i listened to a radio documentary once about fanon and they had some liberal brofessor or whatever on and he tried to argue that fanon was opposed to violence but just was medically curious about the fact that colonized peoples fought a lot.

getfiscal posted:
i always thought sartre's preface to wretched of the earf was a little breathless. like, oh man finally white people gonna pay.

to be fair fanon is much better than sartre, who is like MSH-level retardation. arendt's on violence goes into this actually and is well worth the read just for slapping the heck out of sartre

waah wahh this black man is marxist and not muslim how dare he not elevate my wrong religion

aerdil posted:
waah wahh this black man is marxist and not muslim how dare he not elevate my wrong religion

haha you think the FLN was marxist and/or defensible

fanon was basically advocating fascist pseudo-sorelian Purification of the Race through War. this is retarded. i donno why you are bringing up islam, his (probably willful) ignorance of the fact that traditionalist mujahideen carried the burden of the anticolonial fight in north africa is just a sign of poor scholarship

well i guess its good thing i wasnt thinking that about the FLN!
but you're pretty retarded if you think fanon was a fascist!

aerdil posted:
well i guess its good thing i wasnt thinking that about the FLN!

that was fanon's horse in the race so..


aerdil posted:
but you're pretty retarded if you think fanon was a fascist!

there's a reason everybody hates fanon bro

well you got me there i guess its impossible for someone to join an organization they don't 100% agree with on all matters ideologically
i don't hate fanon and i'm part of everyone, QED, owned. check ur premises next time.
there's nothing ideologically problematic for fanon about the FLN aerdil. please just go sit down and have a vegetable smoothie
share it with him
[account deactivated]

Impper posted:
share it with him

tom no eat vegetable


babyfinland posted:
tom no eat vegetable

good decision.


babyfinland posted:
http://planetgrenada.blogspot.com/p/islam-elephant-in-fanons-wretched-of.htmlthis is one of my favorite take-downs of fanon as a partisan commie hack

this is dumb + the fact that anticolonial resistance in algeria sometimes manifested an islamic superstructural dimension is kinda irrelevant

Marxist studies of the Algerian revolution have found it difficult
to explain how the peasant class became the central component of the
revolution. By neglecting the proletariat and mobilizing the
peasants instead, the Algerian revolution made a departure from
Marxist orthodoxy and revolutionary theory.

what is a mao. what is it

zizek suffered a mental break, his hegel book will be 1000 pages of incoherent nonsense + nobody is gonna notice the difference
ive been attentively reading the random pages that amazon offers up to me

deadken posted:

babyfinland posted:
http://planetgrenada.blogspot.com/p/islam-elephant-in-fanons-wretched-of.htmlthis is one of my favorite take-downs of fanon as a partisan commie hack

this is dumb + the fact that anticolonial resistance in algeria sometimes manifested an islamic superstructural dimension is kinda irrelevant

*handwaves like a mf'er*

i know everyone says that mao innovated w/r/t peasants but i don't even think so. like he innovated in a tactical way, using peripheral peasant-heavy areas as a base of operations, but that was more an imperative of the situation. it's not like he supported a peasant-led government or anything, he was still committed to the proletariat. there was nothing "special" about the peasantry in his model.

deadken posted:
what is a mao.

a miserable pile of revisionism

zizek's new book quotes wikipedia on the first page
[account deactivated]
For this third position, we need look no further than the Wikipedia entry for "imbecile":
this man is sublime
[account deactivated]
Mao Mao

read that shit, light that shit, smoke it

Edited by xipe ()

Mao Tse-tung: Making Islam irrelevant, one African country at a time

rakauq posted:
discipline told me to repost here so here i am.

i literally dont know a thing about marxism or postmodernism or anything, really. is there anything salvageable to be found in postcolonialist theory? fanon and spivak and all the rest of it. its been something ive been thinking about researching but thats about as far as ive gotten so far

really im just trying to up my marxist analysis. im still working on capital alongside harvey's lectures, a project which im about 60 pages and 45 minute sinto after a whole month.

also i just read settlers so im really interested in stuff that analyzes white working class folks and their relationship with revolution and power, and what it would mean to do meaningful organizing inside white american communities

this is a really excellent post to read after you read settlers and the 2 sakai interviews



pogfan1996 posted:
this is a really excellent post to read after you read settlers and the 2 sakai interviews


"If complexity disqualified a concept then we should also stop using proletariat."

Agreed. Next.

As you know, about a year ago, I opened up registrations and welcomed the LF posters to stay as guests on wddp.org. I have now realized that I made a terrible mistake, and I am taking steps to correct this.

Two weeks from today (whatever day I post this), this forum will close. I encourage you to use this time wisely to plan and prepare a new place for you to post, since what has passed for "LF posting" will no longer be tolerated on wddp.org after that date.

GvB, boojum, marty, mirdath, and myself worked for many months to provide you all with a posting environment free of concern trolls, stalkers, and assholes. You have responded by viciously turning on one another. You have driven out people of color, and women, and queer individuals in your attempts to create an "inclusive" space through cruelty. Attempting to mediate your disputes has materially harmed our personal and professional lives and our mental health. happyelf and I will no longer stand for this behavior.

You are welcome to create whatever sort of space you like — outside of my forum. Feel free to name your own mods and conduct your own power and ideological struggles as you like — outside of my forum. Your values are not compatible with ours. I realized this some time ago and I regret not taking action sooner, because people, both in or formerly part of lf and outside, have been hurt by this toxic posting culture.

Once again: You have two weeks to find a new home. My offer of free forum hosting for the "LF community" has been withdrawn, and I no longer wish to be associated with it. Goodbye.
don't let them in
please don't let them in
actually this place could use some new blood & drama
if they came in dribs and drabs sure but we can't handle three hundred refugees at once
trying to create a posting environment free of concern trolls and assholes is the reason that place was such a shit hole, you gotta have a release valve of strife instead of a creepy echo chamber that accumulates drama until bursting
happyelf and I will no longer stand for this behavior.