death penalty for bullying. bullies grow up to be adults.

babyfinland posted:
the insane universe he created for himself online and the reinforcement, coddling and encouragement to be a victim he received from the other crazies

thats a downward spiral

bullying is stupid but it doesnt produce suicides on its own


ya i mean ill smack the piss out of a bully but its not entirely just a matter of Bully Bad, Fairy Good

if youre actually serious about helping people like this and not just trying to score political points then you gotta acknowledge that the attitude and culture fostered by Lady Gaga and her fans is so sick that it literally killed someone

but now shes gonna Talk to Obama about Legislation
pretty cool culture imo. nice tunes.

getfiscal posted:
pretty cool culture imo. nice tunes.

kill yourself because the world doesn't love you

enforcing homogeneity is a dirty job but someone has to do it

thirdplace posted:
enforcing homogeneity is a dirty job but someone has to do it


thirdplace posted:
enforcing homogeneity is a dirty job but someone has to do it



babyfinland posted:
kill yourself because the world doesn't love you

wrong thread
for the same reason you don't put your hand in a blender

discipline posted:
bullying is really awful and can cause a lot of pain and suffering. some kids could kill themselves in serious bully situations that escalated to physical or sexual violence. bullying mixed with depression or other disorders is a dangerous mix too. but tbh I've known a lot of kids who were bullied (including myself) and we didn't kill ourselves. I've also known people who killed themselves and it was never about bullying. maybe things have changed nowadays. but there's bullying and then there's assault. there's bullying and then harassment or stalking. I mean those are totally different things from making fun of someone because they read manga.

this is embarrassingly close to the goonsay posts about how we need a new word distinguishing between different kinds of rape because dragging a stranger into an alley screaming and penetrating them until they bleed is much worse than taking advantage of a girl so passed out she doesn't remember a thing in the morning

bullying is absolutely abhorrent and has no value whatsoever. it is a terrible abuse and abominable social relation. the fact that it happened to some people found it didn't affect them all that much does nothing to change that, since a lot of it is about protecting future potential victims who would be hurt and eliminating the culture of bullying and brutal interpersonal interaction that pervades the society.

some kids read manga by choice and that may be something you find dumb but no one deserves to be bullied for it; we should live in a culture where no one has to have the expectation of looking out for being bullied just like no girl walking home in a low cut shirt & real slutty skirt deserves cat calls or horn honks or groping, etc.


tapespeed posted:

discipline posted:
bullying is really awful and can cause a lot of pain and suffering. some kids could kill themselves in serious bully situations that escalated to physical or sexual violence. bullying mixed with depression or other disorders is a dangerous mix too. but tbh I've known a lot of kids who were bullied (including myself) and we didn't kill ourselves. I've also known people who killed themselves and it was never about bullying. maybe things have changed nowadays. but there's bullying and then there's assault. there's bullying and then harassment or stalking. I mean those are totally different things from making fun of someone because they read manga.

this is embarrassingly close to the goonsay posts about how we need a new word distinguishing between different kinds of rape because dragging a stranger into an alley screaming and penetrating them until they bleed is much worse than taking advantage of a girl so passed out she doesn't remember a thing in the morning

bullying is absolutely abhorrent and has no value whatsoever. it is a terrible abuse and abominable social relation. the fact that it happened to some people found it didn't affect them all that much does nothing to change that, since a lot of it is about protecting future potential victims who would be hurt and eliminating the culture of bullying and brutal interpersonal interaction that pervades the society.

some kids read manga by choice and that may be something you find dumb but no one deserves to be bullied for it; we should live in a culture where no one has to have the expectation of looking out for being bullied just like no girl walking home in a low cut shirt & real slutty skirt deserves cat calls or horn honks or groping, etc.

how do you reconcile this with "its ok to say nigger, black people shoudl get over it. after all gays dont chimp out about being called queer"


babyfinland posted:
how do you reconcile this with "its ok to say nigger, black people shoudl get over it. after all gays dont chimp out about being called queer"

how do you reconcile this with shutting the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!

bullying has a value in that a) it socializes the weak into understanding their place and b) it punishes those who deviate from an accepted social baseline

mangosteen posted:
bullying has a value in that a) it socializes the weak into understanding their place and b) it punishes those who deviate from an accepted social baseline

that doesn't sound very valuable.

[account deactivated]
what's wrong with touching yourself during naptime

you sound just like my old boss!!!
is there literally anything that bullying is equivalent to in adult life that occurs outside of prisons? just curious.
[account deactivated]
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[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
hm. no. a kid being bullied for being of color or not speaking english very well is quite different than a kid being bullied for reading manga or touching himself during nap time

of course but those things have no bearing on how we should respond to eliminating and dealing with bullying as a whole. its being nitpicky and missing the forest for the trees


Cycloneboy posted:
is there literally anything that bullying is equivalent to in adult life that occurs outside of prisons? just curious.

yes, gay people making catty comments is the bullying of adulthood.

i wanna knock up darlene.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

tapespeed posted:
of course but those things have no bearing on how we should respond to eliminating and dealing with bullying as a whole. its being nitpicky and missing the forest for the trees

you are incorrect. one of them is based in racism and bigotry learned from parents and the other is based on discovering methods of social control.

there is no meaningful distinction there. racism and bigotry are methods of social control


discipline posted:
hm. no. a kid being bullied for being of color or not speaking english very well is quite different than a kid being bullied for reading manga or touching himself during nap time

maybe but the simplest and most obvious solution is the same for both: stop being mean. it's really that simple

or, if you must, do it anonymously on the internet to nerds picking fights


discipline posted:

getfiscal posted:
i wanna knock up darlene.

the paternity test is in... and you ARE the father!!!

lol like i will ever touch a woman

[account deactivated]
lock up child molesters? islamofascist wench....
kindness is the essence of leftism and every other decent ideology
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

tapespeed posted:
there is no meaningful distinction there. racism and bigotry are methods of social control

yes and so is locking up child molesters, discouraging stealing, and grounding johnny for playing with matches.

those things harm someone else or risk harming someone in a fire, reading manga does not

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
for more information about how adults act like schoolyard children please watch the oliver stone film "Wall Street"

Isn't like all of the social control that goes on in Wall Street not between peers? I mean, it's been a while since I saw it, but it seems like it was pretty much all top-down social control, which is different from bullying which is where your supposed peers exercise social control via intimidation.

bullying doesnt have any social value but neither does lady gaga.

discipline posted:
yeah ok I agree being mean is bad but I'm not going to throw mean people in jail

yea, that'd be dumb. just saying that touting "sustained exposure to assholes" as a positive aspect of public schools is wrong