
Peztopiary posted:

I will make a promise. If we do discover a miracle free energy, it won't be GE that does it. Fucks have been useless at anything for the last dozen years and literally only exist because they're too fuckoff huge for any of the other corps to cannibalize.

same haha


Peztopiary posted:

I will make a promise. If we do discover a miracle free energy, it won't be GE that does it. Fucks have been useless at anything for the last dozen years and literally only exist because they're too fuckoff huge for any of the other corps to cannibalize.

what about their merger with Kabletown


Peztopiary posted:

I will make a promise. If we do discover a miracle free energy, it won't be GE that does it. Fucks have been useless at anything for the last dozen years and literally only exist because they're too fuckoff huge for any of the other corps to cannibalize.

cool insight alan. please, tell me moer

GE? Them fucks couldnt fuck emselves out of a fuck bag. Fuck.
As a company the innovations GE is proud enough of to put on their corporate webpage (the things you are meant to think when you hear GE) are LED lightbulbs, for the last ten years. This is a problem that involves having money and throwing that money at researchers until they Do A Thing. Anyone with enough cash could have done it. They coast on their patents, and the huge breaks they get from the Feds.

As for the way I type, text is meant to be read. In that reading, fucks has a certain charm to it that other words wouldn't have. Assholes is useless, because they aren't. I'm sure many of them are caring family people, who don't deliberately hold back the pace of invention. That they snap up the smartest people and then put them to work improving widgets incrementally instead of redefining widgets wholesale is execrable though. I mean shits would have worked, but again that implies that they are doing it deliberately. They aren't. New inventions are incidental to their profit model at this point in time. Thus, fucks. I suppose using the same word in rapid succession does indicate a certain lack of vocabulary on my part, but what I was trying to do was have it convey my excitement about the topic of conversation. I'll admit that some nuance may have been lost. for which I apologize in a heartfelt and above all completely sincere manner.
Thus, fucks.
*pounds fists on table* what the fuck, gm? fuck your shareholders WHERES MY FLYING CAR
That's a lotta fucks!

Peztopiary posted:

As a company the innovations GE is proud enough of to put on their corporate webpage (the things you are meant to think when you hear GE) are LED lightbulbs, for the last ten years. This is a problem that involves having money and throwing that money at researchers until they Do A Thing. Anyone with enough cash could have done it. They coast on their patents, and the huge breaks they get from the Feds.

As for the way I type, text is meant to be read. In that reading, fucks has a certain charm to it that other words wouldn't have. Assholes is useless, because they aren't. I'm sure many of them are caring family people, who don't deliberately hold back the pace of invention. That they snap up the smartest people and then put them to work improving widgets incrementally instead of redefining widgets wholesale is execrable though. I mean shits would have worked, but again that implies that they are doing it deliberately. They aren't. New inventions are incidental to their profit model at this point in time. Thus, fucks. I suppose using the same word in rapid succession does indicate a certain lack of vocabulary on my part, but what I was trying to do was have it convey my excitement about the topic of conversation. I'll admit that some nuance may have been lost. for which I apologize in a heartfelt and above all completely sincere manner.

it would be cool able to give this post something like an orthogonal sideways vote that indicates how amusing it is to read yet for completely different reasons than the ones the poster intended. fucking get on it already, GJ. you fucking ass fuck.

Ah, hell. Make way for the Ass Police. Can't a Guy put his feet up, have a Beer (Domestic, Natch) and be a fucking Guy for once? It's a Politically Correct world, and I just live there. Shit.
First off yes. My inspiration for my Communication of Self is the shit my dad says twitter account guy. Second, maybe I have read tucker max extensively. And Third, Sure, these jeans did cost me less than 30 dollars at target. But self expression is the right of every man, so Debate me honestly and openly about those clowns in congress.
unrelated but the navy are a bunch of pussies

this was going to be the new navy seal practice target

but they decided to not use it after some filthy muzzies and their sympathizers in the liberal media pissed their britches and whined to high heaven

the real reason they decided to stop using it is because it turned out that woman was pregnant at the time the photo was taken. she pregnant with a cardboard baby
[account deactivated]

Superabound posted:

the real reason they decided to stop using it is because it turned out that woman was pregnant at the time the photo was taken. she pregnant with a cardboard baby

my favorite war story was from a friend of mine who was at the first fallujah siege. he claimed he killed an 8 year old boy after shooting a woman when the kid reached into his dead mom's vagina to pull out a grenade

[account deactivated]

peepaw posted:

Superabound posted:

the real reason they decided to stop using it is because it turned out that woman was pregnant at the time the photo was taken. she pregnant with a cardboard baby

my favorite war story was from a friend of mine who was at the first fallujah siege. he claimed he killed an 8 year old boy after shooting a woman when the kid reached into his dead mom's vagina to pull out a grenade

Wow that's really messed up but it just goes so show what inhuman monsters we were fighting.


tpaine posted:

we dont need to hear about your origins man

me at prom w/ my gf

[account deactivated]
somene who isnt banned tell me what that is plz

Superabound posted:

somene who isnt banned tell me what that is plz


Jun 9, 2012
Where's all the seekrit stuff then?

About Ratzap
There have been 57 posts made by Ratzap, an average of 2.34 posts per day, since registering on Jun 9, 2012. Ratzap claims to be a male.

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Jul 3, 2012 14:01