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Mobi - Regular Expressing Ways

Crow posted:

Mobi - Regular Expressing Ways

border's ultimatum


Edited by babyfinland ()

does that work
[account deactivated]
i have mobis, tom, can you regularly express me
ive had it up to here with your twos guys monkey business
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i wa nt to LIVE!
im the one that uploaded less than nothing to aaaaarg after someone from postgarden sent it to me
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babyfinland posted:


wow thanks, this is perfect, exactly what i was getting at

[account deactivated]

sosie posted:

im the one that uploaded less than nothing to aaaaarg after someone from postgarden sent it to me

thanks sosie


kinch posted:

babyfinland posted:


wow thanks, this is perfect, exactly what i was getting at

everything you say comes across as horribly sarcastic. im sorry. what did i do wrong

i just read this grad student's (just a guess) critique of houellebecqs loser aesthetic in relation to agamben, zizek etc. can also be found on argh, just giving back in a small way. thank you
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

kinch posted:

babyfinland posted:


wow thanks, this is perfect, exactly what i was getting at

everything you say comes across as horribly sarcastic. im sorry. what did i do wrong

no i'm really grateful. i think that's the regular expression. your really cool in my book.

[account deactivated]

kinch posted:

babyfinland posted:

kinch posted:

babyfinland posted:


wow thanks, this is perfect, exactly what i was getting at

everything you say comes across as horribly sarcastic. im sorry. what did i do wrong

no i'm really grateful. i think that's the regular expression. your really cool in my book.

fine whatever. i see how it is

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[account deactivated]
shut up you idiots
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tpaine have u ever read ulysses by jim "the hulk" joyce
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you should! many similarities between your posting and the ol' joyceman mayhaps a perusal of the erotic nora letters will give you some ideas, and a little titillation?
but anyway

Waving the photographer off, he points in the distance across the Slovenian capital. "Over there, that's a kind of counter-culture establishment – they hate me, I hate them. This is the type of leftists that I hate. Radical leftists whose fathers are all very rich." Most of the other buildings, he adds, are government ministries. "I hate it." Now he's back in the living room, a clinically tidy little sliver of functional space lacking any discernible aesthetic, the only concessions being a poster for the video game Call Of Duty: Black Ops, and a print of Joseph Stalin. Žižek pours Coke Zero into plastic McDonald's cups decorated in Disney merchandising, but when he opens a kitchen cupboard I see that it's full of clothes.
Toilet training attests to the fact that the Other is intensely interested in the most primitive and quasi-automatic functions of the infant's phyisiology. By this means, the anus is charged with the demand of the other. For this reason, the anal sphincter, despite the socially rehearsed repugnance that attaches to everything excremental--or rather precisely because of that repugnance--must be considered the most profoundly social organ of the body. It is the site at which the most elemental physiological functions, the rhythmic movements of peristalsis, are entwined with the most subtle psychological and interpersonal dynamics, laid down by the subject's experience of the other's love or rejection. In toilet training, the anus is "colonized," to invoke a happily apt pun, by the other's desire. Throughout the future life of the individual, the contractions and relaxations of the anal muscle will inevitably call up immensely more global connotations of mastery or submission, independence or dependence.

Taken up into this physiologico-emotional complex, the fecal material becomes freighted with significance that utterly outstrips all natural or animal attitudes toward excrement. In accord with a symbolic equivalence already familiar to Freud, the feces become privileged tokens in an exchange of love--excrement as primordial gift. In this way is accomplished a radical "revaluation of all values." By fixing upon what is most naturally worthless, the range of possible objects of human desire is henceforth established as formally infinite, potentially inclusive of even the most abject and revolting content. At the same time, this elevation of excrement to the level of the very index of love will color all subsequent experience of the libidinal bond with a profound ambivalence. In the heart of the love relation is something that may at any moment reveal itself to be repulsive and worthless. Jokes about the sexual function thus become "dirty jokes." Love is perpetually haunted by the deeply rooted suspicion--a reality on the level of the unconscious--that it is "much ado about nothing." Something similar can be said about the way in which the drama of toilet training establishes an ambivalence concerning the entirety of human social life and the institutions that structure and support it. In a very real sense, the human being enters civilized life by way of an unnatural investment of libidinal interest in functioning of its bowels. The edifice of civilization is founded upon the unconscious libidinization of excrement.
aeril you still down to do a lets read ulysses thread? that was you right? i have been re-reading it for the 3rd time recently and it really is amazing the depth to which that shit goes, man. it really is a triumph of literature.
the only reason why i read so many books is because i think that if i amass enough knowledge someone eventually will have to love me
all yall should ST FU
[account deactivated]
oh, that, too
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EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

aeril you still down to do a lets read ulysses thread? that was you right? i have been re-reading it for the 3rd time recently and it really is amazing the depth to which that shit goes, man. it really is a triumph of literature.

yeah i think i'll make a thread sometime this week, im in the middle of it right now too