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Transport infrastructure
mail delivery
And not privatization, but enclosure- the social commons, both direct communication and normal interaction. Just like how microsoft enclosed "the office" and made people pay rent for the privilege of writing memos and stuff
United States posts (facebook, tumblr, fark)
"Stratfor is just The Economist a week later and several hundred times more expensive."
all kinds of mundane stuff, really
parking meters and garages (chicago)
the public airwaves were enclosed right at the start by herbert hoover
inspection of food and the accreditation of the inspectors
the screening process for welfare applicants (texas)
public housing (bulldozing old developments and replacing them with rental assistance)

even the shit the government does do is usually at least partially privatized, for example medicare advantage, which uses medicare money to pay for private insurance plans. of course the whole thing will probably be replaced by vouchers and then privatized completely when that fails.

discipline posted:
United States Intelligence Services (Stratfor)

the real answer here is at&t, etc. for helping the gov get around those pesky warrant requirements for domestic surveillance

the only one that bothers me is the fda passing responsibility for food inspection of chicken, to the chicken producers themselves.

the rest of these i'm ok with but the government better not mess up my favorite foods or i'm going to be real mad and start voting.
agreedo im about to ride 3 miles to go to wendy's but if the chicken inspection was done by a private company id probably only ride like upwards of 1 mile
1. Guy who gives kuids lunch as school is dominoes now. and coke.
2. Books
the bookmobile industry
nationalize my dick and balls cause they're too big to fail
[account deactivated]
but seriously power plants and transmission lines, although they are so heavily regulated in some parts they fall somewhere between privatized and nationalized maybe?? idk
3. Private companies
imo its time for a revolution to rise up from somewhere within the beer halls...

AmericanNazbro posted:
the only one that bothers me is the fda passing responsibility for food inspection of chicken, to the chicken producers themselves.

the rest of these i'm ok with but the government better not mess up my favorite foods or i'm going to be real mad and start voting.

It's too late man, you literally can't eat american chicken without overcooking it because chicken plants are such big garbage pits full of illegal immigrants and e. coli.

There are lots of farmers who are happy to sell you a chicken though, they might even take the feathers off if you keep it on the low low

Has privatizing ever made something better?
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keven. just keven.

Edited by dm ()