Technically -- dongs won, due to the High Failcount associated with the other Asshats within
ok im gonna make goatstein and keven mods
goatstein if you do anything that makes my life miserable ima really let you have it
can he still mod from his ifap holding tank
[account deactivated]
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[account deactivated]
Fuck Off birdbrain

ilmdge posted:

can he still mod from his ifap holding tank

im not sure. i dont think he can post tho

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I think we've had it with all the joke mods.

goey make me mod + ultra admin,

basically make me new goey, you can keep the doctor.
i like to eat poop.

Edited by Goethestein ()

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

germanjoey posted:


it's ok goey, i'll let this affront slide and won't hold any grudges for your shortsightedness

just make me mod when you come to realize the err of your ways, no need to make a fuss about it.

make everyone a mod, and lets enter into this new posting frontier side by side, as brothers. show those wddips they cant push us around anymore
[account deactivated]
to even have to resort to this facade of "democracy" represents a fundamental failure to work through our differences personally and directly, as rational, agency-possessing human beings. lets end this charade
goatsten announces first policy as mod of rhizzone.org:

[account deactivated]
goatsti i am cynically supporting you as a kantian gesture
pls support bro posting. you know, it's the latest evolved state of posting theory. you wouldnt want to damage progress would you?