[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i started reading a visit from the goon squad. i read the description of the kleptomaniac main character filching someone's wallet from their unattended handbag, and the victim is totally anonymous, signified only by a loud and insulting trickling of urine from the locked bathroom stall - doesn't she realize the main character is DYING for a goddamn pee! - and this is all being recounted to her therapist who asks her annoying questions about "how she feels". and I thought yeah this is gonna be good. then it started sucking after twenty pages and i put i down. c'est la vie
poetry is cool y'all

deadken posted:
mm is still going on about impper on his tumblr, its adorable

he is? where i could not find it ahe

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:
oh yeah also on the bus was a black dude on a wheelchair who was shouting the whole time about how much he got laid before he lost his legs and how the military was evil and singing and being generally raucous.... and then another guy in a wheelchair got on the bus and he shut up lol

i've met a ton of military bros who really hate the military and its always th e homesless guys heh


deadken posted:
i used to do a lot of rageposting with mm and it coincided with a period in my life when i broke up with my girlfriend and was miserable and sexless for like a long-ass time...... makes u think

i loved mms ragepostin

ken come to chicago my friend wants to get into fights n shit so im thinking he cn just fight you

deadken posted:
some Things happened last night and im not sure if they were good or bad but im not going to post about them in any more detail than i am currently. i reread walter benjamin's the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction on the bus to echo park and its prescient as Fuck

do you have it in illuminations, im rereading the stuff on kafka in that atm

i told him youre coming to fight and he's pissed/pumped so i hope youre ready bro

deadken posted:
in my class the professor kept going on about how the poetics had been misinterpreted as a set of rules for poets and i read it and its exactly that, a set of rules, fuck aristotle

keep in mind the translator is necessarily interpreting... im nearing the end of "what is called thinkign" and heidegger has spent like 4 lectures on a very close reading of a single sentence of parmenides demonstrating why he thinks the usual translation is woefully inadequate

lol if you cant read greek latin and sanskrit and you come on here acting like you nkow anything about anything
i have some latin because i went to a private school in the uk lol
i struggle even with just greek characters; some of the heidegger texts i have transliterate the greek but this one just straight up prints it so its a learning experience. 200 pages in i finally mostly can mentally transliterate them

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

i nkow the parental complex is on the verge of destruction, and thats the only thing i need to know, mate

lol if you know anything

deadken posted:
in my class the professor kept going on about how the poetics had been misinterpreted as a set of rules for poets and i read it and its exactly that, a set of rules, fuck aristotle

thats what aristotle always does, he just describes how people do things in a systematic way. like aristotelian logic isnt an invention of aristotle's except in the sense that a scientist "invents" his own observations.

my favorite book is the recognitions by william gaddis
i was the top latin student in my college class. but now i probly dont know any of it

babyfinland posted:
my favorite book is the recognitions by william gaddis

jr owns too


gyrofry posted:

babyfinland posted:
my favorite book is the recognitions by william gaddis

jr owns too

all of gaddis owns really, recognitions is just a special book for me


discipline posted:

sotten posted:
so yeah crashing the party cz i really need validation: the dude in this video sounds like maggot master? Doesn't he?????????

ehhhhhhhh I dunno... maybe? but no lisp, no accent, no intensity of passion and drama

yeah, i was thinking like mm but all grown up

my dissertation shall be called Fucked Up But True: Aristotle through Lacan
i made a point of reading the work of art in the age of its mechanical reproducibility before every class and none of my professors took any notice. thats why i left the university of pittburgh
u might have wanted to mention u read it. btw let's hang out bro and get shitty
sweet, john christy irl
john christy is p damn cool irl

- from the mouth of jon christy
well i'm job hunting and don't know anyone in this city, so all i gots' free time. see you at the club
chicago posting krew bbq
alrite haha. i go to the gym a lot in the week and 'party on the weekends' like a real slave. but its rlly cool. alleys & tagging & sometimes kool shit like fighting or destruction. and uh things. i'd say i'll tell u when my job is hiring which will b soon but i honestly dont rlly wana work with sum goony mf'er
well everyday is a party but let me kno when the weekend rolls up
ok. are you in logan square/wicker or wherever. usually we drink in uptown and then go to logan or wicker after... unless we meeting some people
Chicago sucks the only good thing to ever happen there was the cop car pile up at the end of blues brothers and that was just fictional anyway
chicago is p cool bro, its much better than australia
um we produced steve irwin you produced barack obama

im pretty sure obama is from indonesia or some shit

Impper posted:
chicago is p cool bro, its much better than australia

so is that island of garbage in the middle of the north pacific but you dont see me parading around its values

i live in pilsen but i'm accustomed to riding some trains whenever i leave my house