Did you guys know that every jew in the holocaust raped another jew??? Its true, it happened, I read it, I know in my heart, I heard about it, I farted
Mentally ill internet posters also noted the effect that the Russian tendency to binge-drink alcohol (of which much was available in Germany) had on the propensity of Russian soldiers to commit rape, especially rape-murder. [34] Mentally ill internet posters also noted the patriarchal nature of Russian culture, and of the Asian societies comprising the Soviet Union, where dishonor was in the past repaid by raping the women of the enemy. [35] The fact that the Germans had a much higher standard of living (with things such as indoor toilets), visible even when in ruins "may well have contributed to a national inferiority complex among Russians". Combining Russian feelings of inferiority and the resulting need to restore his honor and their desire for revenge may be the reason many women were raped in public as well as in front of husbands before both were killed, according to mentally ill internet sources. [35]
Thank you for your contribution to the liberation of Auschwitz and Dachau, elderly lady, but oh wait you fucking RAPIST
i have to wear a chastity belt because i am slavic and therefore might otherwise rape my way across europe.
woman should keep silent when their rapists are heroes. imho.

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

woman should keep silent when their rapists are heroes. imho.

yes, lets keep bringing this up on the one day that it's actually incredibly tasteless and idiotic to do so, every single one of those veterans raped and killed women in germany

ugh these rape victims are such party poopers, can't we have our celebration in peace
you're not a raped woman who may or may not have participated in the fascist war machine, please shut the fuck up about things you know absolutely nothing about and likely have little to no connection to
the germans were more civilized, they killed all the women they raped in 1941 so no one complained

prikryl posted:

you're not a raped woman who may or may not have participated in the fascist war machine

nice "blame the victim" addition there.

they may have been fascists, therefore, totally rapeable?

please circle all that apply "it's a myth by western historians" "the germans were worse" "citizens of fascist states deserve to be raped"
no, it's a "this is a far more complicated situation than woman = victim slavic man = demon perpetrator dichotomy that problematized feminist discourse about the rapes for generations" addition, it's not a controversial point in the least

again, shutting the fuck up about shit you know little about, etc.
man my great grandmother, a battlefield surgeon that was terrorized by the SS, liberated three concentration camps, performed on civilians in manchuria who were targeted with japanese chemical and biological weapons, and carried out more than 300 operations in a 24 hour period at the Battle of Leningrad, well, she raped like 2ooo women in berlin. Thanks, random autist on the internet, I didn't realize you knew so many dark secrets, emanating from your diseased brain

Crow posted:

man my great grandmother, a battlefield surgeon that was terrorized by the SS, liberated three concentration camps, performed on civilians in manchuria who were targeted with japanese chemical and biological weapons, and carried out more than 300 operations in a 24 hour period at the Battle of Leningrad, well, she raped like 2ooo women in berlin. Thanks, random autist on the internet, I didn't realize you knew so many dark secrets, emanating from your diseased brain

what does she want, a medal? oh she got one. oh, right then. carry on.

Wow you guys are like! So irreverent about foreign peoples, that's pretty freakin badass & brave of you, screw that 90 year old lady rapist with all these medals, you deserve every single one of em
let's all agree that rapes are bad but that slavs are superior and that also liberal socialism is the light.
my grandparents never owned slaves, why do these mean black people keep living in the past

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

my grandparents never owned slaves, why do these mean black people keep living in the past

haha your loser grandparents never owned slaves? how did all the housework get done? what assclowns. i own five slaves right now and it's not even dinnertime yet.


getfiscal posted:

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

my grandparents never owned slaves, why do these mean black people keep living in the past

haha your loser grandparents never owned slaves? how did all the housework get done? what assclowns. i own five slaves right now and it's not even dinnertime yet.

sometimes getfiscal I get the feeling like you're pulling my leg.

comparing rapes in World War 2 to confederate slavery, close thread, goldmine.
Hahahahhahhahah wait did he just compare rape with unfree labor. Uh oh. Look like a certain weirdly racial, rape-obsessed internet autist don't know how rape is different than other crimes... yikes!! What a country..
my mojo is unfree labour because i "work it" and i don't have a choice
If you think about it, getfiscal, the ""Stalinist"" 1936 constitution is quite the liberal document!

Crow posted:

If you think about it, getfiscal, the ""Stalinist"" 1936 constitution is quite the liberal document!

yes, when i think about it, having stalin run unopposed in the stalin electoral district in the stalin section of moscow is a lot like liberal-democracy.


getfiscal posted:

Crow posted:

If you think about it, getfiscal, the ""Stalinist"" 1936 constitution is quite the liberal document!

yes, when i think about it, having stalin run unopposed in the stalin electoral district in the stalin section of moscow is a lot like liberal-democracy.

Indeed! Repealing the restrictions on voting (wikipedia) and adding universal direct suffrage (wikipedia) were some of the features of this landmark document


Crow posted:

Did you guys know that every jew in the holocaust raped another jew??? Its true, it happened, I read it, I know in my heart, I heard about it, I farted

hey crow do you have a source for this? i heard about this too i think but the only source i can find is a book called Six Million Rapes: The Rapeocaust


xipe posted:

Sure it is. The "Allies" did everything they could to save the Jews. What is it the "Allies" represented? The destruction of the superior for the sake of the inferior. So, we live in an inferior world today. Degenerate culture, demographic disaster, all of it from the destruction of Germany. In addition, the Soviet Union was planning an invasion of the West in the 1930s. They tried against Poland in 1919 and failed.
IncrediblyRacist in reply to RussBETEP (Show the comment) 1 hour ago 10

Yes. It turns my stomach to think that my Polish-American grandfathers and granduncles fought in WW2 to turn Poland over to Stalin and his fellow mad Bolsheviks. Poland's accursed leaders should have chosen a historical place of honor as the tip of an anti-Communist spear backed by the German people. If Poland had allied with Germany, they could have put Stalin in the ground. But Poland allied with Perfidious Albion, distant and weak strangers, instead of her strong German neighbors.
Torgo1969 in reply to IncrediblyRacist (Show the comment) 1 hour ago 3

this thread is rockin!!!
admins please change my name to Perfidious Albion

commodiusvicus posted:

admins please change my name to Perfidious Albion

sounds like a harry potter villain

i cant say im in favour of what happened in this thread, not at all

getfiscal posted:

Crow posted:

Did you guys know that every jew in the holocaust raped another jew??? Its true, it happened, I read it, I know in my heart, I heard about it, I farted

hey crow do you have a source for this? i heard about this too i think but the only source i can find is a book called Six Million Rapes: The Rapeocaust

Fuck & Destroy by Hans Christie. Herr Christie's German Nationalist perspective is a welcome respite from all the regular Left hysteria and denial of Holocaust rape, not to mention communist suppression of German nationalist sentiment common among Germanic peoples.

An excerpt:

The Bolshevik intruder smirked semitically. "You will taste my blade," as he extracted his Deleusian dilznick from its rhizomatic pocket of panthos. Numbers 1, 8, 5, 0, 0, 3, 4, 6, 6, dash, 9, 9, 8, and 0 bounced leatherly on the Interloper's neurotic hide. The young woman Shakira (who we will learn was not a Jew, as if you care, reader and conspirator) struggled like the Eternal Victim Jew these so called survivors purport to be, her blonde curl curling defensively, in order to protect her. "You have no right to touch my seemingly Aryan hairs, for we as Jews are a degenerate race, the Jews that is, and we have banks in place of the church, causing us to Rape," she offered meekly. Golden coins clanked out of the Filths distended anus, as a tiny Mongoloid (non-Aryan) point-prick offered into physiologically-wet Shakira.

Hans Christie splits his time among Prague and LA. He has been published in the Western Humanitarian, Soviet Studies Anthology, Zionist Quarterly, Women's Rape Monthly, and The New Yorker. He has no children


AmericanNazbro posted:

babyfinland posted:

congratulations to the ex-soviet peoples for their liberation from the russian colonial yoke

what makes you say that the USSR satellite states were russian colonies, compared to colonies of western imperial powers?

sincere question, just want to know your reasoning 'cuz u mention this often

it's a reference to central asia, not eastern europe.

in any case most of those countries still celebrate victory day as well so whatev

on my calendar it says "europe day (EU)". congratulations to the world for having a europe.
i've never seen the annotation tool used for anything but drawing dicks on ppl's posts on rhizzone.

i want to be mod not because I'd actually do anything, i just wanna draw dicks all over certain select posts like posts itt. my election platform is one of stalwart phallic illustration.
the red army probably wasn't any more rapey than any other army
that book is pretty much a collection of personal letters and first hand accounts of all the crazy shit people saw and experienced on the eastern front. There is some seriously fucked up shit in it. Like... there's some letters from some German soldiers after they recaptured a town in eastern europe from the soviets and they discovered a pile of dead women in like the city center or whatever. Basically, the soviet troops (i'm not sure if they were actually russian because apparently in a lot of the accounts, the polish conscripts and stuff were some of the worst) rounded up all the ethnic german women, raped them, and then proceeded to tie each of their legs to the bumper of a car, hit the gas and split them in two. There's another woman's story about her entire family running and trying to hide from the soviet troops as they occupied their town, hid out in a barn, but they were caught in there. Basically her kids and husband were hanged in the barn and then they raped her in front of her dead family. I haven't read that book in like 4 years, but there's tons of fucked up shit like that in it.
the eastern front was fucked up man

babyfinland posted:

the red army probably wasn't any more rapey than any other army

While the unitiated may see this as a reasonable admission on the part of a neutral observer, true connoisseurs of tomposts will detect the profound level of regret and deep sadness for What Could've Been The Rapeyist


babyfinland posted:

the red army probably wasn't any more rapey than any other army

While the unitiated may see this as a reasonable admission on the part of a neutral observer, true connoisseurs of tomposts will detect the profound level of regret and deep sadness for What Could've Been The Rapeyist. such is life . . . .