like when ur writin in third person about a single character you gotta kinda decide the extent to which your narrator identifies directly with your character or whether he's just bein observed w/ a kind of ironic detachment imo, like u can move from one to the other but it has to be a clear progression imo

i skimmed quickly but didnt see any sex or rape. is this supposed to be hardprose?

iono i used the word aesthetic at one point

i am SICK of reading about GIRLS
Girls are the worst muses
...except for all the others
- Winston R.R. Hefner

ken and impper are white?!


deadken posted:

A single ray of sunlight hung slicing through the room from the gap in the curtains, setting dust motes ablaze on its way and ending in a broad glowing line across a pale cheek.

mo' a dis

Ah, there it was! A glance, brief but telling, at his stuffed, bulging crotch! Her sordid thoughts were exposed, and by extension the potentially sordid thoughts of the world of women, the world he was aiming for.

less a dis

i didn't read the piece yet but that second paragraph wasnt bad at all


crustpunk_trotsky posted:

why do all white men in extended adolescence write all of their characters with the same voice. or do they actually assume the whole world talks like them

this is dumb as hell lol

ken i just read your story. it gave me chills at the end; it was really good. i have some random scatterbrained notes:

the setup is really convoluted. also your iraq stuff sounds exactly like a character i wrote, it creeped me out, stop it.

your narrator is so amazingly passive. especially the passive tics. maybe you did that on purpose. idk.

the stuff by the professor is really good, easily the best part of the story.

your molly character does sound a little bit like yourself, but then she sounds like most of the women i know anyway. i'm not sure if that's a criticism or an observation. or i mean, i'm responding to what crust punk dipshit said about other characters sounding alike to the narrator.

the story feels rushed and compacted, but not tight at all. it jumps around, its pacing is strange. i don't know. i had little patience for your longer paragraphs. i think you read too much of my shit because early on you were really abusing semicolons and there are very few writers who do that a lot. Lol

overall i feel like it was poorly executed, somehow. so it's like a bad good story, if that makes sense. i dont know if it's ever worth reworking something but i feel like it needs to be longer, even if you don't change any of the story's movement. the writing is accomplished. i can tell it's easy for you to write dialogue but you possibly risk overdoing it - i think someone said you had too much dialogue.

again the passive narrator. everything seems to happen to him. coming across the bum, coming across molly, blah blah, so on so on, getting kicked out. something about that passivity bugs me . . . it's too easy to do, i think that's what it is

[account deactivated]

Impper posted:

again the passive narrator. everything seems to happen to him. coming across the bum, coming across molly, blah blah, so on so on, getting kicked out. something about that passivity bugs me . . . it's too easy to do, i think that's what it is

thats a good point
"You should keep playing with the reader, slapping us around and tripping us up. That stuff’s essential. Never give a reader an even break." -dolan

yeah and Dolan's destitute

write like Franzen

Impper posted:

ken i just read your story. it gave me chills at the end; it was really good. i have some random scatterbrained notes:

the setup is really convoluted. also your iraq stuff sounds exactly like a character i wrote, it creeped me out, stop it.

your narrator is so amazingly passive. especially the passive tics. maybe you did that on purpose. idk.

the stuff by the professor is really good, easily the best part of the story.

your molly character does sound a little bit like yourself, but then she sounds like most of the women i know anyway. i'm not sure if that's a criticism or an observation. or i mean, i'm responding to what crust punk dipshit said about other characters sounding alike to the narrator.

the story feels rushed and compacted, but not tight at all. it jumps around, its pacing is strange. i don't know. i had little patience for your longer paragraphs. i think you read too much of my shit because early on you were really abusing semicolons and there are very few writers who do that a lot. Lol

overall i feel like it was poorly executed, somehow. so it's like a bad good story, if that makes sense. i dont know if it's ever worth reworking something but i feel like it needs to be longer, even if you don't change any of the story's movement. the writing is accomplished. i can tell it's easy for you to write dialogue but you possibly risk overdoing it - i think someone said you had too much dialogue.

again the passive narrator. everything seems to happen to him. coming across the bum, coming across molly, blah blah, so on so on, getting kicked out. something about that passivity bugs me . . . it's too easy to do, i think that's what it is

which character lol? yeah the passivity of the narrator is entirely deliberate, he's a kind of self-criticism, and molly's a vehicle for that self-criticism lol, which is why i find it kinda funny that you think she sounds most like me.... yeah you're absolutely right w/r/t the pacing, i realised about 1/3 of the way through that i had a 5000 word limit for a story that should be like 10,000 words if i was going to do it properly. maybe i'll expand it, iono, i kinda want to do more w/ the professor subplot, have my dude seek out his relatives and shit, more stuff with the narrator burrowing around under los angeles..... when i'm not writing massive run-on sentences (which i tried really hard not to do in this one) i think i do tend to abuse the fuck out of semicolons, sorry but iono if its John Christy Mimesis.... and dialogue is the thing i tend to struggle with most and this was an attempt to conquer that so i'm glad to see it kinda worked!! thanku 4 ur critique ~~

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

shit massive run-on sentences

you got the best ones

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

Impper posted:

ken i just read your story. it gave me chills at the end; it was really good. i have some random scatterbrained notes:

the setup is really convoluted. also your iraq stuff sounds exactly like a character i wrote, it creeped me out, stop it.

your narrator is so amazingly passive. especially the passive tics. maybe you did that on purpose. idk.

the stuff by the professor is really good, easily the best part of the story.

your molly character does sound a little bit like yourself, but then she sounds like most of the women i know anyway. i'm not sure if that's a criticism or an observation. or i mean, i'm responding to what crust punk dipshit said about other characters sounding alike to the narrator.

the story feels rushed and compacted, but not tight at all. it jumps around, its pacing is strange. i don't know. i had little patience for your longer paragraphs. i think you read too much of my shit because early on you were really abusing semicolons and there are very few writers who do that a lot. Lol

overall i feel like it was poorly executed, somehow. so it's like a bad good story, if that makes sense. i dont know if it's ever worth reworking something but i feel like it needs to be longer, even if you don't change any of the story's movement. the writing is accomplished. i can tell it's easy for you to write dialogue but you possibly risk overdoing it - i think someone said you had too much dialogue.

again the passive narrator. everything seems to happen to him. coming across the bum, coming across molly, blah blah, so on so on, getting kicked out. something about that passivity bugs me . . . it's too easy to do, i think that's what it is

which character lol? yeah the passivity of the narrator is entirely deliberate, he's a kind of self-criticism, and molly's a vehicle for that self-criticism lol, which is why i find it kinda funny that you think she sounds most like me.... yeah you're absolutely right w/r/t the pacing, i realised about 1/3 of the way through that i had a 5000 word limit for a story that should be like 10,000 words if i was going to do it properly. maybe i'll expand it, iono, i kinda want to do more w/ the professor subplot, have my dude seek out his relatives and shit, more stuff with the narrator burrowing around under los angeles..... when i'm not writing massive run-on sentences (which i tried really hard not to do in this one) i think i do tend to abuse the fuck out of semicolons, sorry but iono if its John Christy Mimesis.... and dialogue is the thing i tend to struggle with most and this was an attempt to conquer that so i'm glad to see it kinda worked!! thanku 4 ur critique ~~

i wasnt sure but then i realized it's basically the narrator of my first book. anyway yea short stories are difficult because like, nobody reads them, so it's hard to tell what is and isn't worth Effort

how do you boys feel about em dashes within clauses that are already em dashed in. too much???
i really hate em dashes unless they're used like a weird colon but that's just me. honestly i don't think it matters a lot as long as your writing 'owns'
i dont care about grammar. do with it as you will
Em dash
The em dash (—), m dash, m-rule, or "mutton", often demarcates a break of thought or some similar interpolation stronger than the interpolation demarcated by parentheses, such as the following from Nicholson Baker's The Mezzanine:
At that age I once stabbed my best friend, Fred, with a pair of pinking shears in the base of the neck, enraged because he had been given the comprehensive sixty-four-crayon Crayola box—including the gold and silver crayons—and would not let me look closely at the box to see how Crayola had stabilized the built-in crayon sharpener under the tiers of crayons.
i didnt know thats what that was called, thanks dogs
How To Properly Use The Celinian Ellipse . How To Properly Use The Celinian Ellipse.? thank you in advanced.
i only come to the rhizzone for punctuation advices.
just read a lot of celine and you'll get it? in his ellipses they are usually full thoughts, even when every ellipse is about the same thing, they are full statements, sentences, but they modify the idea, they are utterances also, but they're never cut short, they're full thoughts, even when they're a single word, sometimes they are all the same thought, stated and restated, but that is less often . . . there is also an element of randomness to them
also they make his thoughts into sort of a fever pitch sometimes, like a building and progressing.. sometimes they signify boredom too, resignation, and so on
ever since i read celine i've been ellipsing everywhere... i thought it would fade, like my joyce-dashes and beckettian run-on sentences.... it hasn't, not in the slightest.... i have a plague!.... don't come near me, don't read anything i write, or you too will be infected.... not that you don't deserve it, all of you... i hope to see ellipses breaking out across your paragraphs, hideous and blotchy, until they cover the entire surface of your worthless work.... then i might be happy, maybe, it's hard to tell
punctuation advice: a semicolon is rarely necessary; it is always sufficient
my only punctuation advice to aspiring writers in this thread is to always use periods at the end of sentences
unless it's part of a classic two-thought post, in which case u drop the 2nd pernod.
[account deactivated]
its an aperitif
[account deactivated]
hey, ken. hey dead ken,
sup dude?
hey man. sup?? whats really good red mainne?
nothing is really good, all our pleasures are base and this world is a vale of tears. hitler
i'm doing a workshop and i have to somehow critique this while being polite and constructive

From Chris:
Most of you know this is an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice into a Star Trek novel Prime Perceptions which is the story of the meeting of Spock’s parents, Sarek (Darcy) and Amanda (Elizabeth Bennet).
Amanda has grown up and Sarek has recently crashed on a planet in a system with electrical dampening.
Sarek and others have been working on methods to get a probe out of the system and have discovered a way to temporarily create electricity.
Amanda’s sister has run off with a supposed Vulcan, ‘V’Kham’. Amanda knows V’Kham is really a terrorist Romulan and they all fear her sister may be killed. In Chapter 47, I add a description of the beginning of Sarek searching out V’Kham to fight him. I’d like input as to whether the pacing and voice of these inserts works well enough with the simple translation of the rest of the story.
Some have commented that made me feel like they thought I was writing a good period piece but it's supposed to sound like Star Trek and not like Jane Austen so I'd like to know if it sounds sufficiently unlike Jane Austen.