Q&A: The Gourmand Behind New York's $666 'Douche Burger'

For just $666 you can purchase a foie gras-stuffed Kobe patty covered in Gruyere cheese that’s been melted with champagne steam and topped with lobster, truffles, caviar, and a BBQ sauce made with Kopi Luwak coffee beans that have been pooped out by some sort of animal called the Asian palm civet. The whole thing is then served in a gold-leaf wrapper. It’s called the Douche Burger, and, yes, it really is for sale.

To say that the wordsmith might "possibly" like Nabakov is funny to me because I kept reading him as assaulting Nabakov himself. Nabakov has a lot of fun with words and once described Lolita as a love affair with the English language.

But really the notion that caring about words makes you a bad novelist is so absurdly contrarian it doesn't really require much scrutiny to reject.
I wanna pay money to eat something that came out of a raccoon's asshole.

Impper posted:


anyone have any electronic copies of graeber's books, besides debt, that they're willing to donate or point me to?

never mind i forgot about aaaaarf

Edited by thirdplace ()


thirdplace posted:

anyone have any electronic copies of graeber's books, besides debt, that they're willing to donate or point me to?

its more of a pamphlet and it covers a lot of the same ground but theres this


you're a good man shennong... you wouldn't happen to have art of not being governed too?
no, i just have the physical copy. if u find it lmk tho so i can link it in the thread

Crow posted:

I'm a communijst because a man smiled, at a certain moment. And that man, was Stalin *stands up and applauds*

im sittin back drinking some steel reserve and reading proust

shennong posted:

no, i just have the physical copy. if u find it lmk tho so i can link it in the thread

arrrrrrrrrg came through

that book is gross
i'm reading the shaman of oberstdorf: chonrad stoeckhlin and the phantoms of the night and caetana says no: women's stories from brazilian slave society for (two seperate) class(es), and then on the side i'm reading francois laruelle's philosophies of difference: a critical introduction to non-philosophy, foucault's society must be defended and hichem djait's islamic culture in crisis: a reflection on civilizations in history
lol haters
I'm reading my resume as i prepare for work in the real world
[account deactivated]

stegosaurus posted:

cleanhands posted:

i donut have much freud ("frood") either, where should i start with the freud deud

here's a kind of lol story. the first freud I ever had was his five lectures, which I had to buy for a class on star trek and psychoanalysis which was taught by a lady who was attempting to verify freud's hypotheses via fmri. here's the real kicker though: I didn't give a fuck about star trek, I was only taking the class because this girl I was into at the time said "I'm taking this star trek class, you should take it too, you'd like it." how about that shit

same except marketing

im using BillMeLAter to buy $2 ebay books including but not limited to homo faber by max frisch
i slipped up googling max lol http://maxfisch.com/index.php

e; not safe for workers
i wonder if u can buy a dominatrix with billmelater
bill me when i come
impper post each segment from your next novel as you write it, like a serial for your audience here at the rhizzone. id love to have something like that to read at wor keach day
[account deactivated]
that place 666 burger that makes the douche burger is really really good fyi

ilmdge posted:

impper post each segment from your next novel as you write it, like a serial for your audience here at the rhizzone. id love to have something like that to read at wor keach day

that is actually not a bad idea

benjamin noise' blog is very good. dont let blog get u down, its a clearinghouse for the various papers he's presented. he's not a blogger.


Impper posted:

ilmdge posted:

impper post each segment from your next novel as you write it, like a serial for your audience here at the rhizzone. id love to have something like that to read at wor keach day

that is actually not a bad idea

yo i'm pretty ambivalent about fuck and destroy but i'm reading bean right now and its hitting everything i love to read like bean is seriously fucking good

yeah bean is a good book
thanks. i like it bteter than fuck and destroy for certain reasons, it seems like it was a more 'genuine' attempt, it arose from exuberance & enthusiasm, which were more genuine than my reasons or w.e for writing f&d
exuberance and enthusiasm are probably definitely better reasons to write a book than Rape.
Me & imppy gonna colloborote on a book together. He'll put down the funny nba rape scenes & i'll put down the cat pix. I got this

Crow posted:

Me & imppy gonna colloborote on a book together. He'll put down the funny nba rape scenes & i'll put down the cat pix. I got this

now THAT'S a book i'll READ! (laugh track)

[account deactivated]
hey rhizzone long time listener first time caller. i'm going to start reading Sensory Ecology soon. I just finished reading The Somatosensory System, The Brains Sense of Movement, and Intro to Phenomenology.
I am now a footsoldier in the war of the Body against the tyranny of the Mind.

NoFreeWill posted:

hey rhizzone long time listener first time caller. i'm going to start reading Sensory Ecology soon. I just finished reading The Somatosensory System, The Brains Sense of Movement, and Intro to Phenomenology.

brains are gay


NoFreeWill posted:

I am now a footsoldier in the war of the Body against the tyranny of the Mind.

Please Work Out

[account deactivated]

During the Cold War, this sort of ideological tourism was almost exclusively a progressive domain; the sugar-cane plantations of Cuba heaved with vacationing European and American compañeros, but few free market acolytes turned up in Augusto Pinochet's Chile to witness pension privatization or marvel at his market liberalization program.
