Yeah but the implicit assumption of such bonding is “look at how we are similar by sharing in this text that lies out of the reach of “normal” people”.

If people wanna dress up like Vodamord or Sneap or whatever and talk about Harry Potter at a convention, that’s fine, because it’s egalitarian and open and more about the camaraderie and identity.

Bonding over a “serious” or “intellectual” book is merely making a shallow, temporal alliance of grievance and contempt for the world
Oh Johnny I’m reading a paul theroux book where he’s in japan talking to Haruki Murakami and murakami reckons that mishima fucked Truman capote……that would have been a sight!
what about the bible or quran
alex theroux > paul theroux

babyfinland posted:

alex theroux > paul theroux

where does louis fit in there?

I haven't read anything by Alex, what's good? Do they have some sort of shitty hitchenesque broternal rivalry or something because i can totally imagine that


babyfinland posted:

what about the bible or quran

hmmm i dunno


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

babyfinland posted:

alex theroux > paul theroux

where does louis fit in there?

I haven't read anything by Alex, what's good? Do they have some sort of shitty hitchenesque broternal rivalry or something because i can totally imagine that

laura warholic is probably the easiest to find but darconville's cat is the best one


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Oh Johnny I’m reading a paul theroux book where he’s in japan talking to Haruki Murakami and murakami reckons that mishima fucked Truman capote……that would have been a sight!

hahaha... if only they'd filmed it..


babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
babyfinland posted:
alex theroux > paul theroux
where does louis fit in there?

I haven't read anything by Alex, what's good? Do they have some sort of shitty hitchenesque broternal rivalry or something because i can totally imagine that

laura warholic is probably the easiest to find but darconville's cat is the best one

thanks, i'll check it out after i've finished my current Paul: i have a weakness for travel writing


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Yeah but the implicit assumption of such bonding is “look at how we are similar by sharing in this text that lies out of the reach of “normal” people”.

If people wanna dress up like Vodamord or Sneap or whatever and talk about Harry Potter at a convention, that’s fine, because it’s egalitarian and open and more about the camaraderie and identity.

Bonding over a “serious” or “intellectual” book is merely making a shallow, temporal alliance of grievance and contempt for the world

i disagree. i've definitely shared that elitist camaraderie with people before, but a real 'bonding' has involved something different entirely, that involves a sort of deep, meaningful, but abstracted experience that is then shared and relived through speech, suggesting a common excess of feeling - a current that runs beneath the two of you and meets up somewhere in the realm of ideals & values & love. but most of the time yeh its just losers' club snickering

If a book isn't a classic or a practical source of useful information it's just a big waste of time.

(Note: Harry Potter is a classic)

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Yeah but the implicit assumption of such bonding is “look at how we are similar by sharing in this text that lies out of the reach of “normal” people”.

If people wanna dress up like Vodamord or Sneap or whatever and talk about Harry Potter at a convention, that’s fine, because it’s egalitarian and open and more about the camaraderie and identity.

Bonding over a “serious” or “intellectual” book is merely making a shallow, temporal alliance of grievance and contempt for the world

but egalitarianism for its own sake is retarded


animedad posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Yeah but the implicit assumption of such bonding is “look at how we are similar by sharing in this text that lies out of the reach of “normal” people”.

If people wanna dress up like Vodamord or Sneap or whatever and talk about Harry Potter at a convention, that’s fine, because it’s egalitarian and open and more about the camaraderie and identity.

Bonding over a “serious” or “intellectual” book is merely making a shallow, temporal alliance of grievance and contempt for the world

but egalitarianism for its own sake is retarded

- Bill Kristol


Impper posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Yeah but the implicit assumption of such bonding is “look at how we are similar by sharing in this text that lies out of the reach of “normal” people”.

If people wanna dress up like Vodamord or Sneap or whatever and talk about Harry Potter at a convention, that’s fine, because it’s egalitarian and open and more about the camaraderie and identity.

Bonding over a “serious” or “intellectual” book is merely making a shallow, temporal alliance of grievance and contempt for the world
i disagree. i've definitely shared that elitist camaraderie with people before, but a real 'bonding' has involved something different entirely, that involves a sort of deep, meaningful, but abstracted experience that is then shared and relived through speech, suggesting a common excess of feeling - a current that runs beneath the two of you and meets up somewhere in the realm of ideals & values & love.

I don't think i've ever had this irl :/

equality is oedpial innit
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Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Yeah but the implicit assumption of such bonding is “look at how we are similar by sharing in this text that lies out of the reach of “normal” people”.

If people wanna dress up like Vodamord or Sneap or whatever and talk about Harry Potter at a convention, that’s fine, because it’s egalitarian and open and more about the camaraderie and identity.

Bonding over a “serious” or “intellectual” book is merely making a shallow, temporal alliance of grievance and contempt for the world
i disagree. i've definitely shared that elitist camaraderie with people before, but a real 'bonding' has involved something different entirely, that involves a sort of deep, meaningful, but abstracted experience that is then shared and relived through speech, suggesting a common excess of feeling - a current that runs beneath the two of you and meets up somewhere in the realm of ideals & values & love.

I don't think i've ever had this irl :/

i've had it in earnest with two different girls. another one i possibly could in the future but she's Weird

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i thought it was this
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i have a friend i didnt really 'get' until we were way past crunk on nye and having a super boring (to other ppl) conversation about our bookthinks, its less worthwhile with new ppl though bc then it forms part of your first impressions and you dont wanna be pegged as that marxist guy because you rambled a lil too long about something you only picked up 2 days ago

cleanhands posted:

i have a friend i didnt really 'get' until we were way past crunk on nye and having a super boring (to other ppl) conversation about our bookthinks, its less worthwhile with new ppl though bc then it forms part of your first impressions and you dont wanna be pegged as that marxist guy because you rambled a lil too long about something you only picked up 2 days ago

this is more of a problem with being a marxist than a bookworm tbqh


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

cleanhands posted:

i have a friend i didnt really 'get' until we were way past crunk on nye and having a super boring (to other ppl) conversation about our bookthinks, its less worthwhile with new ppl though bc then it forms part of your first impressions and you dont wanna be pegged as that marxist guy because you rambled a lil too long about something you only picked up 2 days ago

this is more of a problem with being a marxist than a bookworm tbqh

actually for me it was when i was 'really into' asimov for all of a week and some dude introduced me to a woman as being a huge sf fan, and take it from me that is an extraordinarily hard thing to fake

oh i'm just reading the phaedo, no big deal
ive been reading the death of virgil on the tube and mouthing the words 'im better than you' at anyone who makes eye contact with me
i go to parties with a tshirt saying MARXIST DUDE in big red letters
here's my dalkey order

Reticence- Toussaint
Vlad- Carlos Fuentes
A Tomb for Boris Davidovich- Danilo Kiš
Normance- Celine
The Recognitions- Gaddis
The Siege in the Room- Miquel Bauçà
The Form of a City Changes Faster, Alas, Than the Human Heart- Roubaud
Heartbreak Tango- Puig
Third Policeman- Flann O'Brian
Here- Giscombe
kinda sad that im almost finished with leaves of grass, that book has attracted the largest amount of cute girls to sit next to me and strike up a conversation than any other so far
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tpaine what are your thoughts on milton's paradise lost?
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i dunno how many are pseudonyms. i know flann obrien is