hi maggotmaster, i hope you are well.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
he posts here a whole bunch, under the name 'cycloneboy'
lol, he's still talking about accelerationism n shit
a lot of old lf people still talk in fyad memes from 2005 about poorly thought out anarchostalinism or whatever they're into now
what's infrateal up to these days

Groulxsmith posted:
a lot of old lf people still talk in fyad memes from 2005 about poorly thought out anarchostalinism or whatever they're into now

anarchostalinism is kind of an oxymoron bro


littlegreenpills posted:
what's infrateal up to these days

his mind fused with the neural network of the minecraft servers, he will be trapped, rearranging virtual cubes, for an infinity of time. finally he is happy

did he really play minecraft?
John Christy waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were liberals in the forum. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Germen Jeay were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
a Lot
John Dark’ness Dementia Raven Christy
infrateal is from the south and iirc he's still really pale..... but i would Def go drinking with him and talk about, like, virtuality or w/e

Groulxsmith posted:
a lot of old lf people still talk in fyad memes from 2005 about poorly thought out anarchostalinism or whatever they're into now

i still talk about demoniusx as much as possible irl and otherwisd]e


AmericanNazbro posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
a lot of old lf people still talk in fyad memes from 2005 about poorly thought out anarchostalinism or whatever they're into now

anarchostalinism is kind of an oxymoron bro

Lf alnumni being morons, no kidding? But a lot of those children have to synthesize their poorly understood political identity with the fact that there are cute anarchist girls out there to impress. I will Literally Do A Misandry On capital for you...much Like my Posting :3

one of these days, when my judgement is especially poor, im going to write up something connecting the popularity of minecraft survival mode to heideggers writings on dwelling
goldenliontamarin was in some kind of group webcam chat with my cousin last night. f*ckin weird shit.

Groulxsmith posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
a lot of old lf people still talk in fyad memes from 2005 about poorly thought out anarchostalinism or whatever they're into now

anarchostalinism is kind of an oxymoron bro

Lf alnumni being morons, no kidding? But a lot of those children have to synthesize their poorly understood political identity with the fact that there are cute anarchist girls out there to impress. I will Literally Do A Misandry On capital for you...much Like my Posting :3

you and IWC have an exceptionally weird and pathetic imaginary ideology transcribed to the LF Hivemind (which is weird enough to even presuppose as a real thing)

nah, iwc and the goldstein are some of our greatest posters.
agreed re: iwc but goldstein seems to post nothing but the mordant farts of a walking cubicle corpse or something
haha im a walking cubicle corpse and im really nothin like goatsmith
i'm a mordant fart
i actually don't think there's much groupthink here, most of the regular posters have a pretty decent idea of what they're talking about. there aren't really any dumb or empty trends being constantly repeated

the only exception might be general issues of angst and ennui but that's not a rhizzone thing so much as it is general to many young, educated, well-off urban men. most people in that situation go through a romanticized hedonistic stage, it's just no more ultimately remarkable than the reactionary stage that may follow
i aint gon be a reactionary bruh unless its for aesthetic reasons
well, there's nothing aesthetic about my reactionaryism

i want to have a yard and kids (and hope they turn out normal) and spend away my time watching sports and hope the world isn't too horrible by then so i can try to enjoy it
i like that widely-disparaged john major quote on the past and future of britain, though i personally don't really care for anything in british culture and it's patently absurd coming from someone in his position

Groulxsmith posted:
well, there's nothing aesthetic about my reactionaryism

i want to have a yard and kids (and hope they turn out normal) and spend away my time watching sports and hope the world isn't too horrible by then so i can try to enjoy it

lol and you criticise people for Insufficient Dedication To The Revolutionary Cause

doing coke with frat boys is a revolutionary act. im serious as shit
we did 170 bux worth last nite between 4 of us it was pretty effed up

deadken posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
well, there's nothing aesthetic about my reactionaryism

i want to have a yard and kids (and hope they turn out normal) and spend away my time watching sports and hope the world isn't too horrible by then so i can try to enjoy it

lol and you criticise people for Insufficient Dedication To The Revolutionary Cause

The difference is i wouldn't try to rationalize my cretinous first world habits through philosophization


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
we did 170 bux worth last nite between 4 of us it was pretty effed up

You overpaid

agreed the dude only had 20s 3/50 but the other dude was gonna take like 2 hours
Coke dealers are amongst the most unreliable people in the world

Groulxsmith posted:

deadken posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
well, there's nothing aesthetic about my reactionaryism

i want to have a yard and kids (and hope they turn out normal) and spend away my time watching sports and hope the world isn't too horrible by then so i can try to enjoy it

lol and you criticise people for Insufficient Dedication To The Revolutionary Cause

The difference is i wouldn't try to rationalize my cretinous first world habits through philosophization

how does that make any difference. at least my cretinous first world habits are mildly interesting

i agree, but only in the parallel world where namedropping badiou is like owning a pussy magnet

Groulxsmith posted:
i agree, but only in the parallel world where namedropping badiou is like owning a pussy magnet

we cant all be aerdil here, i have to get by with nothing but my good looks, strength of personality, and personable manner


Groulxsmith posted:
well, there's nothing aesthetic about my reactionaryism

o i already knew that dog hahahhaa


deadken posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
i agree, but only in the parallel world where namedropping badiou is like owning a pussy magnet

we cant all be aerdil here, i have to get by with nothing but my good looks, strength of personality, and personable manner

i have it on some goodass authority that the tearist girl is into baudrillard & debord. aesthetics fist bump


AmericanNazbro posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
a lot of old lf people still talk in fyad memes from 2005 about poorly thought out anarchostalinism or whatever they're into now

anarchostalinism is kind of an oxymoron bro

anarchism in one country