what about the troon nudes

can i post the troon nudes
You can't post pictures of teenage girls, but you're still allowed to state your intentions to kill other posters.

lungfish posted:
You can't post pictures of teenage girls, but you're still allowed to state your intentions to kill other posters.

edit: ok removed links to file

img-ark of the covenant
Even LF is not immune to cultural osmosis of the western fetish that invokes abject terror in respect to sexuality.
why did i just look at a picture of a bound & taped 11 year old girl or whatever. fucking tapespeed
seriously tapespeed wtf this is completely unnecessary

new rule: no child porn allowed
oh goddammit tapespeed!!!
and i already told him it would be better if he could keep his repressed sexuality hidden from view around these parts.

the CNN argument wasn't that the /r/jailbait kind of posting board should be taken down by law enforcement - it was that because of their corporate responsibility to the public they should have higher ethiahahahahacoughs standards.


Impper posted:
why did i just look at a picture of a bound & taped 11 year old girl or whatever. fucking tapespeed

ahaha I thought you were joking. The original image he posted was an 18ish looking girl with just tight pants and shirt - and i highly doubt he actually edited that new image in.

he 100% did.

well ill be damned ive been out-creeped for once.
yeah he did lol. not going back to check again but it did say edited by tapespeed
sorry about your thread lungfish

actually it's better now


SomeIsraeliFuck posted:
he 100% did.

ya, it said "edited by tapespeed" and if had been BF or NEO who had done it, it woulda said that it was them.

Update: Reddit has deleted the offending reddits.
the system works - the majority opinion here coincided with gibbis, just thought you should be aware of that.

gibbis actually organized raids on reddit and e-mails to the media to inflame the situation.
western liberals succeed in further entrenching their reactionary, unnatural sexual mores on an indigenous population.

lungfish posted:
Update: Reddit has deleted the offending reddits.


Edited by babyfinland ()

some of those girls look like theyre 14 lol
so glad reddit deleted all the pedophiliac degenerate creepy reddi- PORNLINK

Edited by babyfinland ()

It really is rather amazing that they only deleted /r/jailbait due to criticism while allowing reddits with identical content but less exposure to exist. Eventually, they're going to get called out on it, perhaps in a followup by Anderson Cooper. And then they're going to have to choose either to create some new rules as to what cannot be posted site-wide, or to reinstate /r/jailbait.

But this current policy makes no sense. There must be a lot of cognitive dissonance going on.
stop linking to kiddie porn you assholes