btdubz discipline, precariat author guy standing is giving a talk near me this sunday, should i go or should i no

deadken posted:

its a good book if you like Mondo Liberalisms, Mindless Hegemonic Mindset Shitfuckery, and Jewish Girls that Ain't Got No Ass??

those are actually my three favourite things, especially jewish girls that ain't got no ass, so well, thanks for the recommendation, i will read that book.


deadken posted:

its a good book if you like Mondo Liberalisms, Mindless Hegemonic Mindset Shitfuckery, and Jewish Girls that Ain't Got No Ass??

is that the new trilogy? christy been goin H.A.M.


its available for free here, including kindle format. i smell a lets read
the origins of totalitarian jism

Groulxsmith posted:

Neurotic socialist writer with psychosexual issues can only come up with "Jewish" as a pejorative lol

you forgot bad and gay, the other two crucial elements in the Goldsmith Trinity


deadken posted:

its groundless insistence on nazi germany and the ussr under stalin as dual manifestations of a singular phenomenon, its perverse pre-occupation with the figure of the individual totalitarian dictator, its nonsense about the desire of totalitarian parties to dominate the world (which entirely fails to note the pre-existing world domination achieved by the capitalist class), its whiny misrepresentation of deindividuation as being somehow intrinsically evil, its constant whiff of snivelling jewishness


yeah dude what he said, totally...
i read arendt before and it sucks, even though i was expecting it to be mondo good & cool. i cant help it if your turning more and more into a kierkegaardian stereotype of a boor

Groulxsmith posted:

Neurotic socialist writer with psychosexual issues can only come up with "Jewish" as a pejorative lol

i don't even think he's a socialist but ummmm ok

im a socialist.
also you guys are talking about how the word jew is used in those posts when arendt says jew a million more times. you guys are just crazy weirdos w. increasingly liberal values; you shame even arendt

Impper posted:

i read arendt before and it sucks, even though i was expecting it to be mondo good & cool. i cant help it if your turning more and more into a kierkegaardian stereotype of a boor

no need to be rude


Impper posted:

also you guys are talking about how the word jew is used in those posts when arendt says jew a million more times. you guys are just crazy weirdos w. increasingly liberal values; you shame even arendt

*hands u an ice cream sandwich*


Impper posted:

also you guys are talking about how the word jew is used in those posts when arendt says jew a million more times. you guys are just crazy weirdos w. increasingly liberal values; you shame even arendt

low effort trolls is NOT liberalism, jerk!!

troll or not its your true feelings

Impper posted:

you guys are just crazy weirdos w. increasingly liberal values

and proud of it, bub.


Impper posted:

troll or not its your true feelings

i think jewishness is a silly idea that doesnt warrant consideration, far more interesting is the west's obsession with jewishness, imo


cleanhands posted:

Impper posted:

troll or not its your true feelings

i think jewishness is a silly idea that doesnt warrant consideration, far more interesting is the west's obsession with jewishness, imo

hm maybe someone with deep personal experience on the subject matter could write about it, relating it to the two anti-semitic totalitarian regimes of the middle 20th century

wow, tom, on this day, liberation day, to call the soviet state antisemitic? who cares that it was basically dumb luck that a second holocaust didn't happen under stalin due to his death, that's irrelevant today.
eh, w/e

Edited by mistersix ()


babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

Impper posted:

troll or not its your true feelings

i think jewishness is a silly idea that doesnt warrant consideration, far more interesting is the west's obsession with jewishness, imo

hm maybe someone with deep personal experience on the subject matter could write about it, relating it to the two anti-semitic totalitarian regimes of the middle 20th century

i dont think thats what happened


babyfinland posted:

cleanhands posted:

Impper posted:

troll or not its your true feelings

i think jewishness is a silly idea that doesnt warrant consideration, far more interesting is the west's obsession with jewishness, imo

hm maybe someone with deep personal experience on the subject matter could write about it, relating it to the two anti-semitic totalitarian regimes of the middle 20th century

its been 65 years, its not relevant to anyone or anything in the present day, its a historical artifact at this point, yet it persists

[account deactivated]
stephen fry tryin to reconcile his love of wagner and his jewishness
bf's recent liberal gimmick is really unconvincing, we all know he's too fuckin crazy to believe any of it
i don't have any ideological problem with Arendt but i just find her writing a lil' boring. I dunno, maybe it's redolent of another time or something
gross, she's no anne frank

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i don't have any ideological problem with Arendt but i just find her writing a lil' boring. I dunno, maybe it's redolent of another time or something

i think i've heard that its really good quality prose auf deutsch, but, i may be thinking of someone else. i hope this helps.

every time i see a picture of hannah arendt i can't help but think 'damn, her ass musta been flat as hell.' objectify dead female scholars erry day
Mary Wollstonecraft had a bangin' rack
pyf foxy female academisses. Prof. Lisa Randall, Harvard. Yowza
Mirjana Marković
[account deactivated]
sasha grey, who once read a book about existentialism

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

sasha grey, who once read a book about existentialism


what makes you think she read it lol


tpaine posted:

thats cheating.

what, her reading a survey text instead of the primary works?


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

what makes you think she read it lol

her intelligent performance in "the girlfriend experience", for one.