[account deactivated]
i nominate myself. as moderator i promise to do my utmost to encourage an atmosphere of bitter jadedness and existential ennui; to uphold the principles of poststructural-relativist nihilism, aestheto-fascism, marxism-as-transhumanism, electronic dance music, and Sub Machine Gun; to act without kindness or mercy; and to destroy the islamic religion forever
I nominate myself. If I become moderator I will try to use whatever new features I am given in the forum software to break the website or make its use by others uncomfortable.
[account deactivated]
discipline posted:you can't be moderator because you have access to ifap, as mentioned in the OP.
[account deactivated]
BAby Huey P Newton
i nominate crow, the fuck, russian scum
oh yeah as mod i will antagonise the FUCK out of baby finland. i will bury him under a landslide of degeneracy, drugs, and dubstep. i will give goatstein mod powers over the Muslamics Containment Zone. i will enforce pseudoacademic poststructuralism as the official language of the rhizzone. i full expect my successor to do the same to me.
[account deactivated]
oh no dont antagonize me with posts, o lawdy
also lol @ a brit thinking he needs to exert effort to annoy people
babyfinland posted:
also lol @ a brit thinking he needs to exert effort to annoy people
Lol i nom nom nominate pizza salad cat. ftw
what is the whole ifap thing, does that mean infrateal is offlimits
this will be a tough race. cant wait to seewhat happens
make a yospos and make dead ken mod of it
gyrofry posted:
what is the whole ifap thing, does that mean infrateal is offlimits
yes you can't vote for infrateal, who hasn't been posting much here anyway.
what does posting have to do with moderating
let's make a yospos type forum and populate it with those types of posters
i do not nominate myself because all actions are equally meaningless in light of the fact that all atoms will tear apart after the last star turns cold and the abyss will claim everything forever. i could see my way to supporting redken or impper tho
Raven is larger and smarter than the crow, but the crow flies in packs. Murders form their own intelligence. A bird with numbers and control of the numbers is a worthy bird indeed.
A vote for mr.crow
A vote for mr.crow
my only campaign promise:
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I'm nominating myself on a platform of tepid liberalism and also curating threads with a view to editing them into dialectical-style essays for the front page
my first act of office will be immediately training NounsAreVerbs to the institute followed by an inter-departmental commission on GetFiscal Turning Into A Troll All Of A Sudden
my first act of office will be immediately training NounsAreVerbs to the institute followed by an inter-departmental commission on GetFiscal Turning Into A Troll All Of A Sudden
i will vote for whomever will encourage a culture of posting and trolling and whose approach to moderation tends toward only probating/restricting posters in extreme circumstances
francis posted:
my first act of office will be immediately training NounsAreVerbs to the institute
You sir have lost my vote good sir.
ilmdge posted:
BAby Huey P Newton
I would purge everyone who was revisionist, first worldist, or had reactionary and/or counter-revolutionary tendencies.
babyhueypnewton posted:ilmdge posted:
BAby Huey P NewtonI would purge everyone who was revisionist, first worldist, or had reactionary and/or counter-revolutionary tendencies.
Forever alone.
I support Impper.
i've moderated forums before and find that it's not very appealing, that is i don't mind doing it, but i also don't like to compel people for posting this or that even when i don't like what they say, so if you would vote/nominate me, just put your support behind ken. he probably won't do anything but it at least sounds like he wants to do something interesting
deadken please fill my pomo relativist void and I will wear your brown shirt
[account deactivated]
+1 for ken
i vote against crow!


+1 for ken
I vote for dead ken
francis i like your platform but This is War
francis i like your platform but This is War