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i kno hahah
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Impper posted:

hahaha no :*( she hasnt called me again either... its really weird and fucked up bro...

you're a monster.

Im reading the New Stephen King book that came out last week.
Is it good
i read 100 pages of Fuck and Destroy last night and it was pretty good

Kathy laughed. “Then tell me what you do . . .”

Mel had the immediate impulse to say that she did nothing. She was approaching thirty now; once upon a time she’d had interests but she’d never developed them. As children, we were offered infinite opportunity, an infinite number of paths down which we could take our lives; but we were loathe to decide on any one path, we refused to embark or even take one step, for in so doing we’d destroy forever the rest of the paths . . . We didn’t have the guts to destroy possibility—so what happened? We aged. Time did for us what we couldn't do ourselves; now here we are, no paths to take, bereft of possibility, and what have we got to show for it? Look at us . . . In our hearts we still feel as if our journey hasn't yet begun; we genuinely believe life will begin sometime soon, the moment we muster the courage to take that first step . . . But we're old, unskilled, stupid, and useless. Physiologically, we resemble our forebears—this is what hurts the most. Though our bodies are developed and our minds are functional, our souls are stunted: we're the ugliest generation of people to ever stain the earth, the saddest, the ghastliest; at some point, we will be regarded with horror. We're the men and women without qualities and we’ll die like dogs, having seen nothing, having felt nothing, having done nothing, and yet still clinging to life . . . Mediocre is too strong a word for us—we’re nothing.
hello I've come w/ gifts http://www.e-reading.org.ua/bookbyauthor.php?author=22136
just finsihed q which i enjoyed but i always have had a soft spot for violent anabaptists. i started looking through zizek beyond foucault which i think maybe someone has mentioned in this thread? idk. decent so far

animedad posted:

hello I've come w/ gifts http://www.e-reading.org.ua/bookbyauthor.php?author=22136



I once helped out my a female friend's family by taking care of their cat for a week. Every day for a week, I would go over there and snoop around their house. I found my friend's diary, and proceeded to read the entire thing. I used this information to get her to like me, and she is currently my wife.


This will probably never be seen by anyone but fuck it. My father once owned a cat who loved to suck our earlobes for whatever reason. About half a decade ago my father left me alone in his apartment with his cat and I don't know exactly why but I just grabbed the cat, went in the bathroom with it, laid on my back, put it on my chest and let it suck my earlobes while masturbating. I find myself fucking disgusting when I think about it but I still think that it was one of my best faps.

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After graduating from high school, I went to a small out-of-state college where no one from high school knew me. I was told many times how impressive my false Australian accent was, so I decided it would be great fun to go through college pretending to be from Australia. All of my friends and even my girlfriend of two years think I'm Australian. I have a completely fake Australian identity, family, and past. I will soon be graduating, and I plan on asking the girl to marry me. Everything she knows about me is Australian I don't know how to tell her she doesn't really know me. Guess I'm forever a bloke.

one of the guys i went on spring break with was really awkward around girls so he'd get really drunk and enter his french-accented persona.... it still didnt really work though lol

Ironicwarcriminal posted:


After graduating from high school, I went to a small out-of-state college where no one from high school knew me. I was told many times how impressive my false Australian accent was, so I decided it would be great fun to go through college pretending to be from Australia. All of my friends and even my girlfriend of two years think I'm Australian. I have a completely fake Australian identity, family, and past. I will soon be graduating, and I plan on asking the girl to marry me. Everything she knows about me is Australian I don't know how to tell her she doesn't really know me. Guess I'm forever a bloke.

buy that man an account!


It started when I'd walk into my room and say hello to my Lain poster (I've always over personified objects) and eventually she started responding. Over time I could talk to her elsewhere, I'd pull her up when I was sitting in class or riding the bus, and I'd put on headphones so nobody would notice I was talking to myself since it was barely audible. Eventually Lain told me she was a god and I was too, and there were two others, but they didn't really like me so they would almost never talk to me.

the xkcd forums
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Which wddp got rape. DONT say the snake miniboss
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I dont know who that is so they're probably completely awful anyways. Just my opinion.
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Keven posted:

Which wddp got rape. DONT say the snake miniboss

all of them, by the ubiquitous menacing nature of the patriarchy

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change the name of lf to the content of this post

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Does nobody have the courage of their convictions anymore? Fuck, I love Jersey Shore

people who cant appreciate jersey shore on either ironic or unironic levels are joyless mopes not worth engaging with

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

people who cant appreciate jersey shore on either ironic or unironic levels are joyless mopes not worth engaging with

is this how we should feel about world star hiphop too, because they are basically the same thing

ive never seen jersey shore, i suspect its pornographic

Groulxsmith posted:

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

people who cant appreciate jersey shore on either ironic or unironic levels are joyless mopes not worth engaging with

is this how we should feel about world star hiphop too, because they are basically the same thing

i don't know what that is


Groulxsmith posted:

is this how we should feel about world star hiphop too, because they are basically the same thing

they are not the same thing but you should enjoy both unironically

I read Andrew Kliman's "The failure of capitalist production" recently and really loved it, although I think he might have gone a bit too far in his critique of underconsumptionist theory on some points (his point that workers' share of national income remains the same if you take into account other forms of compensation certainly seems like the weakest argument in the book) and I feel there remain some important truths in for example Harvey's analysis of the crisis. Still, a great book that absolutely destroys any notion that Keynesianism might save us and correctly points to the capitalist mode of production as the true culprit.

Now I'm reading Graeber's "Debt" and although it's certainly interesting and thought-provoking I can't help but feel some bits are really off... As a historian I'm pretty certain some of his arguments won't stand up to proper historical scrutiny and as a Marxist I get the feeling his approach/emphasis is sometimes wrong although I can't properly articulate exactly why yet. Maybe it's just a knee-jerk reaction to his anarchism (funnily enough while searching for some possibly interesting reviews of "Debt" I found this critique on Graeber's politics by Kliman). I dunno I'm only at chapter 4 at the moment so maybe I'll change my mind after reading all of it.

graeber is pretty naive about markets, thats the main thing i think
your gut is probably right on that one
that kliman thing about graeber is horrible

jools posted:

graeber is pretty naive about markets, thats the main thing i think

how do you mean

i wonder if anyone thought that maybe "the white review" might be a poor choice to name a poetry/political quarterly