[account deactivated]
I think you're cool, Impper.
who are these 30% of people less cool than impper
(hint: yu0)

deadken posted:

who are these 30% of people less cool than impper

*attempts to raise paw, groans and sighs, puts face in a bowl of dip and slurps loudly*

i'm cool as shit
i wear short jorts
[account deactivated]
Hey Imp I raised the shootings in Chicago the other day and you mentioned “20 shootings in a city of 5 million, no big deal” and I was mulling over it. Well I watched the Interrupters last night, about dudes trying to prevent shootings and retaliations on the south and west side and it seems like a pretty big deal. I sense in your writings a quest for glory, for war, for anything but the dull conformities and platitudes of middle class liberalism. It seems to me like it’s all right on your doorstep, no more than 5 miles away, I reckon you should join a gang in Englewood or something, it would be a good experience!
[account deactivated]
i got cursed out by a car full of gangbangers today cus i was trying to cross the street and they sped in front of me while i stared at the driver. hard brother (even thot hey could have just shot me dead)
[account deactivated]
yea one of htem called me a nigger lol

tpaine posted:

no matter how much you want the world to be like the bush there will never be a place like australia man.

the bush is fucking boring, australia is a suburban nation of fat mediocrities contrary to popular opinion. Our "inner cities" are full of either rich yuppies, asian students who walk around at all hours of the night or Greens-voting hipsters. American cities are so raw and vital and violent...full of Fucking and Destroying....literally more dangerous than large swathes of Iraq or Afghanistan, all of this happening a few blocks from the gleaming citadel of global capitalism, i find that incredible

Imp: Capone > Vice Lords > Crips > Hard Brothers

make it happen

one of the guys i played bball w/ in high school was just convicted of a gang-related murder. it's sad cuz he was a good dude but had a hell of a temper
[account deactivated]
do you guys ever go to those neighbourhoods at all?
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

do you guys ever go to those neighbourhoods at all?

yeah i take the train thru the west side like every day for work. it's a story factory haha

no its not... im still gonna give the "black and brown" folks tickets. The white kids can keep the weed and get a pass.. like always. I dont take someone to jail or "screw" with them because of skin color. I take them to jail because they are gang bangers, thugs and are killing the community in which they live in. It has nothing to do with weed. If you are a gang member you are going to jail for any little thing you have on you. If a half a bag of weed means I get a gang banger off the street for 8 hours then so be it. If some scared little white kid whos has never been arrested and is a complete nerd has weed then its not worth my time. its going to do nothing towards locking these menacing thugs up. cut it out with the black and brown crap... its about what your people have created themselves to be. If you dont want to get locked up for everything then dont act like animals. And im not going to ticket... tickets are discretion. Just like drinking on the public way and pissing on the public way. If I want to lock you up and not issue a ticket I wont. no id, made a statement that he wasnt going to cease his actions etc means they get arrested and not eligible for a ticket. And another thing. once these thugs get 3 or 4 tickets that they are NOT going to pay in the first place they will no longer be eligible for a ticket.. which means after about 6 months or so it will be back to arresting them anyway. too bad, I will continue to arrest the "black and browns" and whites who deserve it and let go the whites, blacks and browns who DONT DESERVE IT. simple
children are daily setting off fireworks in my neighborhood-- like mortars and m83s or whatever-- and if i had any visitors i woudl be sure to casually remark on the atmosphere of violence in which ive chosen to make my home.
yeah it can ge tkind of hairy but so long as you know what streets to avoid your never in much danger *bottle rocket goes off* that one sounded fatal *adds tally to calendar, convulses & crows thrice*
Can’t even buy fireworks let alone guns here….Australia is like the Last Man of countries
frankly shirley theyre illegal here also but sold openly on the street. there are neighborhoods in chicago in which the police will harass any white guy they see cuz they know he's only there to score some 'works

Impper posted:

i'm cool as shit

for a White guy


Impper posted:

yea one of htem called me a nigger lol

hard bros are the nigger of the world


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

tpaine posted:

no matter how much you want the world to be like the bush there will never be a place like australia man.

the bush is fucking boring, australia is a suburban nation of fat mediocrities contrary to popular opinion. Our "inner cities" are full of either rich yuppies, asian students who walk around at all hours of the night or Greens-voting hipsters. American cities are so raw and vital and violent...full of Fucking and Destroying....literally more dangerous than large swathes of Iraq or Afghanistan, all of this happening a few blocks from the gleaming citadel of global capitalism, i find that incredible

Imp: Capone > Vice Lords > Crips > Hard Brothers

make it happen

i wroked on the fringe of the apy lands at one point and its basically this its just autraslias ghettos are more geographicaly removed

<aerdil stands up, clears his throat preparing to speak>

Silence befalls the room as people brace themselves - their mind, and body - in anticipation for the sheer magnitude of impending eloquence, and profound wisdom about to be bestowed upon all within earshot. A spectacle so stirring to the soul, one would be inclined to believe such monumental auditory accomplishment could only be achieved by the vocal prowess of that blue opera lady from the 5th element--No! It is in fact aerdil himself and his speech which so tightly grip the hearts of the eager listeners.

"...and errrm, *anxiously fidgets with disheveled hair and runny-nose* with this I say, No: in Reality, Hardbros are the nigger of the world. Thank you, Thank you vehwwy much."

The curtain closes; A barrage of roses and moist panties are fired from the crowd toward the stage; The crowd erupts in boisterous applause in response to aerdil's closing remarks.

He's done it again.
[account deactivated]
hey american nazbro if you write me an okcupid about me section i will reactivate my profile and post it

aerdil posted:

hey american nazbro if you write me an okcupid about me section i will reactivate my profile and post it

"considers stepping out of the bar for a smoke w/ someone as a first date; insouciantly scoffs at others' musical preferences; knows what it takes to make things worse - won't hesitate to put a nigga in a hearse"

im translating a novel and it will take me like a year lmao
youre translating fuck and destroy into arabic?
no google translate handles that while aptly preserving the sense and quality of the original. give it a go
if its not ftm (french to marndarin) then check your cisprivelege, faggot

kinch posted:

this is literally me

this is you

lol that picture