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change thread title to: close your eyes and think of england
england fucking sucks. worst country on earth
why are ppl in britain so mean? like serotonin or red ken or other brits i've talked to on the internet will say worse, deeper cutting things as throwaway banter than my actual enemies in real life would say if they were totally fucked up and seething with rage and had the perfect oppurunity to lay one on me.

and aside from that i've never seen one admit someone else they were internet arguing with had a point, or express any sort of simple childlike joy or whimsy at something
as john dolan always says, the one thing the brits are good at is verbal cruelty
They are no philosophical race, these Englishmen: Bacon signifies an attack on the philosophical spirit; Hobbes, Hume, and Locke a debasement and lowering of the value of the concept of "philosophy" for more than a century. It was against Hume that Kant arose, and rose; it was Locke of whom Schelling said, understandably, "je meprise Locke" ("I despise Locke"); in their fight against the English-mechanistic doltification of the world, Hegel and Schopenhauer were of one mind (with Goethe) - these two hostile brother geniuses in philosophy who strove apart toward opposite poles of the German spirit and in the process wronged each other as only brothers wrong each other.

It is characteristic of such an unphilosophical race that it clings firmly to Christianity: they need its discipline to become "moralized" and somewhat humanized. The English, being gloomier, more sensual, stronger in will, and more brutal than the Germans, are precisely for that reason more vulgar, also more pious than the Germans: they stand more in need of Christianity...

But what is offensive even in the most humane Englishman is his lack of music, speaking metaphorically (but not only metaphorically): in the movements of his soul and body he has no rhythm and dance, indeed not even the desire for rhythm and dance, for "music." Listen to him speak; watch the most beautiful Englishwomen walk - there are no more beautiful doves and swans in any country in the world - finally listen to them sing! But I am asking too much -

Impper posted:
england fucking sucks. worst country on earth


Impper posted:
england fucking sucks. worst country on earth

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Europe never had a civil rights or black power movement. Hope this helps.

babyhueypnewton posted:
Europe never had a civil rights or black power movement. Hope this helps.

ethnically homogenous nations have no major ethnic rights movements!?


Tsargon posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:
Europe never had a civil rights or black power movement. Hope this helps.

ethnically homogenous nations have no major ethnic rights movements!?

*ears perk up* ethnically homogenous nations in europe??? where?? *makes doggy sounds*


Crow posted:

Tsargon posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:
Europe never had a civil rights or black power movement. Hope this helps.

ethnically homogenous nations have no major ethnic rights movements!?

*ears perk up* ethnically homogenous nations in europe??? where?? *makes doggy sounds*



Crow posted:

Tsargon posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:
Europe never had a civil rights or black power movement. Hope this helps.

ethnically homogenous nations have no major ethnic rights movements!?

*ears perk up* ethnically homogenous nations in europe??? where?? *makes doggy sounds*

all history is the history of ethnic struggles *single dutchman arrives in japan in 1650, immediately initiates struggle for dutch rights*


what i like about ed miliband is that he looks like he was an intern for the labour party and they ran out of leaders and were like "well, you're the last supporting member, you get to lead the party now" as in the movie "king ralph." which is only more funny because that's basically what happened.
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discipline posted:
I'd say once you occupy a subcontinent for hundreds of years you better expect them chickens to be coming home to roost sometime

a muslim supporting vengeful honour killings???


getfiscal posted:
what i like about ed miliband is that he looks like he was an intern for the labour party and they ran out of leaders and were like "well, you're the last supporting member, you get to lead the party now" as in the movie "king ralph." which is only more funny because that's basically what happened.

yeah i've had the party conference droning on a tv in the corner of my office all week and ed miliband's attempts at Charisma are basically identical to a head prefect delivering the rowing mascot's eulogy

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discipline posted:
haha woah... I just realized that "My Country Tis of Thee" is basically the SAME MELODY as "God Save the Queen".... what's going on here?!?!

the best part is that the baptist minister that wrote it had no idea



discipline posted:
what do I eat here besides digestives and premade ploughmans sandwiches!!!! help me I'm hungry!!!!!!!!!

why would you ever want to eat anything other than ploughmans :colbert:

the food of kings (and also ploughmen)
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its a shithole and im glad i got out
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LA is not that bad. i shojuld move there, only problem is i wouldnt have a job or a school
most of what i know about LA i learned from the hit show "The L Word"

getfiscal posted:
most of what i know about LA i learned from the hit show "The L Word"

its a terrible place and dont let anyone tell you different

u shoudlve moved to the san francisco deadken, just yesterday i was walking in the castro to get some ike's sandwiches and apparently it was streetfair day so i got to see some ballin' completely shaved and nude 60 year old men riding bikes
one of the many reasons i'm gay is that when i listen to songs about san francisco i get all happy even though i've never been there.
who would writ a song about san francisco lmfao

both are among my favourite songs because "i'm a homo"
la owns
I love that song
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