
fiz posted:

Crow posted:

fiz posted:
Crow posted:
fiz posted:
Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

is that a good book? i made a note to get the book after hearing osme of a radio interview with that book's author
it's hella good

did you read the bin ladens or ghost wars?

I Have Not Yet

I would advise you do that. Especially Ghost Wars. Probably the most enjoyable book I've ever read.

okay downloaded both of em from what DOT cd, not the bin ladens one though, Put that in your pipe & smoke it, everyone

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
wheres the free books located at
[account deactivated]

In 1985, North Korean agents approached Oh Kil-nam and suggested he defect.

The agents offered him an important job working as an economist for the North Korean government and promised to provide free treatment for his wife's hepatitis.

Oh took the offer seriously. He had just completed his PhD in Germany on a Marxist economist. Back at home in South Korea, he had been active in left-wing groups opposed to the country's authoritarian regime.

His wife Shin Suk-ja was horrified by the idea of going to the North and opposed it from the start. "Do you know what kind of place it is?" she asked. "You have not even been there once. How can you make such a reckless decision?"

But Oh replied that the Northerners were Koreans too - they "cannot be that brutal", he told her.

When they arrived at Pyongyang airport, Oh began to see he had made a mistake in coming. Communist party officials and children clutching flowers were there to meet them. But despite the cold of a North Korean December, the children were not wearing socks and their traditional clothes were so thin that they shivered. "When I saw this I was really surprised and my wife even started to cry."

The Long Twentieth Century by Giovanni Arrighi and Fanshen

corey posted:

wheres the free books located at

last time you asked babyfinland pm'd me the urls of a couple free book sites. why? because hes a troll and an asshole,thats why

I restarted one-dimensional man and I have a really weak grasp of his first chapter on culture, I wish he provided more examples. He just says "the surrealists" or something. I don't have much freud, maybe that's the problem.

stegosaurus posted:

I restarted one-dimensional man and I have a really weak grasp of his first chapter on culture, I wish he provided more examples. He just says "the surrealists" or something. I don't have much freud, maybe that's the problem.

youre probably smarter than marcuse

i donut have much freud ("frood") either, where should i start with the freud deud
Smarteyman ftw

babyfinland posted:

stegosaurus posted:

I restarted one-dimensional man and I have a really weak grasp of his first chapter on culture, I wish he provided more examples. He just says "the surrealists" or something. I don't have much freud, maybe that's the problem.

youre probably smarter than marcuse

I like the book a lot even if he ignores the idea of a labor aristocracy

[account deactivated]
read some wodehouse ffs
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

read puig, wodehouse, frindle babbin, arp schneer, donna vergeldt, bort ortle


Turns out contemporary Protestants have many fundamental doctrinal differences with Calvin and Luther.

Neither of them agree that being Born Again through personal conversion is the method of salvation. Both of them say the beginning of Christian life is baptism and that sacraments were essential to salvation. Luther even justified the essential doctrine of the Real Presence in the Eucharist on the basis of traditional Church practice, yeesh.

Some sweet quotes about how laypeople shouldn't interpret the Bible themselves and should listen to their pastors:

"Pastors and teachers (are) in charge... of Scriptural interpretation- to keep doctrine whole and pure among believers." - Calvin

"We admit therefore, that ecclesiastical pastors are to be heard just like Christ himself." - Calvin

Also, Calvin tortured and burned heretics.

Good fun! Looks like contemporary Protestants just use Calvin and Luther's rebellion as an excuse to go their own way and do whatever.

Edited by Alyosha ()

Yo I heard Calvin got a job at WacArnolds

animedad posted:


death of vergens...i mean virgil
those authors who write bad books have bad tattoos

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

those authors who write bad books have bad tattoos

Harry Crews can be pretty good at times

[account deactivated]
karl marx and the close of his system. who want to chat about value theory with me *everyone falls asleep immediately*

stegosaurus posted:

karl marx and the close of his system. who want to chat about value theory with me *everyone falls asleep immediately*

theyre dreaming of glorious communism

i finished cyclonopedia, and the death of virgil, and read the bonfire of the vanities, and death in venice, and the elementary particles (again), and got another tattoo, in bosnia, and went to a club full of armed muslims, dancing only with people of their own gender, to 90s hip-hop, in kosovo
tpaine one time you posted this video of, uh, an advert for a face mask thing? slowed down with creepy music and cool captions? i need it 4 a project. thx
suggestions needed for books on world history that don't suck
[account deactivated]
yes. yase!
[account deactivated]
put on your "face" is prolly the unheimlichest bit imo. abjection and so on. dad, i'm mondo gay

bubb posted:

suggestions needed for books on world history that don't suck

joke's on you cause they're all terrible. however i had to read 'The Human Web' by McNeill for a freshman hist class and it wasn't the worst thing i've ever done. maybe the 'World History' series by Duiker and Spielvogel?

read europe and the people without history by eric wolf!! do it!!
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