a poster so elated, he couldn't even be stopped by being probated
[account deactivated]
It's sad that capitalism has created this sad cultural thing where so many kids are raised with hardly any family at all. And kids who grow up with a mom and a dad may have maybe 2 members of extended family that they see regularly. It's like the exact opposite of what people have done for forever and is just this huge added burden of stress and stuff
we can never truly live in an equal and egalitarian society when the majority gender terrorize the minority with their vagina.
terrorize me pls

drwhat posted:

Goethestein posted:

discipline posted:
women make 70 cents on the dollar kiddo

no they don't

you got him there. in the US it's actually 77 cents. this changes everything

indeed, the flat figure is 77 cents, not 70, which is a fairly large difference, wouldn't you say? more to the point, the figure adjusted for factors such as hours worked, education, and danger wage premium brings the total to 93 cents.


NounsareVerbs posted:
"I hereby certify that I am the genetic father of fetus of woman with SSN ____.
I do not want my baby to be born and therefore reject any claim the mother has to my help with it in the future. This form exempts me from both my claim to custody and mandatory support for this potential child.

Signed ____"

Is this what you want cyclone? And can you not see how
1. fucking ice-hearted this is
2. makes you a terrible human being in any culture on the entire planet

I don't give a flying shit how much sense it makes legally, it's an ethical line that you are clearly on the cold side of.

i'm sorry but i'm failing to grasp how "i do not want this fetus to be born and subject me to the legal requirement of loss of 20% of my gross income for the next two decades, therefore i waive any rights and responsibilities" is in any way more 'ice-hearted' than "i do not want this fetus to be born and subject me to between one and five months of moderate disability, therefore please suck it out like a turd caught in a pool filter"

also i am fairly certain that most cultures have a generally more favorable view of wayward fatherhood than they do of infanticide, although of course both have been regularly practiced in virtually all cultures and this has no particular bearing on a modern person's decision as to the morality of either decision

Goethestein posted:
also i am fairly certain that most cultures have a generally more favorable view of wayward fatherhood than they do of infanticide, although of course both have been regularly practiced in virtually all cultures and this has no particular bearing on a modern person's decision as to the morality of either decision


let's move on to another important and valid complaint

3. In the justice system, men are usually given harsher sentences than women for the same crimes. This is in addition to and related to the fact that the prison population is over 90% male.
I'm sorry that you live in a backwards society where women in a lot of states have the right to their own bodies. That right goes both ways - whether they want to have a baby or not. It's terrible that men have to be responsible for giving away 20% of their earned income if the woman decides to have the baby. The woman really does have the categorical imperative to bootstrap-it all alone if that is the man's wish, because of his right to financial independence. The baby, should understand his/her father's ethical decision when he/she grows older and wiser.

Also Change Goethe's av to "moderate disability"
[account deactivated]

NounsareVerbs posted:
I'm sorry that you live in a backwards society where women in a lot of states have the right to their own bodies. That right goes both ways - whether they want to have a baby or not. It's terrible that men have to be responsible for giving away 20% of their earned income if the woman decides to have the baby. The woman really does have the categorical imperative to bootstrap-it all alone if that is the man's wish, because of his right to financial independence. The baby, should understand his/her father's ethical decision when he/she grows older and wiser.

please don't use the word "father" to refer to the man in these circumstances, it undermines all valuable conceptions of family in favor of biological essentialism. thanks in advance.


NounsareVerbs posted:
I'm sorry that you live in a backwards society where women in a lot of states have the right to their own bodies. That right goes both ways - whether they want to have a baby or not. It's terrible that men have to be responsible for giving away 20% of their earned income if the woman decides to have the baby. The woman really does have the categorical imperative to bootstrap-it all alone if that is the man's wish, because of his right to financial independence. The baby, should understand his/her father's ethical decision when he/she grows older and wiser.

Also Change Goethe's av to "moderate disability"

It really is rather unjust that men are legally responsible for the consequences of accidental pregnancies and women are not, even when the material consequences are substantially greater in the former case. Simply restating a position in a snide tone of voice does not actually constitute an argument against it.

why are you guys bringing these week trolls here there's only like a dozen people who read this forum and we've all seen it before
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
hay guys you might think rich people are shit but have you ever gotten a job from a poor person? and don't tell me the government is the answer its too inefficient!!
Goethestein shrugged.

discipline posted:

Goethestein posted:
It really is rather unjust that men are legally responsible for the consequences of accidental pregnancies and women are not, even when the material consequences are substantially greater in the former case. Simply restating a position in a snide tone of voice does not actually constitute an argument against it.

women die giving birth

yes that is a very common problem here in 1867


Goethestein posted:

discipline posted:

Goethestein posted:
It really is rather unjust that men are legally responsible for the consequences of accidental pregnancies and women are not, even when the material consequences are substantially greater in the former case. Simply restating a position in a snide tone of voice does not actually constitute an argument against it.

women die giving birth

yes that is a very common problem here in 1867

Every day, 1500 women die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related complications


Obviously we're talking about the united states.Im sure it still happens regularly in swaziland

Goethestein was probated until (Oct. 7, 2011 07:01:27) for this post!

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
lol i set em up, u knock em down
bf your youtube sig embed isn't working if it is supposed to work

thirdplace posted:
bf your youtube sig embed isn't working if it is supposed to work

whats it look like for you, for me its there but its cut off half in the middle

well that's pretty much it here too. the "favorite" link is over it but it plays alright

discipline posted:
women die giving birth

if the woman is worried about dying, then she can get an abortion. the non-consensual male genetic contributor to the fetus has no such recourse.

if u get someone pregnant it was consensual

ignorance, even if it is the tragic consequence of a bizarre homeschooled childhood experience, is no excuse

babyfinland posted:
if u get someone pregnant it was consensual

ignorance, even if it is the tragic consequence of a bizarre homeschooled childhood experience, is no excuse

much like if you get into a car wreck, it's consensual.


Cycloneboy posted:

babyfinland posted:
if u get someone pregnant it was consensual

ignorance, even if it is the tragic consequence of a bizarre homeschooled childhood experience, is no excuse

much like if you get into a car wreck, it's consensual.

no one accidently has sex while intending to do something else

youre going to be a drunk driver some day, you're already using that self-serving rationalizing logic
this is the end-game folks. an unironic analogy which compares the liability of a child's welfare to a motor vehicle collision.

babyfinland posted:
if u get someone pregnant it was consensual

ignorance, even if it is the tragic consequence of a bizarre homeschooled childhood experience, is no excuse

i don't wanna come down on the side of "men should be able to divorce their children" but anti-abortion people use this same argument and i. don't. like. it. one. bit.

hey cyclone you know that legally and morally child support payments go to the child not the mother, right? i know we'd both love it if there was enough societal support to make childraising something other than a huge financial burden but there isn't and it's better that "the father" pick up the slack than "no one"

babyfinland posted:

Cycloneboy posted:

babyfinland posted:
if u get someone pregnant it was consensual

ignorance, even if it is the tragic consequence of a bizarre homeschooled childhood experience, is no excuse

much like if you get into a car wreck, it's consensual.

no one accidently has sex while intending to do something else

yes, but they do accidentally get someone pregnant while intending to do something else.

thirdplace posted:
hey cyclone you know that legally and morally child support payments go to the child not the mother, right? i know we'd both love it if there was enough societal support to make childraising something other than a huge financial burden but there isn't and it's better that "the father" pick up the slack than "no one"

well maybe we should get started on that too.


thirdplace posted:

babyfinland posted:
if u get someone pregnant it was consensual

ignorance, even if it is the tragic consequence of a bizarre homeschooled childhood experience, is no excuse

i don't wanna come down on the side of "men should be able to divorce their children" but anti-abortion people use this same argument and i. don't. like. it. one. bit.

makes u think.