deadken posted:its not about having muscles, its about making them, about communing with the tragic essence of the physical, crafting something beautiful that is certain to die... i guess you could use roids in this endeavour but its like composing a constructivist painting on ms paint
blah blah blah stupid words that don't mean shit
deadken posted:yeah supplements are dumb imo. "hey yeah lets turn the Philosophy of the body into a science full of amino acids and nerds and so on." - a moron
Indeed, indeed.
*rubs chin, ponders deeply*
Here, allow me to enlighten you further on the philosophy of the body. Close your eyes in anticipation of this newfound wisdom I'm about to impart through the kinetic energy of my fist.
deadken posted:painting on ms paint
Next fuck tart? *sips on heart attack energy drink whiskey mix*
deadken posted:its not about having muscles, its about making them, about communing with the tragic essence of the physical, crafting something beautiful that is certain to die... i guess you could use roids in this endeavour but its like composing a constructivist painting on ms paint
thats the same as criticizing art because people use paint brushes instead of finger painting on cavewalls or using xylophones instead of a mammoths giant ribrage to make music
ggw posted:I would argue beta alanine has more benefits for the overall athlete. BCAAs are really only useful if you're lifting and cutting.
you are speaking in regards to endurance athletes, specifically something that inicreases endurance capacity, with no actual benefit outside of temporary increase in endurance capacity.
there are specific scenarios where there are supplements that can provide a temporary increase in a desired effect but i wouldn't necessarily consider them efficacious for increasing athletic performance in the realistic sense.
the point i was making is that most supplements are a waste of money, situationally beneficial or complicated/inconvenient to use. the one supplement that has the greatest effect in anabolism and preventing catabolism is simply an amino acid, just plain leucine, and taking that alone will provide greater benefit than all those other mass markted supplements that cost infinitely more. a lifetime supply of leucine can be bought for like $50, and that's how much NO-Xplode or whatever arginine supplement sells for at GNC that does nothing more than a cosmetic change in appearance. w/r/t specific situations where you want to use certain supplements to create certain pharmacological effects, that's a really long and involved subject and most people here don't care i don't think. it would be easier for them to just take roids at that point than get into the level of involvement the discussion would entail.
cleanhands posted:take enormous amounts of amphetamines and appetite suppressants for Maximum Aesthetics
AmericanNazbro posted:deadken posted:its not about having muscles, its about making them, about communing with the tragic essence of the physical, crafting something beautiful that is certain to die... i guess you could use roids in this endeavour but its like composing a constructivist painting on ms paint
thats the same as criticizing art because people use paint brushes instead of finger painting on cavewalls or using xylophones instead of a mammoths giant ribrage to make music
actually the only musical instruments allowable should be a small hand drum and a pirated copy of fruity loops
i'm just letting you know man, so you can you know, stop trolling a thread about bodybuilding by being a decadent poof wanker. oi guvnah, yoi aesthetics look like a dishrag