
tpaine posted:

those aren't real books dude, they're names i made up

puig was a good one

animedad why didnt you buy the book by 'momus'
i didnt see that i guess. it sounds cool
i read part of it and i didnt really like it but it seemd alrite, i kind of wanted it just because his name was momus. but if i ran over 30 i was gonna chop it first. why didnt you get that laurence fairbanks book, that poetry was fukin raw
i chose to get a lot of stuff that is classic or that ive been recommended bc dalkey books can sometimes be intense but not very impressive. i read Am I a Redundant Human Being and it was well-written but it lacked movement and i cant remember anything about it heh
lol. i wonder if she was thinking like well that's the point, you shouldnt remember anything about this book!
yeah, it wasnt my thing. or i didnt find it very insightful if it was meant to be a big statement on identity or w/e. and that's a killer, if you write something meant to be a 300 pg thinkpiece it had better be a good thought
musil sounds like muesli & thats why ive been putting reading him off. like when im on the tube its a lot less impressive to be reading a book by mr muesli than, like, HERMANN BROCH
everyone ive known who's liked the man without qualities is the shit though?
also you should read bernhard on the train because sometimes someone will see it and they will know you're having really hysterical & grandiloquent thoughts about urself
im reading kathy acker

sosie posted:

that is literally carl schmitt's theory of führerprinzip


Impper posted:

animedad why didnt you buy the book by 'momus'


i swear to god if i were to do a gimmick character i couldnt do better than you


Impper posted:

im reading kathy acker

if momus did not exist tumblr would have had to invent him

i just finished the ark sakura and was left with the distinct impression that the repartee and dialogue a lot of the book is based around lost so, so much in translation. i doubt anyone else could have done a better job tho

babyfinland posted:

Impper posted:

animedad why didnt you buy the book by 'momus'


i swear to god if i were to do a gimmick character i couldnt do better than you

um but u r gay & dumb sooooo who careS?

where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me

Impper posted:

babyfinland posted:

Impper posted:

animedad why didnt you buy the book by 'momus'


i swear to god if i were to do a gimmick character i couldnt do better than you

um but u r gay & dumb sooooo who careS?

yes, but being gay and dumb is highly respectable and conducive to greatness


cleanhands posted:

where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me

on their faces


cleanhands posted:

where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me

move to a city and take public transportation all the time i guess

here's some cheeky stories from arabic histories of the crusades that i'm reading for school

these stories are from the 40 yr period after the first crusade, four frankish city states established in syria and the franks are acclimating to lief with the muslims

The ruler of Munáitira wrote to my uncle asking him to send a doctor to treat some of his followers who were ill. My uncle sent a Christian called Thabit. After only ten days hereturned and we said ‘You cured them quickly!’ This was his story: They took me to see a knight who had an abscess on his leg, and a woman with consumption. I applied a poulticeto the leg, and the abscess opened and began to heal. I prescribed a cleansing and refreshing diet for the woman. Then there appeared a Frankish doctor, who said: ‘This man has noidea how to cure these people!’ He turned to the knight and said: ‘Which would you prefer,to live with one leg or to die with two?’ When the knight replied that he would prefer tolive with one leg, he sent for a strong man and a sharp axe. They arrived, and I stood byto watch. The doctor supported the leg on a block of wood, and said to the man: ‘Strike amighty blow, and cut cleanly!’ And there, before my eyes, the fellow struck the knight one blow, and then another, for the first had not finished the job. The marrow spurted out of theleg, and the patient died instantaneously. Then the doctor examined the woman and said;‘She has a devil in her head who is in love with her. Cut her hair off!’ This was done, and she went back to eating her usual Frankish food, garlic and mustard, which made her illnessworse. ‘The devil has got into her brain,’ pronounced the doctor. He took a razor and cut across on her head, and removed the brain so that the inside of the skull was laid bare. Thishe rubbed with salt; the woman died instantly. At this juncture I asked whether they had anyfurther need of me, and as they had none I came away, having learnt things about medical methods that I never knew before.

I heard a similar case from a bath attendant called Salim from Ma‘arra, who worked inone of my father’s bath-houses. This is his tale: I earned my living in Ma‘arra by opening a bathhouse. One day a Frankish knight came in. They do not follow our custom of wearing a cloth round their waist while they are at the baths, and this fellow put out his hand,snatched off my loin-cloth and threw it away. He saw at once that I had just recently shaved my pubic hair. ‘Salim!’ he exclaimed. I came toward him and he pointed to that part of me.‘Salim! It’s magnificent! You shall certainly do the same for me!’ And he lay down flat on his back. His hair there was as long as his beard. I shaved him, and when he had felt the place with his hand and found it agreeably smooth he said: ‘Salim, you must certainly do the same for my Dama .’ In their language Dama means lady, or wife. He sent his valet tofetch his wife, and when they arrived and the valet had brought her in, she lay down on her back, and he said to me: ‘Do to her what you did to me.’ So I shaved her pubic hair, while her husband stood by watching me. Then he thanked me and paid me for my services.

awww shit
[account deactivated]
soooo.... where can i find a muslim to shave my pubes? now thats service

aerdil posted:

cleanhands posted:

where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me

move to a city and take public transportation all the time i guess

oh its an american thing... figures


cleanhands posted:

aerdil posted:
cleanhands posted:
where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me
move to a city and take public transportation all the time i guess
oh its an american thing... figures

well yeah, you didn't think you were going to strike up conversations with strangers in england did you


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

cleanhands posted:

aerdil posted:
cleanhands posted:
where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me
move to a city and take public transportation all the time i guess
oh its an american thing... figures

well yeah, you didn't think you were going to strike up conversations with strangers in england did you

ppl always want to talk about football or karaoke so its not like theres some insurmountable collective reticence affecting the population at large... with enough thought we can decipher the mystery that is englishness

tom said "more women infantilized by the patriarchal media" and I laughed, laughed like i'd never laughed before

tpaine posted:

animedad's gonna be like "I'm into the fifth chapter of Grundlesworthy's latest, and wow, this is hard-hitting, trenchant analysis"

grundlesworthy changed my life. but i have high hopes for Puig and Dis


cleanhands posted:

where should i sit so that cute girls will talk about book w/me


[account deactivated]
Sit on my lap, and I will take you to where the american girls hide, and I will root them out by the hair, and place them beside you into my lap, and you will Read and Be Merry
praise the lord
Cathy, "ACK!"er
[account deactivated]
im reading shah of shahs. later i might buy a kindle
my fave part of the possibility of a island is the bit when the cyborg dude is like Well I Guess I'll Have To Slam This Hot Cavegirl Pussy or the natives will get all offended. Sigh. but then he can't even do that cause the cyborgs found the cure for Nerd Pussy Fixation? some deep shit to ponder