friggin interagency rivalries i swear to god

Groulxsmith posted:
a bunch of westerners on a quasi-comedy forum discussing correct methods of revolution for people so foreign to them that they might well be from another planet is a bit absurd, but less so than people who have a career of writing papers defending or attacking patently false concepts like democratic peace theory or creating econometric models to predict behavior

time to come clean, I only read rhizzone to print out the best posts so me and the other execs can have a good laugh before we do rails of coke and murder an immigrant child on our shrine to baphomet & baal


babyfinland posted:

gyrofry posted:
ok i must know -- who are the armchair revolutionaries against whom you're constantly passively sniping goldsmythe

there are at least three maoist super secret agents who post on this forum and whose cover i have blown by expertly trolling them. you think this is a game? you think this is a M**********ing gaaaaaaame???

Please out them O Cia wonder man

i want to try rereading discipline and punish now that i'm no longer a retarded snotnosed college kid and am instead a slow-witted and grim midtwenties boor.
ive always found foucault rly readable i dunno why hes treated as some paragon of gallic incomprehensibility
he lays out truths too Real for most liberals to digest hence he's merely obscurantist eurotrash

aerdil posted:
he lays out truths too Real for most liberals to digest hence he's merely obscurantist eurotrash

such as the fallacy in traditional marxist privileging of class struggle?

[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

aerdil posted:
he lays out truths too Real for most liberals to digest hence he's merely obscurantist eurotrash

such as the fallacy in traditional marxist privileging of class struggle?

sounds liek a valid h2 to me


tpaine posted:

i musta listened to that like 7 times today. theres something so satisfying about him describing how he feels about the sausage and its taste "your products are very delicious, loved your sausage for 30 years"

consumer geekaroid
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i really like the end where he's obviously making his family stand around him (prolly in the kitchen) while he yells at a voicemail
[account deactivated]
just finished The Setting Sun. i loved it. i enjoyed it much more than No Longer Human
maple and sage
dont forget the tbone steak they have every breakfast too

gyrofry posted:
maple and sage

wtf bro im not in the minority

zizek's new book on hegel is over a thousand pages lol
is it out
no but the amazon page has the look inside feature enabled now so u can look at the table of contents + some random pages
why am i finding the enigma of capital so impenetrable
also leftists lost the debate on whether the 2008 food price spike was due to speculation or not iirc c/d tia ymmv rtfm wwjd

aerdil posted:
no but the amazon page has the look inside feature enabled now so u can look at the table of contents + some random pages


littlegreenpills posted:
why am i finding the enigma of capital so impenetrable

on the assumption taht this post does not represent a joke; is it your first substantial encounter with harvey? it seemed pretty straightforward to me but then i watched all the youtubes he did on volume 1

jesus is that a first draft
god i love zizek. he is a troll personified in every respect
speaking of jokes, i picked up "jokes and their relation to the unconscious" by freud at half price books because i vaguely remembered critchley having praise for it as especially unique and interesting among freuds body of work, although i cant recall his specific reasons for that. heres a joke, chosen at random, from flipping through the book:

"How are you getting along?" the blind man asked the lame man. "As you see," the lame man replied to the blind man.

mistersix posted:
speaking of jokes, i picked up "jokes and their relation to the unconscious" by freud at half price books because i vaguely remembered critchley having praise for it as especially unique and interesting among freuds body of work, although i cant recall his specific reasons for that. heres a joke, chosen at random, from flipping through the book:

"How are you getting along?" the blind man asked the lame man. "As you see," the lame man replied to the blind man.

That dude sounds fuckin lame

i think zizek was like fuck it i put in my time with this politics bullshit, time to do my hegel shit before i die.
[account deactivated]
discipline told me to repost here so here i am.

i literally dont know a thing about marxism or postmodernism or anything, really. is there anything salvageable to be found in postcolonialist theory? fanon and spivak and all the rest of it. its been something ive been thinking about researching but thats about as far as ive gotten so far

really im just trying to up my marxist analysis. im still working on capital alongside harvey's lectures, a project which im about 60 pages and 45 minute sinto after a whole month.

also i just read settlers so im really interested in stuff that analyzes white working class folks and their relationship with revolution and power, and what it would mean to do meaningful organizing inside white american communities
dipesh chakrabarty's provincializing europe is awesome and contemporary postcolonial Theoryism

fanon is pretty stupid

babyfinland posted:
fanon is pretty stupid



rakauq posted:

babyfinland posted:
fanon is pretty stupid


hes really sloppy and lazy theoretically and pertty much just makes stuff up. he was a psychiatrist so i guess thats what hes trained to do but it makes for pretty pisspoor theory. he was like a shock artist basically. woogie boogie white man the niggers gonna getcha!!

that said hes obviously really important and deserves to be read i guess. i dont think theres anything in his work that hasnt pretty much permeated into the general "radical" zeitgeist, and a lot of left and most postcolonial theory is a resposne to fanon to some extent. he's one of those really-wrong-but-canon guys, like freud or whatever.

http://planetgrenada.blogspot.com/p/islam-elephant-in-fanons-wretched-of.html this is one of my favorite take-downs of fanon as a partisan commie hack
full disclosure, I am the CIA.
i always thought sartre's preface to wretched of the earf was a little breathless. like, oh man finally white people gonna pay.