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angelica ho name. rugrats b*tch
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hey so i want to read hegel with the aim of understanding left hegalianism and how he more broadly influenced later philosophers

if my philosophy background is relevant, i have a pretty good grasp on classical western philosophy (plato, aristotle), early modern western philosophy (descartes, kant, hume), marxism (marx, debord), and existentialism (sartre, camus)

should i start with phenomenology of the spirit?

any recommended translations or annotated editions?
lol fair enough

how about kierkegaard
either/or owns
also does anyone know a good translation of journey to the west?

derivative posted:

hey so i want to read hegel with the aim of understanding left hegalianism and how he more broadly influenced later philosophers

if my philosophy background is relevant, i have a pretty good grasp on classical western philosophy (plato, aristotle), early modern western philosophy (descartes, kant, hume), marxism (marx, debord), and existentialism (sartre, camus)

should i start with phenomenology of the spirit?

any recommended translations or annotated editions?



derivative posted:

hey so i want to read hegel with the aim of understanding left hegalianism and how he more broadly influenced later philosophers

if my philosophy background is relevant, i have a pretty good grasp on classical western philosophy (plato, aristotle), early modern western philosophy (descartes, kant, hume), marxism (marx, debord), and existentialism (sartre, camus)

should i start with phenomenology of the spirit?

any recommended translations or annotated editions?


thanks to everyone who responded, these are all great
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i'm still gon give you cookie
The Holy Bible.

i'm reading the general theory of employment interest and money and it is full of fail
ive somehow managed to never read any thomas mann so im taking death in venice on holiday (along w/ sorel's reflections on violence, the death of virgil, cyclonopedia, and secondary literature on heidegger lol)
im going on holiday, to kosovo, on holiday
fuck you
no, FUCK YOU, impper
your aesthetics are decadent and dripping of hedonism. there can be only one - Only one with the most decadent and revolting aesthetics. there is no other way to settle this except a massive agincourt-esque hipster battle in wicker park. magnificent shimmering pieces of shit with ponytails riding atop fixies and jousting each other via displaying their etsy and avant garde clothes/shawls until the other is forced into submission. the artillery will be starbucks wi-fi, where obscure band names will be hurled at the enemy via tweets.

dfuck you don't upvote my posts.
fuck you. i'm not even joking, i wasnt joking when i said it last time btu i really mean it now: we're going to fight. it is an imperative, now more than ever. fuck you man. you piece of shit. i'm going to make you bleed as i beat you with a copy of your own book and make you eat your own words literally (well i guess technically it's billy corgan but, the point is fuck you)
Fuck you mother fucker i fight dirty. You peace of shit
connor's in town. come @ me bro i got connor backin me
i will fight anyone.

Impper posted:

connor's in town. come @ me bro i got connor backin me


[account deactivated]
when you people try and talk about hipsters it's really the most hilarious shit. like the other day goatstein said something to me about unicycles and now nazbro is talking about fuckin' ponytails? man yall aint got yo fingers on the pulse of shit. ponytails? i can just imagine you walking down the street and seeing some random dude with a ponytail and vibram 5 toes shoes and being like "lol this hipsters"
starbucks?? hahah what is this shit
hipsters is the other within the self, assuming youre white and upper class
Hipsters are everything, idiot, boy are you stupid. You're surrounded by it and yet cannot even see, boy are you dumb

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

when you people try and talk about hipsters it's really the most hilarious shit. like the other day goatstein said something to me about unicycles and now nazbro is talking about fuckin' ponytails? man yall aint got yo fingers on the pulse of shit. ponytails? i can just imagine you walking down the street and seeing some random dude with a ponytail and vibram 5 toes shoes and being like "lol this hipsters"

I mostly encounter mullets. Mullets... the latest in southern hipster ponytails?

i wear a fannypack every day am i a hipster?