one day he was working as a taxi driver and at 4 am i heard loud music downstairs so i went to see what was up and he was watching 'taxi driver' on the loudest volume the tv would go (he was a few feet away from the tv) and he had just shaved his head and i literally backed away slowly without turning around
Score 1488

Congratulations! You are a Credit to your Race!
if you're gonna do something you may as well get into it

getfiscal posted:

one day he was working as a taxi driver

just that one day huh

[account deactivated]
that guy was great because the first words i ever heard him say were "there was no way it was six million" and the answer to your question is yes
going into debt is fun and cool.
i like the narrative behind the texas A&M shooting today. cbc started the story by running all this stuff about school shootings and recent mass shootings and lax gun laws and shit and now it turns out basically a guy was defending his home off campus from police that were trying to evict him lol

getfiscal posted:

that guy was great because the first words i ever heard him say were "there was no way it was six million"


He's right. It was like 11 million until the Jew media/banks control propaganda consortium made the holocaust all about them
Thats right folks, the Holocaust was on a much wider scale, with Jews, leftists, labor leaders, Roma, civilian "collaborators," whole E.E. & Soviet villages, and Prisoners of War exterminated. Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek were built to kill Soviet POWs, then re-purposed for Jews by Himmler:

The Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek extermination camps had originally been constructed for the Soviet POWs that Heinrich Himmler had claimed for himself. The POWs were to be put to work in the huge industrial conglomerates that the SS was planning to set up together with firms such as I.G. Farben. But in January 1942, only a few hundred of the Soviet prisoners who had originally been brought to Auschwitz -- out of a total of 10,000 -- were still alive, and no further influx was expected. For this reason Himmler decided, in the week following the Wannsee Conference, to fill the camps with 150,000 Jews. In this manner the SS camps for POWs became part of the infrastructure for the murder of the Jews.

It was when dealing with Soviet POWs at Auschwitz that camp commandant Rudolf Hoess and his assistants experimented with the means of killing that has since become the symbol of Nazi genocide: Zyklon B. In early September 1941, 600 Soviet POWs were selected for execution. Hoess decided to gas them with Zyklon B, also known as hydrogen cyanide, in the Auschwitz I gas chamber. The experimental gassing here also included 250 inmates who had been designated unfit for work. The Nazis had already experimented with gassing as the means to kill people they considered disabled beginning in October 1939. A method was thereby found that would kill millions of people with minimal effort. Those lessons were subsequently applied first to Soviet POWs and then to Jews. By February 1942, 2,000,000 of the 3,300,000 Soviet soldiers in German custody up to that point had died from starvation, exposure, disease, or shooting.

his main argument seemed to be about resources. like he said okay there were probably a bunch of people in camps but the main reason they were dying is because the allies were bombing supply lines and there was a very limited amount of food to go around anyway and they weren't going to ship it all to prison camps. and that it didn't make sense that germany would kill off a bunch of people who could have helped the war effort as prison labour. and the ovens weren't on the scale needed to destroy the number of corpses that were alleged to go through them.
i respect the commitment to History that is required to pivot your worldview around the possible number of corpses being consumed by fire in large ovens

getfiscal posted:

his main argument seemed to be about resources. like he said okay there were probably a bunch of people in camps but the main reason they were dying is because the allies were bombing supply lines and there was a very limited amount of food to go around anyway and they weren't going to ship it all to prison camps. and that it didn't make sense that germany would kill off a bunch of people who could have helped the war effort as prison labour. and the ovens weren't on the scale needed to destroy the number of corpses that were alleged to go through them.

he probably watched this

he once stole a holocaust remembrance week poster board put up by hillel from the school library which well i dunno man that's pretty fucked up
holocaust remembrance week / white history month
lol this is a sincere comment about how someone thought the Soviet Union worked: "If your neighbor had $5, and you had $1, it would be illegal if that neighbor didn't give you $2 to even it out."
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
my score is bad because I let my sister get a phone under my name when she was underage and my parents had taken all of her shit because she smoked a little ganja. parents just don't understand. unfortunately the credit bureau doesn't understand either that it was my sister who went delinquent on the plan and didn't tell me for six months and got the bill sent to a collection agency before she finally took care of it, and it wasnt actually me.
my score is good because im basically a total wuss
i applied for a £400 extension to my overdraft and got it does that mean my score is good or that its going to get really bad
huh apparently i have a credit score of 197, according to a computer, that doesnt really know me, ok, fine, whatever

stegosaurus posted:

my score is bad because I let my sister get a phone under my name when she was underage and my parents had taken all of her shit because she smoked a little ganja. parents just don't understand. unfortunately the credit bureau doesn't understand either that it was my sister who went delinquent on the plan and didn't tell me for six months and got the bill sent to a collection agency before she finally took care of it, and it wasnt actually me.

it seems that in this instance, parents do in fact understand

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

my credit score is 581 because I ran out on a $138 overdraft charge at wachovia in 2004 when I was eating out of dumpsters and working two really shit jobs

whoa, i didn't think a dumpster was affordable on the combined salary of 2 jobs. they must have been pretty good paying jobs to net you dumpster food.

at least in the next year or two when abortion is finally made illegal, the starvation levels for dumpster-diving homeless will drop dramatically. you can read all about it in my essay, A Modest Disposal
i like the whole thing about "you should always talk to them about making some minimal payment thing" as if paying a huge debt at $15 a month is better than walking away, because it shows that it's all about giving blood to the blood god

discipline posted:

working two really shit jobs

comcast and i have come to an agreement that i pay them twice a year cause i cant be bothered to open al that mail
my housemate missed his phone bill for a few months because they made a payroll error at his work and missed a paycheck and his mom called him at 1am yesterday flipping out and being like THEY'LL COME AFTER US until he agreed to make a payment lol
Sounds like a good mom.

Does your housemate get paid once every few months?
[account deactivated]
today my roommate and i were talking about how my parents have lot of money but they won't give any to my sister to help her make a down-payment on a home and he said "why wouldn't they give money to their only hope of having grandchildren, no offence" and i was like lol... lol....
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

discipline posted:

working two really shit jobs

you can get 1500 minutes/texts a month for like $30 prepaid, why does anyone sign a contract

Superabound posted:

you can get 1500 minutes/texts a month for like $30 prepaid, why does anyone sign a contract


[account deactivated]