WHAT sort of man will pay $12,000 for an 18-year-old's virginity?
This is what Sweet Girls Premium Escort, which is offering a Chinese-born Melbourne high school student, hopes to find out.
The Sydney escort agency says this "rare opportunity" starts from May 19.
"She is a virgin, you can tell," a spokeswoman told The Sun-Herald.
"She goes to your place or hotel and you can spend two days together. She does not have a boyfriend and she wants to do it for the money," she said.
The escort agency recruits mostly Asian women aged 18 to 25 and suggests to potential workers they can make easy cash.
The website written in English and Chinese suggests working for the agency "to solve your financial problem within short time".
It continues: "Want to earn tuition fee? Reduce your family financial burden? Want to buy luxury brand like Louis Vuitton, etc? Please contact us immediately!! We will tailor a work plan to help you resolve your financial problem within short time!!"
The agency's website has photos of the girl but her face is obscured.
Women's advocate Melinda Tankard Reist said the virginity sale and promotion of luxury goods as a cause to work for exposed the brothel's lack of ethics.
"If the woman is in financial need then the brothel is a vulture preying on her financial desperation.
"Are they putting the girl's interests first or profiting from her and don't care about what happens the night she loses her virginity?" she said.
"No woman should have to sell her body for education. Has anyone asked why she needs the money? If she is a schoolgirl, is the school involved? Shouldn't teachers or staff look at her situation and help find a better way?"
Ms Tankard Reist also questioned what sort of man was attracted to this proposition.
"This raises a lot of questions. Why would someone want to pay to take a girl's virginity?"
Leading Feminist Eva Cox, said it was a "very crappy" situation for all involved.
"Something is wrong in society to encourage this sort of behaviour but this prurient interest about a financial transaction is also a worry.
"I think sex work itself is a perfectly legitimate occupation but I just don't think this is a good way to start one's sex life," she said.
Feminist social commentator, Nina Funnell, said there was a double standard when it came to male and female virginity.
"As a society we still fetishise female virginity by artificially binding it to notions of purity and, in doing so, ascribe a sort of moral character and value to the female hymen. A man who would pay this amount has bought into this and is reaffirming the importance of that perceived purity by assigning a market value to it.
"Moral crusaders intent on banning sex work will also respond to this with unusual levels of zeal," she said.
There certainly is something "creepy" about this offer, but at the same time, who is exploiting who here? Is virginity so precious that a price, (in this case an outlandish one) cannot be put on it? Is it "worth" more when it's given away "for free" to the fumbling body of a pimply high school boy?
This girl is simply taking advantage of the male propensity for fetishizing virginity and using it to gain an excellent financial start for her adult life. A great example of how legalized prostitution can help a girl empower themselves to exploit male gullibility and become truly independent woman.
futurewidow posted:wow that's ... wow
To be fair i'm struggling to see what's so bad about this? Is it that the job would be "demeaning" or something?
Because assuming she gets half and the brothel does, 2 nights of awkward sex seems less demeaning than spending 4 months cleaning toilets or cooking fries or wiping old white people's asses.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:futurewidow posted:wow that's ... wow
Because assuming she gets half and the brothel does, 2 nights of awkward sex seems less demeaning than spending 4 months cleaning toilets or cooking fries or wiping old white people's asses.
having done all those things except nursing, it really isn't.
its harrowing as fuck but u should watch it if u aint seen it
Groulxsmith posted:how does society fetishize virginity at all, that's basically the opposite of true. and i don't want to hear some madonna-whore claptrap from freshman english comp
If someone is willing to pay $12,000 to bust a hymen it seems obvious that at least part of society is fetishizing it.
Also, the movie American Pie
Ironicwarcriminal posted:Is virginity so precious that a price, (in this case an outlandish one) cannot be put on it? Is it "worth" more when it's given away "for free" to the fumbling body of a pimply high school boy?
that all depends on whether youre content to live in a corrupted world where everything has a price. the fact that you wish to compare the value of those two situations is an ominous sign that you are indeed content, unless youre already thinking in smooth space, anexact yet rigorous,
discipline posted:that's so revolting. I literally feel nauseous. well it happens every day.
what is? the OP?
i wish someone would pay me that much for my virginity. people won't take it - not even for free
discipline posted:AmericanNazbro posted:i wish someone would pay me that much for my virginity. people won't take it - not even for free
yet another reason for MRA
the pros column is greatly outweighing the cons, i say we need to get this male revolution started imo
i'm starting to really dislike OWS and hope it disbands. a lot of good people who have good intentions are getting hurt and facing severe repercussions due to participating in OWS, which is essentially just a reactionary movement
AmericanNazbro posted:i think you made a blog post about this klamsek? anyways
i'm starting to really dislike OWS and hope it disbands. a lot of good people who have good intentions are getting hurt and facing severe repercussions due to participating in OWS, which is essentially just a reactionary movement
i cant think of a worse reason to criticize an activist movement than "fascists are hurting the activists"
Petrol posted:"fascists are hurting the activists"
God, I wish.
Ironicwarcriminal posted:I really can't understand what is so bad about this. By any standard definition this girl will be exploiting the hell out of some gullible lonely idiot dude.
what if a tree falls in the woods and no moralist is around to judge it