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getfiscal posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

what makes you think she read it lol

her intelligent performance in "the girlfriend experience", for one.

hm maybe, she was just okay in that film, but i think her acting was far superior in My Daughter's Fucking Blackzilla 9 and more seriously reminded me of the protagonist's aesthetic in sartre's nausea

[account deactivated]
does anyone got any good ethnographies or like pop anthropology type books i can read for fun this summer
whoa, those M-19 guys in Colombia are crazy. It's like they listened to the violent rhetoric of the "radical" Bay Area bougies in the 70s and actually did it.
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

its groundless insistence on nazi germany and the ussr under stalin as dual manifestations of a singular phenomenon, its perverse pre-occupation with the figure of the individual totalitarian dictator, its nonsense about the desire of totalitarian parties to dominate the world (which entirely fails to note the pre-existing world domination achieved by the capitalist class), its whiny misrepresentation of deindividuation as being somehow intrinsically evil, its constant whiff of snivelling jewishness

lol, is it supposed to be antisemitism?


aerdil posted:

getfiscal posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

what makes you think she read it lol

her intelligent performance in "the girlfriend experience", for one.

hm maybe, she was just okay in that film, but i think her acting was far superior in My Daughter's Fucking Blackzilla 9 and more seriously reminded me of the protagonist's aesthetic in sartre's nausea

fuck off slutshamer

i think dreyfus mentions that book at one point as the only source for an english translation of some heidegger text
then she should make a porn called the Dreyfus Affair
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

whoa, those M-19 guys in Colombia are crazy. It's like they listened to the violent rhetoric of the "radical" Bay Area bougies in the 70s and actually did it.

tbh that much better describes sendero luminoso


tpaine posted:

shermanstick posted:

does anyone got any good ethnographies or like pop anthropology type books i can read for fun this summer


thanks asshole


tpaine posted:

i saw this but i couldn't relate to it

Which gender are you interested in?

What kind of relationship are you looking for?
Friends, love, whatever. I'm open.

Describe the sort of person you're looking for!
Deep, smart, with a tremendous lively, mischievous and high-spirited personality. Very light on her feet with moves to melt any motion-capture engineer's heart. And a sense of humour both off the wall and the charts.

Do you think long distance relationships can work?
I'd like to actually experience a regular relationship one day... but if a long-distance relationship's what it takes to meet my soulmate, what choice do I have? I also believe Ewoks are best served chilled.


This was one of my first experiences with okcupid, and it's really a wonder I'm still using the site all considered. It happened in 2010 in Lexington, Kentucky. The setting helps put bits of it into more context.

Sooo there was a guy on okcupid that messaged me. He was into kink. He was very open about being kinky. He says he's a dom and he asks me if I'd be interested in a D/s sort of deal while exploring a potential relationship and I'm like yeah okay.

So we're talking on AIM before we meet and we're talking about kinks and hard limits. He's into objectification (like literally treating people like furniture), nude servant work, humiliation, that sort of thing. And that's not really my thing but I also haven't tried it and I figure it can be a give-take deal if all goes well. So I ask him how much care he puts into making sure his subs enjoy themselves. And he goes "uh... why would I care?"

That was red flag 1, and I do kick myself for not calling it there.

But he asks for a completely normal lunch date to chat and such. So I agree. We have lunch. He's nice enough. Not unattractive. He bathes. Can hold a conversation about something other than sex and video games. After the date he invites me to his birthday party that weekend, says he's having a bunch of friends over and we can hang out and see what happens. And I agree, why not.

That weekend I head over to his place. First, I notice that "bunch of friends" means two people other than him and me. One is a very large woman who reveals she is a furry and who leaves pretty quickly. The other is a 6'5 thick-accented dude who says he is, no shit, a prison security guard. Everyone is already pretty much drunk by the time I get there at a whopping 7pm, the prison security guard on whiskey, and the dom guy on tequila. Turns out, a lot of tequila.

So there's a movie on and I sit down to watch with them and refuse any alcohol offered to me because there is no way I am hanging around these dudes as anything but stone cold sober. He starts feeling me up during the movie. This is Not Okay. I resign myself to repeatedly removing his hands from my boobs and count down the minutes until I can make a polite and plausible exit. I continue to not touch any alcohol. His friend is just sitting there the whole time, drinking whiskey and not talking while just. staring.

So eventually the dom guy goes in for a kiss. And the first and only thing I really notice is that he's drooling. A lot. If you're a career drinker, what's it mean when a really really drunk person is drooling a lot?

Answer: It's a pre-emetic response. It means they're about to vomit. Saliva production increases to protect the teeth.

So I push him off of me, like physically push him away, and tell him in my best mom voice to go to the bathroom and puke there. Shockingly, and only falling over twice, he obeys! And the longest few minutes of my life as I listen to him from the other room.

Those sounds.

Oh the sounds.

They stop eventually. And me and prison guard guy both get up and go take a look, because curiosity occasionally overrides good sense.

First thing: he's naked. Drunk people do this, hell I've done this when I'm drunk enough and sick, I have no idea why. You get enough liquor in you and all you want to do is rip your clothes off.

He's sitting on the toilet and to my best knowledge got precisely none of the vomit in the actual toilet because it was all over the rest of the bathroom. On everything. The walls. The floor. The counter. The bathtub. EVERYWHERE. And a little aside about me: I get rip roaring vomiting drunk on very very rare occasions but when I do I always vomit in appropriate places. I judge people for this.

Anyway, this is where this gets scary.

Security guard guy goes out to the living room. When I go out there, he's got a gun. He had a hidden holster beneath his jacket apparently, and he was taking it off and checking the gun. And when I go out he looks at me and he goes hey, you got two choices here, you can help my friend out or you can leave.

Fun fact: my mom was a bartender in biker bars for 20 years. And one of the things she told me is if you're ever faced with a man that has a gun, the answer to any and all of his questions or demands is yes. You always make the man with the gun happy.

So I go okay, I'll help your friend. He says why don't you shower him off while I clean the rest of the bathroom. So I dragged his friend's mostly-limp ass into the bathtub and rinsed him and it off. He could kind of stand, but he was pretty much gone. I cleaned the vomit out of his hair and off his junk, then I go to what I assumed was a linen closet in the bathroom to find a towel.

I open the door.

In the floor of that closet was a wire cage big enough for a crouching person to fit into.

I'm staring at it for I don't know how long because this is kind of a lot to take in at once.

The guy with a gun notices and informs me that his buddy likes to lock his girls up in there "when they've been bad."

oh is that all that's nice

So quickly, I finish washing off dom guy and drag him into bed. I start grabbing my shit to leave while I can, but gun guy comes out and looks at me up and down and my head is just white noise at this point because while the evening has been bad it has yet to get REALLY BAD and I'm imminently aware of how REALLY BAD it could be about to get.

Finally he says "hey I know what you want to do" (hahaha no you don't) "but my buddy really likes you so we can't" (OH WHAT SHOCK AND WOE GOODBYE NOW)

And I say yeah okay bye then and leave. And walk home the 2 miles in the middle of winter, in heels, and stop at the all-night diner for some fucking french toast.

So happy ending I guess.

radical agriculture
okay cupid
i finished oblomov, it was good!

now im reading some robert c. allen thing about the british industrial revolution, 25 pages in and check it: high wages + forever coal

Edited by Tsargon ()

im reading the condition of postmodernity
also finally got round to makin some inroads w/ that heidegger book i stole a while back
you did what
what book
Im about to Read My Lips
which one is condition of postmodernity again. i cant remember if i read it. i get incredibly bored reading all of those theory books that just describe postmodernism, all of it seems like incredibly obvious platitudes that were better conveyed in nietzsche or some shitty fiction book by an obscure swiss or portuguese in 1905

Crow posted:

what book

heidegger explained: from phenomenon to thing by graham harman, i think dm or someone said it had a kinda skewed viewpoint but as heidegger himself points out such framings are not only inevitable but necessary


Impper posted:

which one is condition of postmodernity again. i cant remember if i read it. i get incredibly bored reading all of those theory books that just describe postmodernism, all of it seems like incredibly obvious platitudes that were better conveyed in nietzsche or some shitty fiction book by an obscure swiss or portuguese in 1905

its the david harvey one not the frederic jameson one

david harvey is crazy boring iirc. whyu not just read jacob von gunten?
like, deleuze and kierkegaard get a pass because theres actually a lot of interesting things going on with the work. they dont just set out to do a shitty essay that lays some shit out. i get annoyed too when a writer takes an essay too seriously. but whatever im idiot
his lectures on kapital are actually a p useful starting point imo. i introduced a geographer friend to him and now he's basing a substantial part of his dissertation on him lol
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

his lectures on kapital are actually a p useful starting point imo. i introduced a geographer friend to him and now he's basing a substantial part of his dissertation on him lol

starting point for what. also ur geography friend is like mad boring. shouldnt he already be talking about like striated spaces & shit, & the city, and other cool shit? now hes basing his dissertation on kapital? someone needs t obeat this guy up

if you like geography then yeah Harvey is fucking awesome because if you're a geography nerd like me you can get past the dryness.

i don't really want to hear him speak about postmodernity or whatever though, i just work out what constitutes postmodernity through my everyday life
i got a soft spot for harvey, i watch his capital lectures & take them too seriously
hes an old boring bearded marxist man how can u not love that
when did it become bad to take things seriously

Impper posted:

deadken posted:

his lectures on kapital are actually a p useful starting point imo. i introduced a geographer friend to him and now he's basing a substantial part of his dissertation on him lol

starting point for what. also ur geography friend is like mad boring. shouldnt he already be talking about like striated spaces & shit, & the city, and other cool shit? now hes basing his dissertation on kapital? someone needs t obeat this guy up

no not kkkaptial but david harveys actual academic work which is indeed all about The Shitty City

yeah for his actual academic work on the city he's one of the most cited authorities iirc