
WeedSmoker420 posted:

Why is "academia" held to such regard. It's just a bunch of people who don't have real jobs living off donations and state funding trying to force their views on kids. Everyone knows it has a blatant bias and houses lots of Marxists amongst its ranks despite Marxism being rejected by the entire rest of society. It's just a weird fringe group, really.

what? that is completely off what the argument was about. the original point was that phD economics students tend to lean to the left. I said this was because they are being taught through a neo-keynesian lens and that austrian has become a dirty word throughout academia. then someone said austrians were never held in high regard by the academic world, which i refuted. at which point was i defending academia? please get your arguments straight.

whoa i just realized WeedSmoker420 isnt tpaine posting c+p from D&D
[account deactivated]

Jerthebear posted:

WeedSmoker420 posted:

Why is "academia" held to such regard. It's just a bunch of people who don't have real jobs living off donations and state funding trying to force their views on kids. Everyone knows it has a blatant bias and houses lots of Marxists amongst its ranks despite Marxism being rejected by the entire rest of society. It's just a weird fringe group, really.

what? that is completely off what the argument was about. the original point was that phD economics students tend to lean to the left. I said this was because they are being taught through a neo-keynesian lens and that austrian has become a dirty word throughout academia. then someone said austrians were never held in high regard by the academic world, which i refuted. at which point was i defending academia? please get your arguments straight.

austrian economics has never really been a mainstream school of thought afaik. im not trained whatsoever in economics but my impression is that its always been a peripheral voice in the conversation


babyfinland posted:

austrian economics has never really been a mainstream school of thought afaik. im not trained whatsoever in economics but my impression is that its always been a peripheral voice in the conversation

this is correct. austrian economics is and always has been fringe in academia. it has been kept alive primarily by think-tanks, while the neoclassical-keynesian synthesis has been academic orthodoxy for a very long time now. a couple of austrian profs hanging around nyu or gmu or whatever doesn't really mean much.

jerthebear's solution to this problem is simply to redefine every liberal economist as an austrian though so

okay friedman wasn't an austrian he just almost exclusively drew inspiration from them. stigler is a stretch. buchanan is quoted as saying i wouldn't object to being called an austrian. mises and hayek are the champions of the austrian school...
all noble laureates. I don't understand why all of you get so personally offended by this; its seeming a little defensive. I'm just trying to point out that you guys are definitely downplaying the importance of the Austrians in 20th century economics and I don't get why.

Jerthebear posted:

okay friedman wasn't an austrian he just almost exclusively drew inspiration from them. stigler is a stretch. buchanan is quoted as saying i wouldn't object to being called an austrian. mises and hayek are the champions of the austrian school...
all noble laureates. I don't understand why all of you get so personally offended by this; its seeming a little defensive. I'm just trying to point out that you guys are definitely downplaying the importance of the Austrians in 20th century economics and I don't get why.

lol what in the hell is wrong with you son?


Jerthebear posted:

okay friedman wasn't an austrian he just almost exclusively drew inspiration from them. stigler is a stretch. buchanan is quoted as saying i wouldn't object to being called an austrian. mises and hayek are the champions of the austrian school...
all noble laureates. I don't understand why all of you get so personally offended by this; its seeming a little defensive. I'm just trying to point out that you guys are definitely downplaying the importance of the Austrians in 20th century economics and I don't get why.

lol what in the hell is wrong with you son?

von mises won a nobel?



Impper posted:

Jerthebear posted:

okay friedman wasn't an austrian he just almost exclusively drew inspiration from them. stigler is a stretch. buchanan is quoted as saying i wouldn't object to being called an austrian. mises and hayek are the champions of the austrian school...
all noble laureates. I don't understand why all of you get so personally offended by this; its seeming a little defensive. I'm just trying to point out that you guys are definitely downplaying the importance of the Austrians in 20th century economics and I don't get why.

lol what in the hell is wrong with you son?

like wtf is this? every thoughtful and sincere post on these discussions is watered down by a dozen irrelevant, snarky, condescending ones.

impper i thought you approved of austrians running things


von mises won a nobel?



sorry, error. Hayek did win his though by just elaborating on Mises, who probably would have won one if they had started being awarded earlier.

that's so annoying though, like you're so well-versed in the history of economics that the thought of von Mises winning a nobel prize is funny to you. I mean that's so silly right? another example of the intellectual big-dick competition that this board is all about for some reason.
and suddenly we're back to my post on the last page


so hayek and nobody else then, right



and suddenly we're back to my post on the last page


so hayek and nobody else then, right

I'd say James Buchanan as well.

Jer is right, Austrian economics is highly influential, including of Friedman (although he was a scholar in Keynesian theory as well). Although many people would not know it by the name "Austrian economics", it remains the definitive right-wing free market, libertarian, anti-government ideology which is very popular in the US. It's the economics that represents "pure capitalism", so every capitalist subscribes to it, though they are more likely to appeal to "common sense" than any particular economic theory they read. People do pass around that Henry Hazlitt book, though. Ayn Rand is also a student of Austrian economics, although she doesn't talk about it much. While most people are more moderate than hardcore contemporary Austrians like Ron Paul or Peter Schiff, they nonetheless sympathize with the ideas. Its significance cannot be dismissed.

WeedSmoker420 posted:

Jer is right, Austrian economics is highly influential, including of Friedman (although he was a scholar in Keynesian theory as well). Although many people would not know it by the name "Austrian economics", it remains the definitive right-wing free market, libertarian, anti-government ideology which is very popular in the US. It's the economics that represents "pure capitalism", so every capitalist subscribes to it, though they are more likely to appeal to "common sense" than any particular economic theory they read. People do pass around that Henry Hazlitt book, though. Ayn Rand is also a student of Austrian economics, although she doesn't talk about it much. While most people are more moderate than hardcore contemporary Austrians like Ron Paul or Peter Schiff, they nonetheless sympathize with the ideas. Its significance cannot be dismissed.

...gimme a break.


Jerthebear posted:

Impper posted:

Jerthebear posted:

okay friedman wasn't an austrian he just almost exclusively drew inspiration from them. stigler is a stretch. buchanan is quoted as saying i wouldn't object to being called an austrian. mises and hayek are the champions of the austrian school...
all noble laureates. I don't understand why all of you get so personally offended by this; its seeming a little defensive. I'm just trying to point out that you guys are definitely downplaying the importance of the Austrians in 20th century economics and I don't get why.

lol what in the hell is wrong with you son?

like wtf is this? every thoughtful and sincere post on these discussions is watered down by a dozen irrelevant, snarky, condescending ones.

there's nothing 'thoughtful' about what you're writing here you moron, 'oh the austrian school deserves respect' - in what sense? why? why should anybody here care? are you doing orthodox economics? why are you talking about the economic mainstream anyway? what point are you trying to make? writing a paper for your high school class? what sort of discussion are you expecting? "yes, i have reconsidered; from here on out i will pay the proper respects to the austrian school of economics"


WeedSmoker420 posted:

Jer is right, Austrian economics is highly influential, including of Friedman (although he was a scholar in Keynesian theory as well). Although many people would not know it by the name "Austrian economics", it remains the definitive right-wing free market, libertarian, anti-government ideology which is very popular in the US. It's the economics that represents "pure capitalism", so every capitalist subscribes to it, though they are more likely to appeal to "common sense" than any particular economic theory they read. People do pass around that Henry Hazlitt book, though. Ayn Rand is also a student of Austrian economics, although she doesn't talk about it much. While most people are more moderate than hardcore contemporary Austrians like Ron Paul or Peter Schiff, they nonetheless sympathize with the ideas. Its significance cannot be dismissed.

lol @ getting incredibly defensive and hostile.

Impper posted:

writing a paper for your high school class? what sort of discussion are you expecting?

what if i really was a high school student, looking for intelligent discussion that i could draw on to write a paper for a class? would that be such a bad thing?


Impper posted:

why should anybody here care?

I'm not asking anyone to care. I'm assuming the other people who were posting cared enough to want to make me look foolish. It's very strange to me that people would get mad over this and try to attack me personally.


Jerthebear posted:

Impper posted:

why should anybody here care?

I'm not asking anyone to care. I'm assuming the other people who were posting cared enough to want to make me look foolish. It's very strange to me that people would get mad over this and try to attack me personally.

you're doing a good enough job making yourself look foolish, nobody's gotta help you, friend

sick burn

Jerthebear posted:

okay friedman wasn't an austrian he just almost exclusively drew inspiration from them. stigler is a stretch. buchanan is quoted as saying i wouldn't object to being called an austrian. mises and hayek are the champions of the austrian school...
all noble laureates. I don't understand why all of you get so personally offended by this; its seeming a little defensive. I'm just trying to point out that you guys are definitely downplaying the importance of the Austrians in 20th century economics and I don't get why.

Haha what does the nobel prize in economics have to do with academia. This is weird. I'm scared

fear is a p cool emotion imo
i concede. differences in content and methodology are meaningless, all is austrian. the fact that there are only small clusters of austrian academics scattered throughout the institutions is meaningless. the fact that it's almost impossible to do phd work in austrian economics is meaningless. the fact that the austrians are the most keenly aware of these facts is also meaningless. god bless murray rothbard and the coming race war.

*rubs eyes*

I'm... I'm seeing two joels. Two joels out their holes, and what's this?!? <does double take> Bawaahh? And they're fighting each other in this thread?



i concede. differences in content and methodology are meaningless, all is austrian. the fact that there are only small clusters of austrian academics scattered throughout the institutions is meaningless. the fact that it's almost impossible to do phd work in austrian economics is meaningless. the fact that the austrians are the most keenly aware of these facts is also meaningless. god bless murray rothbard and the coming race war.

*ignores everything i say*
*projects marxist insecurities on me*

btw you're right. might IS right. and keynes is KING!

edit; krugman

Jerthebear posted:

*ignores everything i say*
*projects marxist insecurities on me*

marxian economics is fringe in economics departments too, obviously. i don't know why you're hung up on proving the austrians aren't

Edited by TROT_CUMLOVER ()

krugman: the great love of every leftist


marxian economics is fringe in academia too, obviously. i don't know why you're hung up on proving the austrians aren't

and i don't know why you're so intent on marginalizing them. it's almost as if your ideology is diametrically opposed to that of theirs!

lol without dm the rhizzone loses in an econo-wrestling match to an austrian armed with 'the nobel prize for economics' and 'das mudpie'

Jerthebear posted:

and i don't know why you're so intent on marginalizing them. it's almost as if your ideology is diametrically opposed to that of theirs!

I'm not like the voice for the poor downtrodden Austrians... I'm just giving credit where credit is due, and objecting to left vilification.
See folks, this is how your mind degenerates without "leftism"
oh boy! innernette bullies
what is an interesting economic the austrians have done?

u were asked earlier but u replied with 'mudpie' :/
individual austrian economists winning noble prizes says nothing about prevalence of the austrian school in academic discourse. cant believe i had to say this

babyfinland posted:

individual austrian economists winning noble prizes says nothing about prevalence of the austrian school in academic discourse. cant believe i had to say this

thx 4 ur insight

xipe posted:

what is an interesting economic the austrians have done?

u were asked earlier but u replied with 'mudpie' :/

they do a good economic called 'planning is bad'