thanks ill try that. out of those you posted i like borges, dfw never clicked right w/ me, re pynchon i can only stand Inherent Vice and The Crying of Lot 49, never read burroughs or the rest, franzen/mcsweeneys is the worst
haha we are inverse on pynchon, GR is great, i like V and M&D, i havent finished AtD but i enjoyed it. cot49, iv and vineland i dont like
[account deactivated]
i read it p quickly a while back but i remember IV being really funny. i get lost in his other stuff and quickly lose interest, cuz I'm dumb
[account deactivated]
im being talked into reading gravitys rainbow in earnest. god save me

Impper posted:

im being talked into reading gravitys rainbow in earnest. god save me

[account deactivated]
jr fucking is so fucking good

Impper posted:

im being talked into reading gravitys rainbow in earnest. god save me

thats my other favorite book

ive read probably 30% of it before and just hated it but i've been given a strategy for reading it, so we'll see i guess. i really hope i don't like this and get into the whole world of "baby finland fiction"
plow through the first 200 pages and dont get too caught up with following plot and characters on the first read. just enjoy the ride.
[account deactivated]
I am Jack in the Box's 99 cent tacos
i am joel's complete lack of discernible genitalia
I am Communism's seven digit body count.
yea thats what i was told, not to let the world envelop me

Impper posted:

yea thats what i was told, not to let the world envelop me

consider it your rape whistle in wonderful wacky seedy underbelly of mid 20th century europe

lol. my envelopment whistle

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:


Ice T is like damn thats fucked up.

noah cicero tweet:

my new novel has been rejected by every major publisher/feel like i might be deranged/not like a failure/but what is wrong with me

this owrld is so corrupt

his problem is he writes decently and not liberally

Impper posted:

his problem is he writes decently and not liberally

he has an interview and profile on huffpo and is member to the "transgressive fiction" genre. who are yuo kidding boy

"transgressive fiction" as a genre might be the lamest thing i've ever heard
thats so rude, impper is right there man
idk what transgressive fiction is but noah cicero's books are really decent and honest and good soooo whatever you say bro>?
i'm not judging him or his books, i'm just saying that making Transgression a genre is retarded

like "yeah man i'm really into suspenseful fiction"
oh yea, i was just arguig with baby djinn

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i'm not judging him or his books, i'm just saying that making Transgression a genre is retarded

like "yeah man i'm really into suspenseful fiction"

also it's an interesting kind of "transgression" that can be normalized into a genre


dongs posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
i'm not judging him or his books, i'm just saying that making Transgression a genre is retarded

like "yeah man i'm really into suspenseful fiction"

also it's an interesting kind of "transgression" that can be normalized into a genre

pretty analogous to the bdsm 'community' (or 'intellectual tradition' haha) really

how about chuck palahniuk impper. do you like him
no he's pretty terrible
i'll field this one for him: no.
dang too slow
palahniuks books are full of obnoxious pretense and grandstanding and badly written, cicero's books are honest and well written. not really much if any overlap
i havent read enough of palahniuk to say that he's definitively an idiot but he never says smart things afaik; cicero in one of his books said some really smart stuff about going and reading the 'american classics' and realizing that the entire beat generation was based on their incredible post-war wealth so that was p cool. it was like sort of an obvious observation but reached through unprecedented path

Impper posted:

palahniuks books are full of obnoxious pretense and grandstanding and badly written, cicero's books are honest and well written. not really much if any overlap



Impper posted:

i havent read enough of palahniuk to say that he's definitively an idiot but he never says smart things afaik; cicero in one of his books said some really smart stuff about going and reading the 'american classics' and realizing that the entire beat generation was based on their incredible post-war wealth so that was p cool. it was like sort of an obvious observation but reached through unprecedented path


do any of u remember that scene in the noah cicero book where he goes back to ohio and al his friends are just disgusting drug addicted barfly rednecks. that was awesome