[account deactivated]
tpaine how could you do this too me
notice to all other users: i most defintiely do NOT have fail aids
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i heard corey has fail aids, can i get a c/d on this intel plz?
notice: i have reason to believe tpain is lying when he says he contracted fail aids from my post
well, mane, the thing is, mane, that there havent been people posting as bad as u here since superabound got ifapped so im tempted to believe tpaine
man this is bullshit all i wanted is bookbros and i get trolled like this. magotmaster wasd right about this place
oh, sorry, mane. i'll be your book bro, mane. what kind of books do you enjoy? have you ever read 'mein kampf?' its my fav
i like books about comunesm
me too. check out mein kampf its like the ultimate comunest book
i added u gowb. my name is tom and i am fat
you seem like a compelte moron from your goodreads. mainly the "australia" thing tho
aerdil and tom do you feel any different. it's just that, uh... some ppl, theyve bein saying......

corey posted:

aerdil and tom do you feel any different. it's just that, uh... some ppl, theyve bein saying......

*flushes toilet* i feel wonderful

what? has flippin lungfish been at that goddarn rumor mill again
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

corey have you ever gone to aaaaaarg

i dont have a kindle but i need to get one what sort of kindle should i get (theres many types)

I added you http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1104087-kyle this is me

corey posted:

tpaine posted:

corey have you ever gone to aaaaaarg

i dont have a kindle but i need to get one what sort of kindle should i get (theres many types)

the cheapest, ad-subsidized, then get rid of the ads using a lifehack.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
great username, 420691488-kyle

tpaine posted:

corey posted:

tpaine posted:

corey have you ever gone to aaaaaarg

i dont have a kindle but i need to get one what sort of kindle should i get (theres many types)

i don't have a kindle, i don't even have a mp3 player yet. i'm a luddite who burns mix cds. i am also very short, ruddy, and bepaunched. of course i'm a virgin; that goes without saying. don't touch me. don't even look at me.

i ahve an iphone

thanks kyle and "mike"
[account deactivated]

corey posted:

tpaine posted:

corey posted:

tpaine posted:

corey have you ever gone to aaaaaarg

i dont have a kindle but i need to get one what sort of kindle should i get (theres many types)

i don't have a kindle, i don't even have a mp3 player yet. i'm a luddite who burns mix cds. i am also very short, ruddy, and bepaunched. of course i'm a virgin; that goes without saying. don't touch me. don't even look at me.

i ahve an iphone

epic this


tpaine posted:

has joel friended you yet, he told me he would.

joel is literally lungfish just a protip there clarence

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
listen to me wallace. listen up

stegosaurus posted:

I added you http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1104087-kyle this is me



gyrofry posted:

[account deactivated]
Das is gud Ja lol

Crow posted:

stegosaurus posted:

I added you http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1104087-kyle this is me


.... add me