a lower-return portfolio because i'm waiting for Europe to implode.
MadMedico posted:"Ethel Waters, for example, was the result of a forcible rape," Huckabee said of the late American gospel singer. One-time presidential candidate Huckabee added: "I used to work for James Robison back in the 1970s, he leads a large Christian organization. He, himself, was the result of a forcible rape. And so I know it happens, and yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible, life has come and sometimes, you know, those people are able to do extraordinary things."
jesus as well

guidoanselmi posted:i legitimately love grapes

Edited by reggaelolita ()
The figure stands, nearly seven feet tall. Behind it on the floor there remains only a wet, thin sleeping bag that had once been Keven. Looking at the discarded skin, the unholy molt of whatever now stood, you'd never think it had ever fit over the looming figure, and Keven was a man who wore his nickname "big" proudly. The creature (for it couldn't be a person, even if it resembled a person) sat now at the desk chair Keven had occupied only ten minutes ago, ten minutes between here and hell. Dead black glass eyes flicked over the still open netbook, the still visible, read the thread title and the thread content, absorbed it in an instant, and then the creature spoke:
"I *SAW* what you did," said the Black Man. "And now you're going to get what's coming to you"
The words echoed in the room and as they faded so did the monster, leaving only the open netbook and the remains of what had once been Keven.
discipline posted:it's cool how christians have more conservative views of abortion now than they had in the 15th century
anti-abortion laws or politicking are almost always functionally anti-woman but i really don't believe that there is anything intrinsically hard to understand about why some people hold legitimate pro-life beliefs
Groulxsmith posted:discipline posted:it's cool how christians have more conservative views of abortion now than they had in the 15th century
anti-abortion laws or politicking are almost always functionally anti-woman but i really don't believe that there is anything intrinsically hard to understand about why some people hold legitimate pro-life beliefs
"legitimate" "pro"-"life"
Groulxsmith posted:discipline posted:it's cool how christians have more conservative views of abortion now than they had in the 15th century
anti-abortion laws or politicking are almost always functionally anti-woman but i really don't believe that there is anything intrinsically hard to understand about why some people hold legitimate pro-life beliefs
Not really, I can't understand the worldview of someone who who is hell bent on not terminating something with only a fraction of the cognitive abilities of cave shrimp
Edited by MadMedico ()
MadMedico posted:Groulxsmith posted:discipline posted:it's cool how christians have more conservative views of abortion now than they had in the 15th century
anti-abortion laws or politicking are almost always functionally anti-woman but i really don't believe that there is anything intrinsically hard to understand about why some people hold legitimate pro-life beliefs
Not really, I can't understand the worldview of someone who who is hell bent on terminating something with only a fraction of the cognitive abilities of cave shrimp
they're hell-bent on not terminating something with the cognitive abilities of a cancer, hth.
MadMedico posted:Groulxsmith posted:discipline posted:it's cool how christians have more conservative views of abortion now than they had in the 15th century
anti-abortion laws or politicking are almost always functionally anti-woman but i really don't believe that there is anything intrinsically hard to understand about why some people hold legitimate pro-life beliefs
Not really, I can't understand the worldview of someone who who is hell bent on terminating something with only a fraction of the cognitive abilities of cave shrimp
Cycloneboy posted:MadMedico posted:Groulxsmith posted:discipline posted:it's cool how christians have more conservative views of abortion now than they had in the 15th century
anti-abortion laws or politicking are almost always functionally anti-woman but i really don't believe that there is anything intrinsically hard to understand about why some people hold legitimate pro-life beliefs
Not really, I can't understand the worldview of someone who who is hell bent on terminating something with only a fraction of the cognitive abilities of cave shrimp
they're hell-bent on not terminating something with the cognitive abilities of a cancer, hth.
whoops that was a typo.