
LandBeluga posted:

fape posted:
finally, climate change is not, as far as humanity can tell, a calculable fact. it's not even something left up to chance. it's just a hypothesis that has yet to be proven in any large scale. this is evidenced by the many occasions on which scientists without even a hesitation declared that the world would inevitably end due to climate change in 1190, 1993 1995, 1999, 2000, etc. and then they were horribly wrong. but they'll be right this time, right? they have to be right this time. there's no way they can't be right this time.

Citations required.

and yet, you take his absurd statistic of having a 70% chance of dying tomorrow without batting an eye.


fape posted:

LandBeluga posted:

fape posted:
finally, climate change is not, as far as humanity can tell, a calculable fact. it's not even something left up to chance. it's just a hypothesis that has yet to be proven in any large scale. this is evidenced by the many occasions on which scientists without even a hesitation declared that the world would inevitably end due to climate change in 1190, 1993 1995, 1999, 2000, etc. and then they were horribly wrong. but they'll be right this time, right? they have to be right this time. there's no way they can't be right this time.

Citations required.

and yet, you take his absurd statistic of having a 70% chance of dying tomorrow without batting an eye.

i revised it to 93% due to his nation of origin. please try to keep up, god damn


fape posted:
and it doesn't help that your smaller-scale examples are all things that are left up to chance. here's a better example of small-scale prediction: a ball is rolling at a constant velocity over a flat surface towards a large brick wall. i can predict without a shadow of a doubt that that ball will, eventually, at some point, hit that wall.

yes but you cant know for sure that a global warming-altered jet stream wont come along and blow that ball off course, thus saving the wall and allowing over a million East Berliners to freely remain within the loving bosom of glorious Communism. these are all known unknowns


Superabound posted:

fape posted:
and it doesn't help that your smaller-scale examples are all things that are left up to chance. here's a better example of small-scale prediction: a ball is rolling at a constant velocity over a flat surface towards a large brick wall. i can predict without a shadow of a doubt that that ball will, eventually, at some point, hit that wall.

yes but you cant know for sure that a global warming-altered jet stream wont come along and blow that ball off course, thus saving the wall and allowing over a million East Berliners to freely remain within the loving bosom of glorious Communism. these are all known unknowns

dont troll me Superabound.


mistersix posted:
what kind of weird magic ball do you know of that just rolls forever at a constant velocity

*raises paw*

oh, if i was trolling you trust me, youd know it

mistersix posted:
what kind of weird magic ball do you know of that just rolls forever at a constant velocity

Answer unclear, ask again later


May 1955
I really wish people would stop comparing the canned publicity statements made by scientists regarding the current pet issue of the day with peer reviewed scientific studies. It's almost as if some of you are being disingenuous...

I'm not sure what you mean when you say climate change is not a calculable fact fape. Climate predictions are drawn from models predicated on our understanding of physics and chemistry. They model the current and past observed climate with enough accuracy that it is reasonable to assume human induced changes in climate "inputs" will produce different climate outcomes.

It seems like you are pretty seriously misunderstanding the scientific method. If you wanna be like IWC and reject science as a bourgeoisie or whatever then that's fine, but when you say something like

the sun is going to die someday? really? are ya sure about that? i think we need to hypothesize about this, pronto.

I THINK you're being sarcastic here, correct me if I'm wrong, and if so the assumptions expressed here make an anti science position sort of untenable. Of course we need to hypothesize about the death of the sun, in fact the idea that the sun will die is a hypothesis grounded in much of the same science as climate change, and is far from self evident.

To expand the scope of this thread a little, it's got me thinking about when it is or isn't appropriate to accept mainstream scientific consensus. I think everyone here pretty much rejects the conclusions of mainstream economics which at least parades itself as a science. I think I remember some bitching about poly sci at some point? But no one ever bothers to denounce optometry as hopelessly compromised by liberal ideological hegemony. I imagine to a mainstream economist us lefties look as nutty as homeopaths, why shouldn't I deffer to their expert opinion, not being personally qualified to judge every complexity behind as complex a system as our economy?


Squalid posted:
From: D.C.

COINTELPRO agent spotted


Squalid posted:
I really wish people would stop comparing the canned publicity statements made by scientists regarding the current pet issue of the day with peer reviewed scientific studies. It's almost as if some of you are being disingenuous...

I'm not sure what you mean when you say climate change is not a calculable fact fape. Climate predictions are drawn from models predicated on our understanding of physics and chemistry.

Why should I believe "models".

Again it comes down to this for me: No-one has ever predicted the future with real accuracy and climate charlatans are no different


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
May 1955

they were right


Squalid posted:
I THINK you're being sarcastic here, correct me if I'm wrong, and if so the assumptions expressed here make an anti science position sort of untenable. Of course we need to hypothesize about the death of the sun, in fact the idea that the sun will die is a hypothesis grounded in much of the same science as climate change, and is far from self evident.

actually its rooted in the same science as knowing that if you dont put gas in your tank eventually your car will run out of gas

To expand the scope of this thread a little, it's got me thinking about when it is or isn't appropriate to accept mainstream scientific consensus. I think everyone here pretty much rejects the conclusions of mainstream economics which at least parades itself as a science. I think I remember some bitching about poly sci at some point? But no one ever bothers to denounce optometry as hopelessly compromised by liberal ideological hegemony. I imagine to a mainstream economist us lefties look as nutty as homeopaths, why shouldn't I deffer to their expert opinion, not being personally qualified to judge every complexity behind as complex a system as our economy?

the problem is people treat economics like its a branch of mathematics when its actually a branch of psychology, or vice versa. either way, economics is not science, its religion

a bunch of polkadotted shake-n-baking rag writers were more correct about climate change 60 years ago than every conservative alive today lol
how does it feel being dumber than people who thought you could protect yourself from high-intensity nuclear radiation by hiding under a desk?
models are useful. They combine many individually simple principles, laws of nature and whatnot, into an organized whole through which we can make predictions about complex systems. Is it predicting the future if you use models to calculate the most efficient airfoil? Are NASA engineers predicting the future when they tell you their little probes will reach mars in so many years? What on earth is even the point of all this anti science trolling

Superabound posted:
actually its rooted in the same science as knowing that if you dont put gas in your tank eventually your car will run out of gas

Well as a 16th century proponent of spontaneous generation I'm afraid I don't grasp your reasoning...

what about the science of posting

Squalid posted:
models are useful. They combine many individually simple principles, laws of nature and whatnot, into an organized whole through which we can make predictions about complex systems. Is it predicting the future if you use models to calculate the most efficient airfoil? Are NASA engineers predicting the future when they tell you their little probes will reach mars in so many years? What on earth is even the point of all this anti science trolling

yeah well predicting that the probes reach mars came true unlike the predictions of 50 million climate refugees by 2010, or that cyclonic activity will increase or other such sci-doom shoved down our throats by nerds living beyond their means and caught up to their necks in lies and fear


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
yeah well predicting that the probes reach mars came true unlike the predictions of 50 million climate refugees by 2010, or that cyclonic activity will increase or other such sci-doom shoved down our throats by nerds living beyond their means and caught up to their necks in lies and fear

so what youre saying is that off-the-mark future predictions erroneously made from established and verifiable data somehow retroactively nullifies that data?


Superabound posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
yeah well predicting that the probes reach mars came true unlike the predictions of 50 million climate refugees by 2010, or that cyclonic activity will increase or other such sci-doom shoved down our throats by nerds living beyond their means and caught up to their necks in lies and fear

so what youre saying is that off-the-mark future predictions erroneously made from established and verifiable data somehow retroactively nullifies that data?

the falsity of the repercussions from the data and inseparable from the data itself

i mean, operation iraqi freedom worked fine in theory but i think it's fair to include an assessment of the shitty repercussions in our overall evaluation of it, don't you?

M. King Hubbert predicted that Peak Oil would hit in 1995. He was wrong, therefore there is no reason to ever decrease oil consumption

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
operation iraqi freedom worked fine in theory


yeah well predicting that the probes reach mars came true unlike the predictions of 50 million climate refugees by 2010, or that cyclonic activity will increase or other such sci-doom shoved down our throats by nerds living beyond their means and caught up to their necks in lies and fear

lol mars probes have a spectacular failure rate they're constantly exploding or plunging into the martian surface at 10,000 mph, but almost nobody ever accuses NASA engineers of of ill intentions or incompetence.

Edited by Squalid ()

remember that one where they used imperial instead of metric units or w/e lmao
I went ahead and looked up that prediction of 50 million climate refugees by 2010. Surprise surprise it isn't derived from scientific data and it wasn't published by any scientific institution. The source seems to be this map:


published by Le Monde Diplomatique, a French newspaper. It has no scientific basis at all. It made the news when it got put up on and then taken down from a UN website, as if the UN is any authority on science. Even more ridiculous is that the 50 million refugee figure comes from this speech:


It isn't saying climate change will produce 50 million refugees in 10 years. In fact the speech claims that in 1995 there were already 25 million of the more generally defined environmental refugee, and that it could increase by another 25 million in the next 10 years. Environmental refugees include shit like Chinese people displaced by dams, regular old non-climate related drought in the Sahel, and the yearly crop of cyclone battered Bangladeshis. In fact there isn't much data at all about future climate refugees, and what is around is usually disputed. Do you have anything of substance with which to criticize climate science or are you just going to trot out more rightwing talking points?

shennong posted:
remember that one where they used imperial instead of metric units or w/e lmao

yeah lol only in america


Squalid posted:
I went ahead and looked up that prediction of 50 million climate refugees by 2010. Surprise surprise it isn't derived from scientific data and it wasn't published by any scientific institution. The source seems to be this map:


published by Le Monde Diplomatique, a French newspaper. It has no scientific basis at all. It made the news when it got put up on and then taken down from a UN website, as if the UN is any authority on science. Even more ridiculous is that the 50 million refugee figure comes from this speech:


It isn't saying climate change will produce 50 million refugees in 10 years. In fact the speech claims that in 1995 there were already 25 million of the more generally defined environmental refugee, and that it could increase by another 25 million in the next 10 years. Environmental refugees include shit like Chinese people displaced by dams, regular old non-climate related drought in the Sahel, and the yearly crop of cyclone battered Bangladeshis. In fact there isn't much data at all about future climate refugees, and what is around is usually disputed. Do you have anything of substance with which to criticize climate science or are you just going to trot out more rightwing talking points?

yeah but like, why should we believe YOU? anyone who wants to could just come in here and prove using facts exactly why our preconceptions about things are wrong, thats not impressive, youre not the authority

why should i ever believe anyone who disagrees with my worldview?

please provide an answer which conforms 100% to my worldview

Superabound posted:
why should i ever believe anyone who disagrees with my worldview?

please provide an answer which conforms 100% to my worldview

ya'll forget who IWC was? lol


AmericanNazbro posted:
ya'll forget who IWC was? lol

half the people on this forum are IWC. not me tho im Goatsten


AmericanNazbro posted:
ya'll forget who IWC was? lol

I wouldn't have replied if fape hadn't seemed genuinely skeptical of climate change...
Besides I'm too boring to join chat threads and climate science is the only topic discussed here i'm confident I can contribute to

is IWC the real rapist
I'm skeptical of climate change. The Moon Landing, extraterrestrial visitors from the past, AIDS, 9/11, the list goes on... How many times have mainstream "scientists" lied to the people? And that's just the things we know about...

shermanstick posted:
is IWC the real rapist

there is no "real" rapist. rape is an illusion, generated by the ego

I think I posted about this in the 'science thread' but developing global climate models is an incredibly fickle. for saturn moon's titan, the inclusion of elevation changes the wind speeds about an order of magnitude which obviously has a huge impact on transport and climate.

shennong posted:
remember that one where they used imperial instead of metric units or w/e lmao

lockheed... :negativeman:

Squalid posted:
lol mars probes have a spectacular failure rate they're constantly exploding or plunging into the martian surface at 10,000 mph, but almost nobody ever accuses NASA engineers of of ill intentions or incompetence.

<bias> fwiw, we've gotten it down pretty well by now as far as JPL is concerned. </bias>


guidoanselmi posted:
lockheed... :negativeman:

lol its so good. man i hope whoever was responsible for that shit has some thick skin because if i ever fucked up that badly i'd be obsessing about it every night and prob get really depressed and shit

lockheed has a fun track record

actually i forgot to mention the Orbiting Carbon Observatory OCO (http://oco.jpl.nasa.gov/ ) incident. orbital science's launch vehicle faring didn't deploy and it was stuck with too much mass to enter orbit so it cratered by antarctica.

i like to think it was a global south/right-wing plot to foil developing a detailed global carbon map