Crow posted:
Also I might be a closet hipster/anti-hipster. When people I know start liking Jesus Lizard or something, my first reaction is a pretty ugly one that i have to work hard to oppress.
Also, I hate the field I trained for yet despite the self-loathing for participating in it I can't nut up and learn merino husbandry or something.
Also I never finished reading Ulysses or Don Quixote despite them being two of my favourite books.
Also i have a deep hatred of careerism/nepotism yet I can't work out a way to get anything done that isn't infected by it in some way.
Impper posted:animedad u must hang out with us one of these weekends. it has been fated. we discussed u
yeah definitely. im going to ireland for the next 10 days but after that ill hit you up
jools posted:ive been able to get a lot of reading done and i just do stuff that doesnt cost any money (cos i dont have any really). to be honest what i'm most worried about is that i don't find all this as bad as i feel i should.
fuckin' poors
AmericanNazbro posted:Crow posted:
not caring about shit that doesn't matter is totes not ok so I better navel gaze more
creepy cool av btw
Ironicwarcriminal posted:I’m sceptical of this aesthetics business because ken keeps saying it as an imperative statement with the same tone he used to use for “dubstep” in lf back in like 2009 and we all know how that turned out…
Ironicwarcriminal posted:seriously ken, i blame you at least partly for skrillex
that wasn't me. blame rusko. i'm rusko
deadken posted:i read less than zero for class and its fucking awful lol, makes me feel a lot better about my own bad words
did it hit too close to home
guidoanselmi posted:because it's the logical conclusion of an islamo-protomarxist gaining political office in the US.
creepy cool av btw seriously dude the video is awesome.
AmericanNazbro posted:ken post ur tattoos
deadken posted:i don't really care about other people. i used to try really hard, these days ive just kinda given up. i can appropriate the terminology of various philosophers but i'm never sure if i really 'get' it. i write bad prose + broetry. im drunk and obnoxious the whole time for no good reason. i do literally nothing in aid of the disadvantaged. im self-obsessed. i use the fact that i'm smarter than most of my peers to be a revolting ego monster. last weekend i made out w/ a girl i was seeing a while back and we're both seeing other people monogamous like and i think we've agreed to pretend it didn't happen and i don't feel guilty at all. i bathe in my own piss. piss. piss #italiano
the trick here is to realize that women desire way more than your masculine ego is capable of and save them from the disparity between your actual ontic social self and your psychic diluted (in the sense of ego) identity. that either means manipulating their desire towards your sexual end or to engage with them honestly and have them utterly horrified of your decentralized position of subjectivity. if it's any consolation, women deserve way more than you are even capacitated of offering socially.
Impper posted:ken have you read bernhard yet