to be fair, obama has done more to hurt the liberal cause than anyone else besides carter ahaha

...and if that isn't enough reason to vote him into a second term, then i don't know what is

Obama 2012
btw a few days ago i was talking to a friend on campus and she had a classmate with her, this cute black girl, and the latter recognized me from the gandhi class i took last semester. then she started raving about how awesome the essay i read in class was, tearing that emaciated bald pedophile down. i'm one step closer to my dream of being a creepy marxist leader of a local leftist splinter group who forces my earnest and attractive followers to sell newspapers to support my hedonist but aesthetically pure lifestyle.
how is obama hurting the liberal cause
congratulations babyfinland, you are my 100th downvote. huzzahs all around

gyrofry posted:
how is obama hurting the liberal cause

too uppity


aerdil posted:
btw a few days ago i was talking to a friend on campus and she had a classmate with her, this cute black girl, and the latter recognized me from the gandhi class i took last semester. then she started raving about how awesome the essay i read in class was, tearing that emaciated bald pedophile down. i'm one step closer to my dream of being a creepy marxist leader of a local leftist splinter group who forces my earnest and attractive followers to sell newspapers to support my hedonist but aesthetically pure lifestyle.

did you really go up in front of the class and call ghandi an emaciated bald pedophile? that's great man, congratulations


thirdplace posted:
the other week in a conversation with my roommates i offhandedly mentioned that "obviously we're living in an objectively evil empire." they were shocked and i was kind of confused until i remembered oh yeah my political beliefs are basically insane

they were confused, they were thinking "how can anyone be cool enough to live inside of that bomb-ass ratm album? certainly we aren't"


stegosaurus posted:
they were confused, they were thinking "how can anyone be cool enough to live inside of that bomb-ass ratm album? certainly we aren't"

ha that was one of the first cds i ever owned and at the time i was the spittin' image of the kid on the cover

same. I didnt own it because it would have been contraband in my house but I definitely spent long hours playing halo on a ten inch tv at my friends while we jammed out to those sick riffs.

I looked like my avatar and I still do.
quit it now
brb movement, checking out this dope ass billboard
[account deactivated]
I'm not sure I like the attitude you're showing here tpaine.

aerdil posted:
yeah obviously babyfinland, but there's a distinct difference between formal democracy and substantive democracy, and i only criticized the former; something i've tried to explain before but obviously didn't stick. you're really flailing over yourself to attack me when you conflate "hey this is the impression my lib roommate has of my political views" with "here's my political views"

have mercy ...

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Fuck you Jack.
[account deactivated]

aerdil posted:
btw a few days ago i was talking to a friend on campus and she had a classmate with her, this cute black girl, and the latter recognized me from the gandhi class i took last semester. then she started raving about how awesome the essay i read in class was, tearing that emaciated bald pedophile down. i'm one step closer to my dream of being a creepy marxist leader of a local leftist splinter group who forces my earnest and attractive followers to sell newspapers to support my hedonist but aesthetically pure lifestyle.

if it's anything like this post wellll then

MY life for the NEH. No nonononononono
"i'm one step closer to my dream of being a creepy marxist leader of a local leftist splinter group who forces my earnest and attractive followers to sell newspapers to support my hedonist but aesthetically pure lifestyle"
--Josef V. Stalin

aerdil posted:
congratulations babyfinland, you are my 100th downvote. huzzahs all around

Tom loves Gandhi and will defend his bullshit ideology to the death even in the face of fact ,reality, etc...

is that rite

communists are really stupid about ghandi, i will grant that
waah waah gandhi my racist dweebo
gandhi wanted a spinning wheel in every hut. tom wants a sickening meal in every gut
[account deactivated]
dogmatic non-violence is the dumbest shit ever and even if gandhi's version was more nuanced he's still substantially to blame for its position as the paradigm of What Elites Insist Resistance To Their Rule Should Look Like

deadken posted:
dogmatic non-violence is the dumbest shit ever and even if gandhi's version was more nuanced he's still substantially to blame for its position as the paradigm of What Elites Insist Resistance To Their Rule Should Look Like

does non-cooperation at least outrank complete inaction on the scale of correctness of revolutionary activities
ok i must know -- who are the armchair revolutionaries against whom you're constantly passively sniping goldsmythe
really nobody here, but at the same time our collective difference-making fantasies, myself included
though at the same time, as hard as it is to really believe this, more relevant and honest questions and responses are generated here than in the related fields of academia
a bunch of westerners on a quasi-comedy forum discussing correct methods of revolution for people so foreign to them that they might well be from another planet is a bit absurd, but less so than people who have a career of writing papers defending or attacking patently false concepts like democratic peace theory or creating econometric models to predict behavior
i'm jsut too hard for gandhi mayne

gyrofry posted:
ok i must know -- who are the armchair revolutionaries against whom you're constantly passively sniping goldsmythe

there are at least three maoist super secret agents who post on this forum and whose cover i have blown by expertly trolling them. you think this is a game? you think this is a M**********ing gaaaaaaame???

quit stepping on my information gathering bitch

gyrofry posted:
quit stepping on my information gathering bitch

nice uniform copper, what are you gonna do, scare the commies into giving themselves in? lol.