
babyfinland posted:
hahaha can you imagine what a marxist dictatorship would do in the face of this crisis hahaha lordy lord

probably something 'wicked cool' you damn hater!

baby finalnd and "liberl arts education' a match made in heavens
as a white american edward said, i

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Peztopiary posted:
You sort of have two choices about climate change. Either you assume all the data is manufactured in attempt to change the habits of an entire planet or you assume that people are just sort of looking at what's happening and saying "Well that's fucked." One option requires a massive global* conspiracy, with the only people brave enough to gainsay it being the heroic oil companies (and scientists who've decide to play dilettante in a different field) and other entities that would benefit from rising ocean levels (Cthulthu, certain species of jellyfish, possibly the Sharktopus...basically horrible sea things that our ancestors left the oceans to get away from).

The other option involves people being mediocre to great at what they do, seeing a problem coming and trying to find a way around it, while knowing deep in their heart of hearts that none of the optimistic attempts to radically transform society will be for anything but naught.

*If you believe in a massive global conspiracy I demand proof that the globe exists, that the world isn't flat and everybody isn't just pulling the wool over your eyes.

It doesn't need to be a "conspiracy", just groupthink, like how scientists used to measure different races skulls for intelligence

As time went on, and other (racist) scientists (as opposed to racist parentfuckers* with axes to grind) looked at the data it was all almost immediately dismissed. Because coming at it from the angle of "We know white people are smarter" they still couldn't use skull size to prove it. They had to come up with even dumber shit. That's right, even racist scientists couldn't use the scientific method to back other racist fuckheads up. Because data doesn't work like that. Please see The Mismeasure of Man for more information, as I will straight be fucked if I'm going to spend the rest of tonight educating you.

The real reason, ultimately, to believe "climate change" is a thing that is happening though? Being wrong about it won't discredit your political agenda, but being right about it will give your agenda credibility. Winning more people to your cause is clearly valuable, whether or not you yourself actually believe that "climate change" is a thing. It totally is though you fucking idiot.

*So turns out "motherfuckers" is all sorts of patriarchal. Parentfuckers is easily twice as shocking as well.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:
It’s been glibly dismissed before but there’s definitely some truth to the idea that if scientists can’t tell me what the weather is going to be tomorrow, how can they predict it 30 years from now.

probabilistic events are easier to predict on large scales than they are on small scales. for example i can tell you with 100% certainty that the sun will one day burn out but i cant tell you whether or not a single atom will decay. i can tell you with a great degree of precision where Jupiter will be in 100 years but i cant tell you where an electron is right now. there is a 100% chance you will be dead in 200 years but only a 70% chance you will die tomorrow

only 70%? damn..

Peztopiary posted:
*So turns out "motherfuckers" is all sorts of patriarchal. Parentfuckers is easily twice as shocking as well.

nah, "motherfucker" correctly establishes the mother as the central core of the family unit and true source of the hereditary bloodline and thus the entity that must be conquered in order to acquire dominance over it


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
only 70%? damn..

diabetes is the #2 leading cause of death in the United States, second only autoerotic asphyxiation. which pretty much makes IWC a ticking time bomb of uninsurability

hes australian

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
hes australian

oh wow, i didnt know that. according to the actuarial tables his 24 hour mortality rate just went up to 93%. autoerotic asphyxiation also drops to #2, right behind "shark bite"

RIP Michael Hutchence

Superabound posted:

youre a real idiot

that was aimed at his "probabilistic events" post, all

fape posted:

Superabound posted:

youre a real idiot

there is no way for you to accurately determine that. lol learn some science nublord

maybe you and iwc should co-attend Surfside Academy and finish your Wave Science 101 classes before you waltz in here like Charles Koch, bellowing profanities and denying literally thousands of years worth of climate change consensus

Superabound posted:
probabilistic events are easier to predict on large scales than they are on small scales. for example i can tell you with 100% certainty that the sun will one day burn out

but you cant tell WHEN it will burn out, just that it will burn out, due to the fact that youve seen evidence that stars die, in the past. what does this have to do with climate change

but i cant tell you whether or not a single atom will decay.

actually, you can, because eventually, all atoms decay (google do atoms decay.). but again you cant tell exactly WHEN it will decay, but you can tell that it will eventually decay!! what does this have to do with climate change

i can tell you with a great degree of precision where Jupiter will be in 100 years

because thats mathematically calculable. if something moves at a constant velocity in the same direction always, then of course you will be able to tell where it will be at any given point in time. what does this have to do with climate change

but i cant tell you where an electron is right now.

which electron? there is a virtually infinite amount of electrons in the universe, and im pretty sure that if you point at a rock or something there will be at least one electron in there. what does this have to do with climate change

there is a 100% chance you will be dead in 200 years

what does this have to do with climate change

but only a 70% chance you will die tomorrow

where did you get this statistwhat does this have to do with climate change

what does it have to do with climate change? dude, climate change is only the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issue affecting humanity today. no amount of keeping your head in the sand is going to change that fact. better star buying beachfront property in Branson, Missouri buddy. thats my advice to u
fape laying down the law. nice try SB, but looks like this hombre's got ya'll out outgunned in noggin' power

fape posted:

Superabound posted:

but i cant tell you where an electron is right now.

which electron? there is a virtually infinite amount of electrons in the universe, and im pretty sure that if you point at a rock or something there will be at least one

SOMEBODY doesn't understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Fape here is everywhere in an atom where an electron could be while orbiting a nucleus:

Here is everywhere the planet Jupiter can be while orbiting the Sun:
its even more ambiguous than that

these are all representations of potential electron clouds for several different energy states of a single hydrogen atom:

and electrons can move between disconnect parts of p, d, etc orbitals w/o traversing the space inbetween
all large scale phenomena and systems are averages of small scale phenomena and systems. large scales are easier to predict because you can average out individual outliers and short-term timescale jitters and they dont require high degrees of granularity

Superabound posted:
all large scale phenomena and systems are averages of small scale phenomena and systems. large scales are easier to predict because you can average out individual outliers and short-term timescale jitters and they dont require high degrees of granularity

god acts in a consistent and characteristic manner

Large scales are easy to predict. For example, weather and climate change

Superabound posted:
its even more ambiguous than that

these are all representations of potential electron clouds for several different energy states of a single hydrogen atom:

Why should i believe scientists about "atomic physics"


shennong posted:
god acts in a consistent and characteristic manner

yeah: playa hatin 24/7, parade-shitting on the reg


LandBeluga posted:
Why should i believe scientists about "atomic physics"

because if you dont you will go to hell

hmmm this thread is making me question my Baha'i Faith

acceptance of the oneness of mankind is the first fundamental prerequisite for reorganization and administration of the world as one country, the home of humankind. Universal acceptance of this spiritual principle is essential to any successful attempt to establish world peace. It should therefore be universally proclaimed, taught in schools, and constantly asserted in every nation as preparation for the organic change in the structure of society which it implies.
somebody should do something about all these rootless, cosmopolitan electrons

shermanstick posted:
hmmm this thread is making me question my Baha'i Faith

acceptance of the oneness of mankind is the first fundamental prerequisite for reorganization and administration of the world as one country, the home of humankind. Universal acceptance of this spiritual principle is essential to any successful attempt to establish world peace. It should therefore be universally proclaimed, taught in schools, and constantly asserted in every nation as preparation for the organic change in the structure of society which it implies.

i once convinced someone that my complete lack of apostrophe use was due to my Bahá'í Faith, that they were considered sacred parts of the name of God and their reckless use was forbidden (especially their use to designate the possessive, as no man can possess ownership of God)


Superabound posted:
what does it have to do with climate change? dude, climate change is only the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issue affecting humanity today. no amount of keeping your head in the sand is going to change that fact. better star buying beachfront property in Branson, Missouri buddy. thats my advice to u

please stop being ambiguous. you are saying that large-scale events are easier to predict, but yet, you fail to provide examples of something that needs to be predicted and is not already a well-known (or easily calculable) fact. the sun is going to die someday? really? are ya sure about that? i think we need to hypothesize about this, pronto.

and it doesn't help that your smaller-scale examples are all things that are left up to chance. here's a better example of small-scale prediction: a ball is rolling at a constant velocity over a flat surface towards a large brick wall. i can predict without a shadow of a doubt that that ball will, eventually, at some point, hit that wall.
what kind of weird magic ball do you know of that just rolls forever at a constant velocity
finally, climate change is not, as far as humanity can tell, a calculable fact. it's not even something left up to chance. it's just a hypothesis that has yet to be proven in any large scale. this is evidenced by the many occasions on which scientists without even a hesitation declared that the world would inevitably end due to climate change in 1190, 1993 1995, 1999, 2000, etc. and then they were horribly wrong. but they'll be right this time, right? they have to be right this time. there's no way they can't be right this time.

fape posted:
and it doesn't help that your smaller-scale examples are all things that are left up to chance. here's a better example of small-scale prediction: a ball is rolling at a constant velocity over a flat surface towards a large brick wall. i can predict without a shadow of a doubt that that ball will, eventually, at some point, hit that wall.

Consider a bag of microwave popcorn. One can predict fairly accurately the percentage of kernels that will have popped by certain points in time after the microwave is turned on, but not the popped/un-popped status of any individual kernel.


fape posted:
finally, climate change is not, as far as humanity can tell, a calculable fact. it's not even something left up to chance. it's just a hypothesis that has yet to be proven in any large scale. this is evidenced by the many occasions on which scientists without even a hesitation declared that the world would inevitably end due to climate change in 1190, 1993 1995, 1999, 2000, etc. and then they were horribly wrong. but they'll be right this time, right? they have to be right this time. there's no way they can't be right this time.

Citations required.


mistersix posted:
what kind of weird magic ball do you know of that just rolls forever at a constant velocity

Perhaps it's sloped at such an angle that the acceleration due to gravity perfectly balances out the effects of rolling resistance and drag.


mistersix posted:
what kind of weird magic ball do you know of that just rolls forever at a constant velocity

and yet, you take his absurd statistic of having a 70% chance of dying tomorrow without batting an eye.