i dont want to have to learn a bunch of new names
bashfulbunny and i can no longer mediate your perverse sexuality

shermanstick posted:
i dont want to have to learn a bunch of new names

you just gotta start slottin' people as "white noise" and not worry about it. like, i have no idea who you are, as a friendly example.

its okay i just assumed you were some cisgender fagtrot
for more information on how fascist states become complicit in their own decay as they try to defend against the nomadic invaders, see book 2 chapter 1 of cyclonopedia, "an assyrian relic"


mccaine posted:
I'm pretty happy with this. I've defended LF for a long time but I don't any more. As I outlined, the way some people see LF or what it should be, or even how one should relate to people in general, is to my mind poisonous and something I simply don't want to be associated with. The habit of declaring various folks now in mainthread, who were the basis for this place's existence in the first place, as being basically irredeemably bad people because of one or two cases of friction just underlines the kind of attitude and way of judging people that I do not think can be compatible with an actually socially and politically healthy outlook. So good riddance to that.

Edited by kinch ()

i thought that was generally a pretty good, smart post by a poster who generally seems cool, the allergic reaction analogy was spot-fuckin-on

lf on the 'dp was a victims' support forum for particularly intellegent and passionate victims and the only thing wrong with that was that it wasn't immediately obvious and sometimes pretended to be something else so sometimes big privileged oafs would blunder in and (usually unintentionally) hurt people's feelings. it's a damn shame they're closing, those people really deserve a place to post

Edited by thirdplace ()

im glad there seems to be more traffic here. welcome, welcome
Mahir Burekovic
‏ @MagnusMaggot

my favorite thing about rhizzone is how one of its posters is a literal rapist and they dont seem to mind at all

retweeted by Weed Stalin

xipe posted:
http://www.thedieline.com/blog/2012/4/3/rolling-words-snoop-doggs-smokable-book.htmlread that shit, light that shit, smoke it

Edited by xipe (today 08:29:15)

oh my god yes


Groulxsmith posted:
Mahir Burekovic
‏ @MagnusMaggot
my favorite thing about rhizzone is how one of its posters is a literal rapist and they dont seem to mind at all
retweeted by Weed Stalin

once one of mm's transgoons posted pedophilia as if it was something risque, everyone thought it was alright until several pages later an abuse victim complained and was run off and things went back to normal. Then the pedogoon (sorry, transgressive risque lady) went with mm & gang to shit loudly on someone for sexism to change the subject

it was gross as hell

My favorite thing about wddp closing is, having, never to hear about wddp again
maybe at some point in the distant future
wait who is the rapist
i assume impper but i imagine anyone in the rhizzone who has a penis intact could be a prime suspect as well
i meant literal not metaphorical rape
me too!

thirdplace posted:
lf on the 'dp was a victims' support forum for particularly intellegent and passionate victims and the only thing wrong with that was that it wasn't immediately obvious and sometimes pretended to be something else so sometimes big privileged oafs would blunder in and (usually unintentionally) hurt people's feelings. it's a damn shame they're closing, those people really deserve a place to post

What went wrong with the wddp experiment wasn't that it tried to cross political discussion with an internet support group, but that it presumed the latter to be desirable in the first place. However the problem with wddp was hardly particular to wddp and I think it was largely discussed in the thread: putting our selfs on line, etc.


shermanstick posted:
wait who is the rapist


thats not true i know discipline IRL
if it's bhpn i dont think he could be considered a poster here, he seemed to always forget the hipster part of hipster commy
plus there were like two full threads of acrimony over it i don't think you could sum up the situation as "they dont seem to mind at all"
things are a bit more laid back here at the 'zone, a place for posters, not purges
if that's referring to the bhpn thing, that was pretty bad but i wouldn't call him a rapist nor do i think that he should be ostracized
can the rhizzone rapist please reveal themselves, im writing this book and i want to just ask a couple questions.....
were not getting 300 refugees lol, theyre all going to neo-ycs
lf has never really been about politics, even in the old days half the threads had names like 'dogs are our allies' and 'kim kardashian's butt is revolutionary'

deadken posted:
lf has never really been about politics, even in the old days half the threads had names like 'dogs are our allies' and 'kim kardashian's butt is revolutionary'

The Personal is Political brosky.

change my name name to Duder
as an althusserian antihumanist i

deadken posted:
were not getting 300 refugees lol, theyre all going to neo-ycs

thank our lord jesus, who exists

mccaine should post here, & badcrumble, & i think it would be cool if hyosho did too but he hates this place apparently. and maggotmaster of course, the rhizzone is incomplete without him

discipline posted:
lol fanon is great, shut the fuck up

maggotmaster keeps posting stuff from my book and/or about me on tumblr so in spirit he is here. i think. also lol @ WiddiP the entire problem always was the hysterical, draconian, ultra-personalized and involved moderation style. you can even see it in the weird post where they say that moderating a forum has "materially affected our personal and professional lives," which is frankly even more insane than the diaperpost crew or whatever
Yeah I thought the same thing. Like, these people are at work but using every waking minute makign sure they can edit/probate anyone who ruins their safe space IMMEDIATELy instead of filing tps reports at their it job. They're constantly on the verge of freaking out at that one thing goatstein posted about transpeople mutilating themselves or whatever.
i used to work with a guy who would make charts of his blood sugar and post them in his cube and even he wasn't fragile enough to show up despondent in the workplace because some forums drama went down
i feel like i remember hearing about something a little more direct than that, like someone e-mailing his boss or something, but i'm not sure. perhaps it was all a dream
hey impper theres dudes at wddp considering migrating to the rhizzone but deciding against it because you post here lol. thats some srsly scathing literary criticism