it got so hot that all the grass died. how do i help it, how do i make it be okay
Tsargon posted:? ive left the pacific northwest like 5 times in my entire life
where should i buy my mulch tomorrow? i went to home depot today and im thinking lowes tomorrow, y'know, spread the love and all
AmericanNazbro posted:are you a fascist hipster from portland because my mind is melting down with that image
Backstory: My style is what is thought of by most people to be "gay" (i.e. Scarves, Cardigans, etc.), but I am straight. What this means is that most girls assume that I am gay, and by the time that my sexuality comes up, which is usually late, she already thinks of me as her "gay friend". I need a way to make it clear that I am straight to begin with, without being too forward.
discipline posted:commodiusvicus posted:When is time?
It's a human construct and changes geographically.
hey! thats not when!
discipline posted:AmericanNazbro posted:are you a fascist hipster from portland because my mind is melting down with that image
you don't get to speak on behalf of the fascist hipsters
AmericanNazbro posted:are you a fascist hipster from portland because my mind is melting down with that image
no, im from a mountain village in washington and simply feel The Call Of The Flag in a different way than others
discipline posted:It's a great way to make new friends and talk to strangers.
speaking of which I find it really hard to start conversations with strangers, people just seem to react badly to me. please give me some advice on how to avoid this
Impper posted:im pretty sure the only effect newports have is makin u legit + faster cancer
which cigs give the most cancer per drag, so i can be more authentic than other smokers