Oddly enough, that is still a question being asked by the psychiatric community. COnsidering the level of cognitive development of a child in that age range, I’d say they would be more likely to be more masochistic, and probably would become pedophiles themselves. Human beaviourism in work if you will…

However, my personality type is different. I have a tendency to be slightly sadistic, not overboard, but it still is there. Also, on a cognitive level, I went through all stages of cognitive development much faster than some people do. By the age of 10, I was already devouring Descartes.

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

christ americans like some boring sounding trash, ive literally read shakespeare does that mean anything to you people

yeah i went to high school too

you didnt actually read it then you just stared at it and wrote down what your teacher (who also hadnt read it) said

you gotta read it properly, as an adult, to truly understand the depth and complexity of a well crafted dick joke


cleanhands posted:

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

christ americans like some boring sounding trash, ive literally read shakespeare does that mean anything to you people

yeah i went to high school too

you didnt actually read it then you just stared at it and wrote down what your teacher (who also hadnt read it) said

you gotta read it properly, as an adult, to truly understand the depth and complexity of a well crafted dick joke

haha did you forget who ur talking to

never liked shakespeare, sooooo dull and no cleverer than your average sitcome
shakespeare is kray borin
there's more wit in one episode of 2.5 men and i fucking hate that show

cleanhands posted:

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

christ americans like some boring sounding trash, ive literally read shakespeare does that mean anything to you people

yeah i went to high school too

you didnt actually read it then you just stared at it and wrote down what your teacher (who also hadnt read it) said

you gotta read it properly, as an adult, to truly understand the depth and complexity of a well crafted dick joke

thats bullshit, "fishmonger" was the ultimate burn in grade 9

2.5 men is actually decent, i've not seen the ashton kutcher ones tho
[account deactivated]
moi kingdom fora' brumby
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

christ americans like some boring sounding trash, ive literally read shakespeare does that mean anything to you people

yeah i went to high school too

you didnt actually read it then you just stared at it and wrote down what your teacher (who also hadnt read it) said

you gotta read it properly, as an adult, to truly understand the depth and complexity of a well crafted dick joke

haha did you forget who ur talking to

im just postin here, 'sall good


babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

christ americans like some boring sounding trash, ive literally read shakespeare does that mean anything to you people

yeah i went to high school too

we watched Macbeth, staring mel gibson, and then filled out a work sheet

i had gay sex with a man in a toilet
Brothers Karamazov is a really good book and not boring at all. It is full of passion and fury and romance and murder and drama and religion and socialism. It's kind of silly that reading classics could be considered a sign of trying to intellectually intimidate someone rather than merely demonstrating you are interested in classic works of literature, which any intelligent person should be.

I once attracted a geeky guy (unintentionally!) by describing a book well and engaging his attention- it was called Uncle Petros and Goldbach’s Conjecture. He declared his infatuation with me a couple of weeks later in a computer lab surrounded by half a dozen engineering geeks who seemed oblivious or maybe had their headphones on- I was too embarrased to look!

how could you reveal this in public, Polly


WeedSmoker420 posted:

Brothers Karamazov is a really good book and not boring at all. It is full of passion and fury and romance and murder and drama and religion and socialism. It's kind of silly that reading classics could be considered a sign of trying to intellectually intimidate someone rather than merely demonstrating you are interested in classic works of literature, which any intelligent person should be.

yeah, pretentiousness kills

shakespeare is amazing you fucking retards
And if an eye may save or sleye
And streke more diepe than wepon longe ;
And if an eye by subtil play,
May move oon more then any tonge ;
How can ye say that I do wronge
Thus to suspect without deserte?
For the eye is traitor of the herte

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

And if an eye may save or sleye
And streke more diepe than wepon longe ;
And if an eye by subtil play,
May move oon more then any tonge ;
How can ye say that I do wronge
Thus to suspect without deserte?
For the eye is traitor of the herte

might wana check the spelling there bruh

Wayne Shakespeare is amazing.
dave beethoven
wyld stallyns
what if bill and ted was about wddp

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

shakespeare is amazing you fucking retards

Aesthetics Bro

king lear owns how can u not enjoy fuckin' w/ a blind old man who wants to kill himself who's your father lmao PUNK'D
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes

swampman posted:

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes

fun stuff

proto-lacan imo


babyfinland posted:

swampman posted:

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes

fun stuff

proto-lacan imo

post your goodreads profile brobyfinaland


AmericanNazbro posted:

babyfinland posted:

swampman posted:

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes

fun stuff

proto-lacan imo

post your goodreads profile brobyfinaland


thanks friendo.

everyone post your goodreads profiles, imo, so that i may live vicariously through other's journeys on the reading rainbow
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

fucking coffee is SO HOT!



AmericanNazbro posted:

thanks friendo.

everyone post your goodreads profiles, imo, so that i may live vicariously through other's journeys on the reading rainbow
