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it was a pigman jerry! a pigman!

tpaine posted:

he probably told you to stop because 'figes' is an author name i made up to be ridiculous. see also puig and agamben

fucked up but trill

this sounds pretty cool

[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

this sounds pretty cool


wrong imperium there, bud


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

this sounds pretty cool


every book that man wrote is good

[account deactivated]

innsmouthful posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

this sounds pretty cool


wrong imperium there, bud


When it turned its gaze to History, Rationalism saw the whole tendency as one toward Reason. Man was "emerging" during all those millennia, he was progressing from barbarism and fanaticism to enlightenment, from "superstition" to "science," from violence to "reason," from dogma to "criticism, from darkness to light. No more invisible things, no more spirit, no more soul, no more God, no more Church and State. The two poles of thought are "the individual" and "humanity." Anything separating them is "irrational."

This branding of things as irrational is in fact correct. Rationalism must mechanize everything, and whatever cannot be mechanized is of necessity irrational. Thus the entirety of History becomes irrational: its chronicles, its processes, its secret force, Destiny. Rationalism itself, as a by-product of a certain stage in the development of a High Culture, is also irrational.

The "Enlightenment" period of Western history which ... set in after the Counter-Reformation laid more and more stress on intellect, reason and logic as it developed. By the middle of the 18th century this tendency produced Rationalism. Rationalism regarded all spiritual values as its objects and proceeded to revalue them from the standpoint of "reason." Inorganic logic is the faculty men have always used for solving problems of mathematics, engineering, transportation, physics and in other non-valuing situations. Its insistence on identity and rejection of contradiction are practicable in material activity. They afford intellectual satisfaction also in matters of purely abstract thought, like mathematics and logic, but if pursued far enough they turn into mere techniques, simple assumptions whose only justification is empirical. The end of Rationalism is Pragmatism, the suicide of Reason.

This adaptation of reason to material problems causes all problems whatever to become mechanical when surveyed in "the light of reason," without any mystical admixture of thought or tendency whatever. Descartes reasoned the animals into automata, and a generation or so later, man himself was rationalized into an automaton — or equally, an animal. Organisms became problems in chemistry and physics, and superpersonal organism(s) simply no longer existed, for they are not amenable to reason, not being visible or measurable. Newton provided the universe of stars with a non-spiritual self-regulating force; the next century removed the spirit from man, his history and his affairs.

Reason detests the inexplicable, the mysterious, the half-light. In a practical problem in machinery or ship-building one must feel that all the factors are under his knowledge and control. There must be nothing unpredictable or out of control. Rationalism, which is the feeling that everything is subject to and completely explicable by Reason, consequently rejects everything not visible and calculable. If a thing actually cannot be calculated, Reason merely says that the factors are so numerous and complicated that in a purely practical way they render the calculation unfeasible, but do not make it theoretically impossible. Thus Reason also has its Will-to-Power: whatever does not submit is pronounced recalcitrant, or is simply denied existence.

imperialism; le highest stage of capitalism
I'm also working on transcribing a book of essays on philosophy written by workers, peasants and soldiers. it'll take longer than I expected because I'm going to try and make an epub with some images in it and also a ok-looking pdf, instead of just dumping a word document somewhere like an asshole. I'll post a thread when I'm done. maybe we should set up a rhizzone 'texts' section for all of the pamphlets and translations of esoteric materials we're all going to be producing shortly
is that the one written during the cultural revolution. cuz i rly wantn 2 read it
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deadken posted:

is that the one written during the cultural revolution. cuz i rly wantn 2 read it

yeah I mentioned it before. I'm a lazy pos. its getting done though


stegosaurus posted:

maybe we should set up a rhizzone 'texts' section for all of the pamphlets and translations of esoteric materials we're all going to be producing shortly

is there likely to be any interest in a minor novel by a Japanese author known for feminist crime fiction that has little connection with feminism and not much crime

i'm starting the death of virgil tomorrow i haven't read at all all summer and i feel freaking bad

reggaelolita posted:

i'm starting the death of virgil tomorrow i haven't read at all all summer and i feel freaking bad

i finished it recently, One Full Year After Having First Picked It Up

i read ulysses in a coupla weeks and beckett's trilogy in a coupla months lol. on the other hand that book did get me laid one time (this is the only reason to read books)
I read ASOIF in two weeks lmao.

I read the last 3 books in 4 days.

shoot me.
i read la bete humaine in like two days and hollow land in a day, it felt rly good to remind myself that i can still do that when im not reading stuff thats wilfully impenetrable

littlegreenpills posted:

stegosaurus posted:

maybe we should set up a rhizzone 'texts' section for all of the pamphlets and translations of esoteric materials we're all going to be producing shortly

is there likely to be any interest in a minor novel by a Japanese author known for feminist crime fiction that has little connection with feminism and not much crime

why the F not

e: I'm looking at getting a high res scan of a cultural revolution-era poster for the cover and it's a minimum of like 40 euros to have the ppl who own the posters scan them and post them on their ftp. super lame

Edited by stegosaurus ()

actually its 46 euros since the poster is nearly A0. almost sixty us dollars for some work study shithead to put something on a large scanner and press a button. epic ftew
im reading Vlad by carlos fuentes
[account deactivated]
im reading a gay cyberpunk novel about tahrir square and islamohackers. it's garbage

littlegreenpills posted:

im reading a gay cyberpunk novel about tahrir square and islamohackers. it's garbage

could you recommend an actual good cyberpunk novel tia

[account deactivated]
yeah what she said. most cyberpunk and its quixotic vision has put me, of late, in mind of an rich, opulent, and fabulously expensive chocolate fudge gateau sculpted painstakingly into a giant dog turd, complete with deliciously saccharine marzipan flies. although river of gods isn't too bad i guess. also anything by Paolo Bacigalupi
thanks all
there must be some cyberpunk that takes filippo 'thom' marinetti as its inspiration and does good
snow crash is pr. good and is arguably cyberpunk

reggaelolita posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

im reading a gay cyberpunk novel about tahrir square and islamohackers. it's garbage

could you recommend an actual good cyberpunk novel tia

when gravity fails

raging mancrush status: consummated


this is like the 4th LF
Good shit.
Registered an account as Lipstick on a Puig
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HenryKrinkle posted:


this is like the 4th LF

5th if you count Snugbox, the furry splinter forum.