Than when members of the military piously declaim against Bradley Manning.
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11-28-2010, 05:23 PM. Bradley Manning.....................a twink that demanded respect.
It is impossible to read or listen to members of the military talk for anything other than the shortest period of time and still believe that they are salvageable as humans. Of course a statistically irrelevant handful show up at leftist rallies and make a big show of how they're on of the good ones so it's easy to forget
The one i hate the most is when they say "i didn't like the war but what choice did i have" and they ask it in such a way that the concept of quitting and taking responsibility for their actions is some concept recently arrived from philosophers on the moon . I'll take an honest monster over a cowardly, self-absorbed normal person any day
[account deactivated]

well actually if you read the chatlogs which are the only evidence we have for his motivations we see that he was upset about the corruption and fascism of the US occupation of iraq, and why would he admit something in private to one person who promised silence if he was out for attention


-every single time
to answer the OP: yeah, your steampunk wedding pictures i'd imagine.
Currently my most downvoted post of all time is when somebody said that Manning should have worked within the system of military justice and i pointed out that when those guys slaughtered 40 innocent people in Haditha and defiled their corpses the sole party to be tried at all had a total penalty of a demotion and pay cut
surprisingly enough pretty much all of the invectives ive seen against Manning have come from armchair generals rather than actual soldiers. all the vets i know are pretty pro- anything thats likely to turn people against the war(s) and end it sooner. i think they finally got bored of murdering
i thought this thread was gonna be about goatstein
anywya tyohugh yeah fuck troops
i know a Troop that hates geoge bush so much. SO much. i wanted to have sex withh is wife but i settled for her sister. hooah
[account deactivated]

Superabound posted:

i know a Troop that hates geoge bush so much. SO much. i wanted to have sex withh is wife but i settled for her sister. hooah

in 2004 troops voted for george bush at rates above 90%

sorry too drunlk to change accts

Goethestein posted:

in 2004 troops voted for george bush at rates above 90%

i wonder if theyre like the 96% of egyptians that voted for Mubarak

[account deactivated]
no cheezburgers for hajji
considering 12-20% of troops are black that 90%+ figure is more than a little suspect. if only it were very easy for the government to completely control and manipulate the flow of information coming from our front lines, THEN it would be throwing up some real red flags 4 me

HenryKrinkle posted:

man those weezer videos just get worse and worse


Superabound posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

man those weezer videos just get worse and worse

[account deactivated]

Superabound posted:

considering 12-20% of troops are black that 90%+ figure is more than a little suspect. if only it were very easy for the government to completely control and manipulate the flow of information coming from our front lines, THEN it would be throwing up some real red flags 4 me

they were using caging lists on active duty black Troops in 04. i mean probably every election too

Edited by TROT_CUMLOVER ()



Superabound posted:

considering 12-20% of troops are black that 90%+ figure is more than a little suspect. if only it were very easy for the government to completely control and manipulate the flow of information coming from our front lines, THEN it would be throwing up some real red flags 4 me

caging lists

"Hey i thot i was the only ape in the zoo!" -Gorge bush

Free all black troop prisoner slaves of obama
thx 4 posting
Yes: Your face, OP.
good discuss all.

Superabound posted:

i know a Troop that hates geoge bush so much. SO much. i wanted to have sex withh is wife but i settled for her sister. hooah

cool so what's it like being a chubby chaser

who wants a body massage

peepaw posted:

Superabound posted:

i know a Troop that hates geoge bush so much. SO much. i wanted to have sex withh is wife but i settled for her sister. hooah

cool so what's it like being a chubby chaser

i didnt chase i drunkenly relented after years of blatant advances i pretended never to notice. it was pretty much rape by envelopment/coercion/consent farming

thanks for sharting
sharing i mean
Don't shart shame.
cycloneteen.... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/17/6jgez.jpg/
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