
tpaine posted:

you go do it ken. in fact, all your future posts should be at the postgarden to really rile those fuckers up!


tpaine posted:

you go do it ken. in fact, all your future posts should be at the postgarden to really rile those fuckers up!

[account deactivated]

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

guitar music?? lol


Transient_Grace posted:

chopsticks allow you to hold the bowl in one hand and the sticks in the other one very conveniently, you use the sticks for the solids and just drink liquids straight from the bowl. the chinese way.

unless it's shabu shabu wherein neither a fork nor a spoon would be appropriate anyhow.

goatstein has been debunked.

Ya. Too bad for me that using a fork takes two hands like a friggin broadsword. Look at this noob


deadken posted:

guitar music?? lol

english people don't get to speak on matters of musical taste

what about john peel


shermanstick posted:

what about john peel

I cant join postgarden. The troll opportunities on a bunch of guys who got banned for being too spastic for a group who were themselves banned for being too spastic would just be too much for me and I'd probably be homeless with shit and leaves in my hair within a week
that sounds like some kind of group home for the socially unfit

Crow posted:

Paleo diet ftw. I'm gonna start a paleo food trailer lol. Elk ftw

authenticity sells though so instead of an engine you should have flintstone-feet underneath to propel it along.


deadken posted:

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

guitar music?? lol

Guitars uhh,,, Guitars own


Goethestein posted:

Transient_Grace posted:

chopsticks allow you to hold the bowl in one hand and the sticks in the other one very conveniently, you use the sticks for the solids and just drink liquids straight from the bowl. the chinese way.

unless it's shabu shabu wherein neither a fork nor a spoon would be appropriate anyhow.

goatstein has been debunked.

Ya. Too bad for me that using a fork takes two hands like a friggin broadsword. Look at this noob

no but you need to switch utensils

like screw you, buddy.


tpaine posted:

me and goatstein are coming to australia and we're going to raise his daughter three-men-and-a-baby-and-its-sequel-three-men-and-a-little-lady-style with ayn randi and iwc

i call tom selleck

is the use of chopsticks in the western world a sign of privilege?
millions of trees are cut down everyday for use in throwaway chopsticks. fact

littlegreenpills posted:

millions of trees are cut down everyday for use in throwaway chopsticks. fact

what's tree doing. fuck all. then bam. chopsticks. thanks tree.

i ate an enchilada with chopsticks
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.

~jack handey~


getfiscal posted:

tpaine posted:

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.

~jack handey~

where's audrey? bring back audrey. even audrey tautou for awhile maybe

*bangs chopsticks on table and intones "WE. WANT. A PRETTY BRUNETTE. WE. WANT. A PRETTY BRUNETTE."*
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i always liked that picture because you gotta wonder like, was it the girl behind thems (probably also white) friend taking a picture of those two... but it's like is the thing they're really taking a picture of the weird white dude or the pissed off looking young black man? shit is deep.
[account deactivated]
dangit bobbeh
i found a collection of goatstein home family videos.
wow goochstain you are a bad parent dude!

haven't read the thread (too long) but you should raise your baby vegetarian into the higher state of Carnivoraeum.
i think you'll find that theres sahih hadith in bukhari indicating that it is sunnah to post a "didn't read lol" gif rather than to say "i didn't read this thread"
that's cool and all but please speak english on the internet
*rolls u for jizya*